// ==UserScript==
// @name AutoBSC
// @namespace https://catme0w.org
// @homepageURL https://github.com/CatMe0w/AutoBSC
// @supportURL https://github.com/CatMe0w/AutoBSC/issues
// @license MIT
// @version 0.1.1
// @description Auto completes Brawl Stars Championship live stream events
// @author catme0w
// @match https://event.supercell.com/brawlstars/*
// @icon https://event.supercell.com/favicon.ico
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// ==================== Begin AutoBSC Configuration ====================
// Set to false to disable
// Set to true to enable
// Auto send cheer, +5 points
const cheerEnabled = true;
// Auto send poll (choosing MVP), always choose the first option, +100 points
const pollEnabled = true;
// Auto send quiz, always choose the first option, +10 points
const quizEnabled = true;
// Auto send match prediction, always choose the the first option, +10 points
// Note: It's recommended to submit your own prediction before matches start. If the semifinals or grand finals don't follow your previous predictions, you will have chance to submit a new prediction and you can let AutoBSC to do it for you.
const matchPredictionEnabled = true;
// ===================== End AutoBSC Configuration =====================
// The rest of the code is not recommended to modify unless you know what you are doing
(function () {
"use strict";
let loaded = false;
let lastCheerId = "";
let lastPollId = "";
let lastQuizId = "";
let lastMatchPredictionId = "";
const OriginalWebSocket = window.WebSocket;
class PatchedWebSocket extends OriginalWebSocket {
constructor(...args) {
const originalGet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(OriginalWebSocket.prototype, "onmessage").get;
const originalSet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(OriginalWebSocket.prototype, "onmessage").set;
Object.defineProperty(this, "onmessage", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get() {
return originalGet.call(this);
set(newOnMessage) {
const onMessage = (event) => {
parse(event.data, this);
originalSet.call(this, onMessage);
const originalSend = this.send;
this.send = function (data) {
const parsed = JSON.parse(data);
const typeId = parsed.payload.typeId;
if (typeId === lastPollId || typeId === lastQuizId || typeId === lastMatchPredictionId) {
console.log("[AutoBSC] Ignoring message:", data);
console.log("[AutoBSC] Sending message:", data);
originalSend.call(this, data);
window.WebSocket = PatchedWebSocket;
function parse(data, ws) {
console.log("[AutoBSC] Received message:", data);
const events = JSON.parse(data);
const event = events[0];
const messageType = event.messageType;
if (messageType === "global_state" && !loaded) {
if (messageType === "cheer" && cheerEnabled) {
if (event.payload.typeId !== lastCheerId) {
console.log("[AutoBSC] Sending cheer");
setTimeout(() => {
ws.send('{"messageType":"cheer","payload":{"contestantSide":"red","cheers":{"5":1}},"timestamp":' + Date.now() + "}");
lastCheerId = event.payload.typeId;
}, 3500);
setTimeout(() => {
ws.send('{"messageType":"cheer","payload":{"contestantSide":"blue","cheers":{"5":1}},"timestamp":' + Date.now() + "}");
lastCheerId = event.payload.typeId;
}, 4500);
if (messageType === "poll" && pollEnabled) {
if (event.payload.typeId !== lastPollId) {
console.log("[AutoBSC] Sending poll");
setTimeout(() => {
ws.send('{"messageType":"poll","payload":{"typeId":"' + event.payload.typeId + '","alternative":0},"timestamp":' + Date.now() + "}");
lastPollId = event.payload.typeId;
}, 3500);
if (messageType === "quiz" && quizEnabled) {
if (event.payload.typeId !== lastQuizId) {
console.log("[AutoBSC] Sending quiz");
setTimeout(() => {
ws.send('{"messageType":"quiz","payload":{"typeId":"' + event.payload.typeId + '","alternative":0},"timestamp":' + Date.now() + "}");
lastQuizId = event.payload.typeId;
}, 3500);
if (messageType === "match_prediction" && matchPredictionEnabled) {
if (event.payload.typeId !== lastMatchPredictionId) {
console.log("[AutoBSC] Sending match prediction");
setTimeout(() => {
'{"messageType":"match_prediction","payload":{"typeId":"' + event.payload.typeId + '","contestantSide":"red"},"timestamp":' + Date.now() + "}"
lastMatchPredictionId = event.payload.typeId;
}, 3500);
function setupLoadedMessage() {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
const div = document.getElementsByClassName("Feed__content")[0];
if (div) {
div.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", loadedMessageHtml);
}, 500);
function setupAutoReconnect() {
const reconnectButtonContainer = document.querySelector("#__layout > div > div:nth-child(5)");
const reconnectButton = document.querySelector(
"#__layout > div > div:nth-child(5) > div > div > div > div.baseModal__scroll > div > div > button > div.RectangleButton.RectangleButton--cta > div > div"
setInterval(() => {
if (reconnectButtonContainer.style.display !== "none") {
console.log("[AutoBSC] Reconnecting");
}, 1000);
function setupAutoBsc() {
loaded = true;
console.log("[AutoBSC] AutoBSC loaded");
const loadedMessageHtml = `<div data-v-de33a6f6="" data-v-48743964="">
class="Container Container--extraTopMargin"
style="translate: none; rotate: none; scale: none; transform: translate(0px, 0px)"
<div data-v-7b4ba43f="" data-v-9ed8f490="" class="BaseCard BaseCard--rmedium">
class="ContentCard ContentCard--disabled ContentCard--inactive ContentCard--isFullWidth ContentCard--isCelebration"
<div data-v-9ed8f490="" data-v-7b4ba43f="" class="ContentCard__celebration">
<div data-v-9ed8f490="" data-v-7b4ba43f="" class="ContentCard__celebration__background"></div>
<div data-v-9ed8f490="" data-v-7b4ba43f="" class="ContentCard__celebration__bottomContainer"></div>
<div data-v-de33a6f6="" data-v-7b4ba43f="" class="RewardCard">
<div data-v-de33a6f6="" class="RewardCard__rewardContainer" data-v-7b4ba43f="">
<div data-v-de33a6f6="" class="RewardCard__reward" style="translate: none; rotate: none; scale: none; transform: translate(0px, 0px)">
<picture data-v-3740ac92="" data-v-de33a6f6="" class="cms-image cms-image--fullWidth cms-image--loaded cms-image--fullWidth"
class="cms-image cms-image--fullWidth cms-image--loaded cms-image--fullWidth"
<div data-v-de33a6f6="" class="RewardCard__infoContainer">
<div data-v-de33a6f6="" class="RewardCard__textContainer" style="opacity: 1">
<div data-v-de33a6f6="" class="RewardCard__textContainer__title">AutoBSC loaded</div>
<div data-v-de33a6f6="" class="RewardCard__textContainer__subTitle">made by catme0w</div>