Ultimate Night Mode

Change websites to pure black background with customization options

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v0.13 2024-09-07
  • v0.12 2024-09-07
  • v0.11 2024-09-07
  • v0.10 2024-09-06
  • v0.09 2024-09-06
  • v0.08 2024-09-06
  • v0.07 2024-09-06
  • v0.06 2024-09-06
  • v0.05 2024-09-06
  • v0.04 2024-09-06
  • v0.03 2024-09-06

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name Pure Black Background Enhanced
    // @namespace (link unavailable)
    // @version 0.03
    // @description Change websites to pure black background with customization options
    // @match *://*/*
    // @grant GM_getValue
    // @grant GM_setValue
    // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
    // @run-at document-start
    // ==/UserScript==

    (function() {
    'use strict';

    // Load settings
    const cfg = {
    bgColor: GM_getValue("bgColor", "#000000"),
    textColor: GM_getValue("textColor", "#8cffb5"),
    linkColor: GM_getValue("linkColor", "#ff66ff"),
    imgBrightness: GM_getValue("imgBrightness", 0.8),
    imgContrast: GM_getValue("imgContrast", 1.2)

    // CSS styles
    const css = `
    html, body {
    background-color: ${cfg.bgColor} !important;
    color: ${cfg.textColor} !important;
    * {
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important;
    border-color: #444444 !important;
    a {
    color: ${cfg.linkColor} !important;
    img {
    filter: brightness(${cfg.imgBrightness}) contrast(${cfg.imgContrast});
    video, .html5-video-container video {
    filter: none !important;

    // Apply styles
    const style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';

    // Mutation observer to handle dynamic content
    const observer = new MutationObserver(function() {
    document.documentElement.style.backgroundColor = cfg.bgColor;
    document.body.style.backgroundColor = cfg.bgColor;
    observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });

    // Menu commands for customization
    if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand !== "undefined") {
    GM_registerMenuCommand("Customize Background Color", () => {
    const color = prompt("Enter background color:", cfg.bgColor);
    if (color) {
    GM_setValue("bgColor", color);
    GM_registerMenuCommand("Customize Text Color", () => {
    const color = prompt("Enter text color:", cfg.textColor);
    if (color) {
    GM_setValue("textColor", color);
    GM_registerMenuCommand("Customize Link Color", () => {
    const color = prompt("Enter link color:", cfg.linkColor);
    if (color) {
    GM_setValue("linkColor", color);
    GM_registerMenuCommand("Customize Image Brightness", () => {
    const brightness = prompt("Enter image brightness (0-1):", cfg.imgBrightness);
    if (brightness) {
    GM_setValue("imgBrightness", parseFloat(brightness));
    GM_registerMenuCommand("Customize Image Contrast", () => {
    const contrast = prompt("Enter image contrast (1-2):", cfg.imgContrast);
    if (contrast) {
    GM_setValue("imgContrast", parseFloat(contrast));

  • v0.02 2024-08-30
  • v0.01 2024-08-30