// ==UserScript==
// @name flowr.fun - un-grey custom petals
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2024-03-03
// @description it looks better this way. >:(
// @author Ly
// @license MIT
// @match https://flowr.fun/
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=flowr.fun
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
PetalContainer = class PetalContainer {
constructor(petals, {x,y,w,h,originalX,originalY,radius,toOscillate,isDragging,lastSlot,toRenderText,petalStats,customBiome}, id, amount, attempt){
this.petals = petals;
this.petalStats = petalStats;
for(let i = 0; i < this.petals.length; i++){
this.petals[i].insidePetalContainer = true;
this.rarity = (this.petals[0] ?? {rarity: 0}).rarity;
this.type = (this.petals[0] ?? {type: 'Basic'}).type;
if(this.type === "Custom" || this.type === "CustomProjectile"){
this.type = this.petals[0].customType;
this.randomAngle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.radius = radius;
this.render = {x: originalX ?? this.x, y: originalY ?? this.y, w: this.w/*w should be the same as height, idk why i wrote it this way*/};
this.amount = amount;// when dragged and dropped, amount will be 1. Amount 1 (x1) doesn't render the x[number] (x2, x3, etc.) in the corner but the same class does if amount != 1;
this.attempt = attempt;
this.id = id;
this.spawnAnimation = 0;
this.lastAmountChangedTime = -1000;
this.collectTime = null;
this.toOscillate = toOscillate !== false;
if(this.toOscillate === true){
this.angleOffset = Math.PI * .05 * (Math.random() * 2 - 1);
this.creationTime = performance.now();
this.isDraggingPetalContainer = isDragging ?? false;
if(this.isDraggingPetalContainer === true){
this.lastPetalSlot = lastSlot ?? {index: -1, top: true};
if(toRenderText !== undefined){
this.toRenderText = false;
this.isHovered = false;
this.statsBoxAlpha = 0;
this.statsBox = null;
if(customBiome !== undefined){
this.customBiome = customBiome;
this.greyed = false;
this.render.x = interpolate(this.render.x, this.x, 0.00672 * dt);
this.render.y = interpolate(this.render.y, this.y, 0.00672 * dt);
this.render.w = interpolate(this.render.w, this.w, 0.00672 * dt);
if(this.collectTime) {
this.spawnAnimation = interpolate(this.spawnAnimation, 0, 0.00672 * dt);
} else {
this.spawnAnimation = interpolate(this.spawnAnimation, 1, 0.00672 * dt);
if(window.statBoxes === false){
if(this.isHovered === true){
if(this.statsBox === null){
let lastOscillating = this.toOscillate;
let lastDimensions = {w: this.w, h: this.h};
this.w = 58;
this.h = 58;
this.toOscillate = false;
this.statsBox = generateStatsBox(this, true,
x: this.x,
y: this.y
this.w = lastDimensions.w;
this.h = lastDimensions.h;
this.toOscillate = lastOscillating;
this.statsBoxAlpha += 0.15 * dt / 18;
if(this.statsBoxAlpha > 1){
this.statsBoxAlpha = 1;
ctx.globalAlpha = this.statsBoxAlpha;
} else {
this.statsBoxAlpha -= 0.15 * dt / 18;
if(this.statsBoxAlpha < 0){
this.statsBoxAlpha = 0;
if(this.statsBoxAlpha !== 0){
this.statsBox.x = this.render.x - this.statsBox.w / 2
this.statsBox.y = drawBelow
? this.render.y + this.h / 2 + 11.5
: this.render.y - this.statsBox.h - this.h / 2 - 11.5;
ctx.globalAlpha = this.statsBoxAlpha;
this.statsBox.pc.amount = this.amount;
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
this.isHovered = false;
draw(inGame, number){
if(this.toOscillate === true && toRender({x: this.render.x, y: this.render.y, radius: this.radius}, window.camera) === false && this.toSkipCulling !== true){
