Improved Krunker.IO Hack Suite

Enhanced hack suite for

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  • v4.1.0 2025-01-01

    Key Improvements:
    1. Modularized Logic: Features are now clearly divided and easy to toggle via the GUI.
    2. Dynamic GUI: Buttons are automatically created for each hack in the config object.
    3. Error Handling: The game loop now includes error handling to prevent crashes.
    4. Scalability: It’s easier to add new features or improve existing ones.

  • v4.0.0 2024-12-19
  • v2.0.0 2024-12-18

    1. Keybindings: Added shortcuts (F1 for Aimbot, F2 for ESP, F3 for Recoil Control).
    2. Dynamic ESP Canvas: Resizes automatically when the game window is resized.
    3. Enhanced ESP Visuals: Displays customizable circles for players instead of lines.
    4. Modularized Code: Reusable functions for toggles, canvas, and ESP logic.
    5. Performance Optimizations: Reduced redundant operations in the game loop.
    6. Configurable Features: Added customizable ESP colors and adjustable keybindings.
    7. GUI Enhancements: Simplified and better-organized GUI creation.
    8. Bug Fixes: Resolved potential null references and DOM manipulation issues.

  • v1.4.0 2024-12-13
  • v1.3.0 2024-12-13

    1. GUI Button Added
    • What changed: A floating button labeled “Hacks” was added to the screen.
    • Functionality: When clicked, it opens a small GUI that lets you toggle the aimbot, ESP, and choose between different aimbot modes.
    • Purpose: Makes it more user-friendly and provides in-game control of features without needing to use keyboard shortcuts.

    3. Event Listeners for GUI
    • What changed: Event listeners were added to handle user interactions with the GUI.
    • Functionality: The GUI allows for real-time toggling of the aimbot, ESP, and aimbot mode by interacting with checkboxes and a dropdown menu.

    4. Added Error Handling and Game Flow Checks
    • What changed: The code now checks more carefully for errors and conditions, making sure the game state is valid before performing actions like aimbotting or rendering ESP.
    • Purpose: Ensures smoother gameplay without breaking the script if something goes wrong, improving the reliability of features.

    5. Improvements in Team-based Filtering
    • What changed: The script now performs more consistent checks for team members before executing the aimbot logic.
    • Purpose: Avoids targeting teammates to reduce suspicion and make gameplay seem more legitimate.

    6. Cleaned Up and Optimized Code
    • What changed: The logic in various parts of the code has been optimized and made cleaner.
    • Purpose: To make the script more maintainable and easier to modify, improving performance and readability.

    For example, handling players and the game scene is now more robust with proper error catching and fallback mechanisms.

  • v1.1.0 2024-12-05

    Key Fixes and Enhancements

    1. Safe Scene Injection:
    • Replaced the risky override of Object.prototype.add with a safer approach using originalAdd.
    2. toScreenPosition Implementation:
    • Properly converts 3D positions to 2D screen coordinates using THREE.Vector3.project.
    3. Smoother Aimbot Logic:
    • Improved soft and assist modes using THREE.MathUtils.lerp for smoother aiming adjustments.
    4. Key Bindings Completion:
    • Fixed toggling logic for aimbotEnabled, espEnabled, and other settings.
    5. Canvas Handling:
    • Ensures the ESP canvas is created if missing and cleared every frame to prevent visual artifacts.

  • v1.0.1 2024-12-05

    Fixes and Improvements:

    1. Replace Scene Hook:
    Use Object.defineProperty to monitor scene injection instead of overriding Array.prototype.push.
    2. Improve Rotation Logic:
    Ensure a smooth and precise rotation adjustment using quaternions, which are less prone to gimbal lock.
    3. Teammate Safety:
    Add null-checks and a fallback for team and playerTeam.
    4. ESP Implementation:
    Render ESP lines using Canvas2D for clarity and ensure compatibility across browsers.
    5. Keybinding Enhancements:
    Ensure keybindings don’t activate while interacting with input fields.

  • v1.0.0 2024-12-05