google bilingual search view en/zh

[snolab] Mulango - Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search result in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,

// ==UserScript==
// @name               google bilingual search view en/zh
// @name:zh            谷歌中英双语搜索
// @namespace          [email protected]
// @author             [email protected]
// @version            1.0.1
// @description        [snolab] Mulango - Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search result in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,
// @description:zh     [snolab] Mulango - 双语学习者的学步车,以并列多语言视角浏览谷歌搜索结果 现支持 Bing & Google,
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://*/search*
// @grant              none
// @run-at             document-start
// @license            GPL-3.0+
// @supportURL
// @contributionURL
// @grant   GM_getValue
// @grant   GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==

(async function main() {
    if (!location.hostname.match(/google|bing/)) return;
    if (parent !== window) return iframeSetup();
    const searchLinks = await mulangoSearchLinksFetch();
    searchLinks.length && mulangoPageReplace(searchLinks);

function mulangoPageReplace(searchLinks) {
    const iframes = => `<iframe src="${src}"></iframe>`);
    const style = `<style>
        body{margin: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: row; }
        iframe{flex: auto; height: 100vh; overflow: hidden;border: none; }
    document.body.innerHTML = `${style}${iframes}`;

function iframeHeightReceiverSetup() {
    const setHeight = (height = 0) =>
        height &&
            (e) =>
                ( =
                        Number(String(\D+/g, "") || 0),
                    ) + "px")
    window.addEventListener("message", (e) => setHeight(, false);
function iframeSetup() {
    const sendHeight = () =>
        parent.postMessage?.({ height: document.body.scrollHeight }, "*");
    window.addEventListener("load", iframeLinksSetup, false);
    window.addEventListener("load", sendHeight, false);
    window.addEventListener("resize", sendHeight, false);

function iframeLinksSetup() {
    return [...document.querySelectorAll("a[href]")]
        .filter(({ href }) => new URL(href).origin === location.origin)
        .map((e) => ( = "_parent"));

function iframeScrollbarRemove() { = "-18px auto 0";

async function mulangoSearchLinksFetch() {
    const url = new URL(location.href);
    const query = url.searchParams.get("q") || "";
    if (!query) return [];
    const result = await bilangTranslate(query);
    const searchLinks = => {
        const u2 = new URL(url.href);
        u2.searchParams.set("q", t);
        return u2.href;
    return searchLinks;
async function bilangTranslate(s) {
    const translate = (
        await import(
    ).setCORS("", {
        encode: true,
    return [
        await translate(s, { to: "zh" })
            .then((e) => e.text)
        await translate(s, { to: "en" })
            .then((e) => e.text)
    ].filter((e) => e);