const renderAnimationTimer = smoothstep(this.spawnAnimation);
let scale = 1;
let rotation = 0;
ctx.lastTransform = ctx.getTransform();
// ctx.save();
ctx.translate(this.render.x, this.render.y);
scale *= renderAnimationTimer * this.render.w / 50;
// ctx.scale(renderAnimationTimer * this.render.w / 50, renderAnimationTimer * this.render.w / 50);
// ctx.rotate(-(1 - renderAnimationTimer) * Math.PI * 3);
rotation -= (1 - renderAnimationTimer) * Math.PI * 3;
if(this.isDraggingPetalContainer === true){
if(this.draggingTimer === undefined)this.draggingTimer = 0;
this.draggingTimer += 1000 / 30 * dt/16.66;
// ctx.rotate(Math.sin(this.draggingTimer / 280) * 0.28);
rotation += Math.sin(this.draggingTimer / 280) * 0.28;
if(this !== draggingPetalContainer){
this.isDraggingPetalContainer = false;
this.undraggingPetalContainerTimer = 30;
// this.lastDraggingTimer = this.draggingTimer;
this.lastDraggingAngle = Math.sin(this.draggingTimer / 280) * 0.28;
// this.draggingTimer = Math.sin(this.draggingTimer / 300) * 0.3;
} else if(this.undraggingPetalContainerTimer !== undefined){
if(this.interval === undefined){
// this.lastDraggingTimer += 1000 / 30;
// if(Math.abs(Math.sin(this.lastDraggingTimer / 300) * 0.3) < Math.abs(this.draggingTimer)){
// this.draggingTimer = Math.sin(this.lastDraggingTimer / 300) * 0.3;
// }
this.lastDraggingAngle = interpolate(this.lastDraggingAngle, 0, 0.15);
// ctx.rotate(this.lastDraggingAngle);
rotation += this.lastDraggingAngle;
if(this.undraggingPetalContainerTimer < 0){
delete this.undraggingPetalContainerTimer;
// delete this.lastDraggingTimer;
delete this.lastDraggingAngle;
delete this.draggingTimer;
// this.undraggingPetalContainerTimer = 30;
// // this.draggingTimer /= 300;
// // this.draggingTimer = this.draggingTimer % (Math.PI * 2);
// // this.draggingTimer *= 300;
// this.draggingTimer = Math.sin(this.draggingTimer / 300) * 0.3;// it becomes an angle now
// this.interval = setInterval(() => {
// this.draggingTimer = interpolateDirection(this.draggingTimer, Math.PI / 2, 0.1);
// this.undraggingPetalContainerTimer--;
// if(this.undraggingPetalContainerTimer < 0){
// clearInterval(this.interval);
// delete this.undraggingPetalContainerTimer;
// }
// }, 1000 / 30);
if(this.toOscillate === true){
scale *= 1+Math.sin(performance.now()/ 1000 / .076)/52;
// ctx.scale(1+Math.sin(performance.now()/ 1000 / .076)/52,1+Math.sin(performance.now()/ 1000 / .076)/52);
// ctx.rotate(this.angleOffset);
rotation += this.angleOffset;
// if(Math.abs(scale * 60 - this.renderImageSize) > 10){
// this.generateRenderImage(scale * 60 * canvas.zoom);
// }
// ctx.drawImage(this.renderImage, -this.renderImageSize/2/canvas.zoom, -this.renderImageSize/2/canvas.zoom, this.renderImageSize/canvas.zoom, this.renderImageSize/canvas.zoom/*, -30 * scale, -30 * scale, 60 * scale, 60 * scale*/);
// ctx.scale(8,8);
// ___ start ___
if(rotation !== 0)ctx.rotate(rotation);
if(scale !== 1)ctx.scale(scale, scale);
if(this.toOscillate === true && this.isDisplayPetalContainer !== true){
// bigger grey border
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.roundRect(-30, -30, 60, 60, 5);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
// draw rect
ctx.lineWidth = 4.5;
// greyed if and only if its a custom petal in an official biome
// this.greyed = false;
this.greyed = (this.customBiome !== undefined && window.officialBiomes.includes(biomeManager.getCurrentBiome()) === true);
