根据 AIAA DOI 链接添加 PDF 下载按钮

// ==UserScript==
// @name                  AIAA PDF Download Button
// @name:zh-CN            AIAA PDF 下载按钮
// @namespace   
// @version               0.3
// @description           Add PDF download button based on AIAA DOI link
// @description:zh-cn     根据 AIAA DOI 链接添加 PDF 下载按钮
// @author                wakewon
// @match       *
// @include               *://arc-aiaa-org-s.*
// @grant                 none
// @license               MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Find the DOI link
    var doiLink = document.querySelector('.epub-section__doi__text');
    if (doiLink) {
        var doiURL = doiLink.getAttribute('href');
        var doi = doiURL.match(/https:\/\/\/(.*)/)[1];

        // Find the "Read Now" button
        var readNowButton = document.querySelector('a[aria-label=" Read Now"]');
        if (readNowButton) {
            // Create a new "Download Now" button next to the "Read Now" button
            var downloadNowButton = document.createElement('a');
            downloadNowButton.href = '/doi/pdf/' + doi + '?download=true';
            downloadNowButton.innerText = ' Download';
            downloadNowButton.className = 'ctrl--primary ctrl';

            // Add icon to the "Download Now" button
            var icon = document.createElement('i');
            icon.className = 'icon-download';
            downloadNowButton.insertBefore(icon, downloadNowButton.firstChild);

            // Insert the "Download Now" button after the "Read Now" button
            readNowButton.parentNode.insertBefore(downloadNowButton, readNowButton.nextSibling);