if(this.type === 'soccer petal' && biomeManager.getCurrentBiome() !== 'Soccer!') this.greyed = true;
this.greyed = false
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;
ctx.fillStyle = "#525252";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#404040";
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = Colors.rarities[this.rarity].color;
ctx.strokeStyle = Colors.rarities[this.rarity].border;
// if (this.rarity == 8){
// ctx.fillStyle = `hsl(${Math.cos(Date.now()/1200)*20 + 35}, 68%, 60%)`
// ctx.strokeStyle = `hsl(${Math.cos(Date.now()/1200)*20 + 35}, 68%, 45%)`
// }
if (this.rarity == 12){
const gradientFill = ctx.createLinearGradient(-30, -30, 30, 30);
gradientFill.addColorStop(0, `hsl(${Math.cos(Date.now()/400)*35 + 285}, 100%, 20%)`);
gradientFill.addColorStop(0.25, `hsl(${Math.cos(Date.now()/400 + 1.5)*35 + 285}, 100%, 20%)`);
gradientFill.addColorStop(0.5, `hsl(${Math.cos(Date.now()/400 + 3)*35 + 285}, 100%, 20%)`)
gradientFill.addColorStop(0.75, `hsl(${Math.cos(Date.now()/400 + 4.5)*35 + 285}, 100%, 20%)`)
gradientFill.addColorStop(1, `hsl(${Math.cos(Date.now()/400 + 6)*35 + 285}, 100%, 20%)`)
//ctx.fillStyle = `hsl(${Math.cos(Date.now()/400)*35 + 285}, 100%, 15%)`
ctx.fillStyle = gradientFill;
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.roundRect(-25, -25, 50, 50, .25);
if(this.rarity == 12){
//shiny stars & stuff
this.stars = [];
for(let starnum = 0; starnum < 2; starnum++){
this.stars.push({x: Math.random()*50 - 25, y: Math.random()*50 - 25})
ctx.shadowBlur = 20;
ctx.shadowColor = "white";
ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
for(let star of this.stars){
if(star.x >30 || star.y >30){
star.x = Math.random()*800 - 20 - 30;
star.y = -30;
if(star.x < -30 || star.x > 30 || star.y < -30 || star.y > 30){
//don't draw;
var grad = ctx.createRadialGradient(star.x, star.y,15,star.x, star.y,0);
grad.addColorStop(0.8,`rgba(255,255,255,${(Math.cos(Date.now()/600+ star.x/30 + star.y/30) + 1)*0.8})`);
ctx.fillStyle = grad;
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;
ctx.fillRect(-20.5, -20.5, 41,41);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
if(star.x < 20.5 && star.x > -20.5 && star.y < 20.5 && star.y > -20.5){
ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
ctx.arc(star.x, star.y, 1, 0, 2*Math.PI);
//draw reload stuff
if (inGame){
if (petalReloadData[number]){
if (petalReloadData[number].reload > 0.001 && petalReloadData[number].reload < 0.999){
ctx.roundRect(-25, -25, 50, 50, .25);
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;
ctx.lineCap = "butt";
let offset = (1-Math.pow(petalReloadData[number].reload, 0.7))*Math.PI*6 + this.randomAngle;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
ctx.lineWidth = 50;
ctx.arc(0, 0, 25, offset - Math.PI * 2 * smoothstep(petalReloadData[number].reload), offset);
if(this.greyed)ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
if(this.toRenderText === false){
ctx.translate(0, 3.5);
if(this.type === 'Wing'){
ctx.translate(0, -1.8);
// // no need for an arc, just draw the petal
if(this.petals.length === 1){
this.petals[0].render.x = 0//this.x;
this.petals[0].render.y = 0//this.y - this.h / 10;
let scaleMult = .8;
if(this.petals[0].radius * .8 > 13.25/2){
scaleMult = 13.25/(this.petals[0].radius*.8)/2;
if(petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type] !== undefined){
if (typeof petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type] == "object"){
if (petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity]){
scaleMult *= petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity];
scaleMult *= petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type];
let individualRotate = false;
if(petalContainerIndividualRotate[this.petals[0].type] !== undefined){
if (typeof petalContainerIndividualRotate[this.petals[0].type] == "object"){
if (petalContainerIndividualRotate[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity]){
individualRotate = petalContainerIndividualRotate[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity];
individualRotate = petalContainerIndividualRotate[this.petals[0].type];
// ctx.translate(0, -4);
// ctx.scale(scaleMult, scaleMult);
// if (individualRotate !== false)ctx.rotate(individualRotate)
let last = {y: this.petals[0].render.y, selfAngle: this.petals[0].selfAngle};
this.petals[0].render.y -= 4;
this.petals[0].scaleMult = scaleMult;
if(individualRotate !== false)this.petals[0].selfAngle += individualRotate;
if(this.greyed === true)window.alphaMult = 0.4;
// if (individualRotate !== false)ctx.rotate(-individualRotate)
// ctx.scale(1/scaleMult,1/scaleMult);
// ctx.translate(0, 4);
this.petals[0].render.y = last.y;
delete this.petals[0].scaleMult;
this.petals[0].selfAngle = last.selfAngle;
// console.log(this.petals[0], ctx.getTransform());
} else {
// todo: generate positions in init instead of recalcing every frame, its not like we're gonna be adding more petals to an existing petal slot
let petalRadius = (this.petals[0] ?? {radius: 0}).radius;
if((this.petals[0] ?? {type: 'not peas'}).type === 'Peas'){
petalRadius -= 0.2;
let radius = Math.min(petalRadius * 1.16, 25 - petalRadius);
// if(this.petals.length === 3){
// // odd
// ctx.translate(-1, 0);
// }
let greaterThanMargin = petalRadius * .8 + radius - 13.25;
if(greaterThanMargin > 0){
radius -= greaterThanMargin;
if(radius < 8){
greaterThanMargin = 8-radius;
radius = 8;
// radius *= 1 / (greaterThanMargin/(13.25)+1);
petalRadius *= 1 / (greaterThanMargin/13.25+1);
// petalRadius = Math.max(8, petalRadius);
for(let i = 0; i < this.petals.length; i++){
this.petals[i].radius = petalRadius;
if (petalContainerMultPetalRadiusMap[this.petals[0].type] !== undefined){
if (typeof petalContainerMultPetalRadiusMap[this.petals[0].type] == "object"){
if (petalContainerMultPetalRadiusMap[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity]){
radius *= petalContainerMultPetalRadiusMap[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity];
radius *= petalContainerMultPetalRadiusMap[this.petals[0].type];
let toPointToCenter = ['Stinger'].includes((this.petals[0] ?? {type: "Basic"}).type) && (this.petals[0] ?? {rarity: 0}).rarity > 5;
if (toPointToCenter == true){
toPointToCenter = 0;
if (pointToCenterPetals[this.petals[0].type] !== undefined){
if (typeof pointToCenterPetals[this.petals[0].type] == "object"){
if (pointToCenterPetals[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity]){
toPointToCenter = pointToCenterPetals[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity];
toPointToCenter = pointToCenterPetals[this.petals[0].type];
for(let i = 0; i < this.petals.length; i++){
let rotateOffset = 0;
if (petalContainerRotateMap[this.petals[0].type]){
rotateOffset = petalContainerRotateMap[this.petals[0].type];
const angle = Math.PI * 2 * i / this.petals.length + rotateOffset;
this.petals[i].render.x = 0//this.x + Math.cos(angle) * radius;
this.petals[i].render.y = 0//this.y + Math.sin(angle) * radius - this.h / 10;
let scaleMult = .8;
if(petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type] !== undefined){
if (typeof petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type] == "object"){
if (petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity]){
scaleMult *= petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type][this.petals[0].rarity];
scaleMult *= petalContainerRenderSizeMultsMap[this.petals[0].type];
let last = {x: this.petals[i].render.x, y: this.petals[i].render.y, selfAngle: this.petals[i].selfAngle};
this.petals[i].render.x += Math.cos(angle) * radius * scaleMult/.8;
this.petals[i].render.y += Math.sin(angle) * radius * scaleMult/.8 - 4;
this.petals[i].scaleMult = scaleMult;
if(toPointToCenter !== false)this.petals[i].selfAngle += angle+Math.PI+toPointToCenter;
// ctx.translate(Math.cos(angle) * radius * scaleMult/.8, Math.sin(angle) * radius * scaleMult/.8 - 4);
// ctx.scale(scaleMult, scaleMult);
// if(toPointToCenter !== false)ctx.rotate(angle+Math.PI+toPointToCenter);
if(this.greyed === true)window.alphaMult = 0.4;
this.petals[i].render.x = last.x;
this.petals[i].render.y = last.y;
delete this.petals[i].scaleMult;
this.petals[i].selfAngle = last.selfAngle;
// if(toPointToCenter !== false)ctx.rotate(-angle-Math.PI-toPointToCenter);
// ctx.scale(1/scaleMult, 1/scaleMult);
// ctx.translate(-Math.cos(angle) * radius * scaleMult/.8, -Math.sin(angle) * radius * scaleMult/.8 + 4);
// if(this.petals.length === 3){
// // odd
// ctx.translate(1, 0);
// }
if(this.type === 'Wing'){
ctx.translate(0, 1.8);
if(this.toRenderText === false){
ctx.translate(0, -3.5);
if(this.toRenderText === undefined){
if(this.type === "Dandelion"){
ctx.font = '900 8.5px Ubuntu';
ctx.letterSpacing = "-.1px";
} else if(this.type === "Lightning" || this.type === "Pentagon"){
ctx.font = '900 9.5px Ubuntu';
ctx.letterSpacing = "-.1px";
} else {
ctx.font = '900 11px Ubuntu';
ctx.letterSpacing = "-.05px";
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
// const canvasScale = ctx.getTransform().m11;
ctx.lineWidth = 1.35;//5//Math.ceil(1.25 / canvasScale);
ctx.fontKerning = "none";
let type = this.type;
if (type == "Fire Missile"){
type = "Missile";
if(this.greyed) ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;
ctx.strokeText(type, 0, 13.25);
ctx.fillText(type, 0, 13.25);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
if(scale !== 1)ctx.scale(1/scale, 1/scale);
if(rotation !== 0)ctx.rotate(-rotation);
// ___ end ___
if(this.amount !== 1 || (performance.now() - this.lastAmountChangedTime < 240)){
if(performance.now() - this.lastAmountChangedTime < 240){
ctx.globalAlpha = smoothstep((performance.now() - this.lastAmountChangedTime) / 240);
if(this.amount === 1){
ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - ctx.globalAlpha;
ctx.font = `600 ${13 * scale}px Ubuntu`;
ctx.letterSpacing = "1px";
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.translate((70/(2.5) + .5) * scale, (-42/(2.5) + .5) * scale);
ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 9.1);
if(this.greyed) ctx.globalAlpha *= 0.3;
ctx.strokeText('x' + (this.amount === 1 ? 2 : formatAmount(this.amount)), 0, 0);
ctx.fillText('x' + (this.amount === 1 ? 2 : formatAmount(this.amount)), 0, 0);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
delete ctx.lastTransform;