Bypass Ads
it is working perfectly with my browser 32....
Also, working fine with Firefox 31. Give us a sample link.
Works on my machine, would you please post your browser/add-on information, or error message in the console?
Thank you.
Works fine here as well.
Here is the list of addons/information from my browser (Firefox 32.0.1)
Application Basics
Name: Firefox
Version: 32.0.1
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0
Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days
All Crash Reports
Name: Abduction!
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ID: [email protected]
Name: FlashGot
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ID: [email protected]
Name: HTTPS-Everywhere
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ID: [email protected]
Name: Pushbullet
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ID: [email protected]
Name: Scriptish
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ID: [email protected]
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Enabled: true
ID: [email protected]
Name: YouTube Center Developer Build
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ID: jid1-cwbvBTE216jjpg@jetpack
Name: avast! Online Security
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Enabled: false
ID: [email protected]
Name: Free Download Manager plugin
Enabled: false
ID: [email protected]
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Important Modified Preferences
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user.js Preferences
Your profile folder contains a user.js file, which includes preferences that were not created by Firefox.
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Library Versions
Expected minimum version: 4.10.6
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Version in use: 3.16.4 Basic ECC
Expected minimum version: 3.16.4 Basic ECC
Version in use: 3.16.4 Basic ECC
Expected minimum version: 3.16.4 Basic ECC
Version in use: 3.16.4 Basic ECC
Expected minimum version: 3.16.4
Version in use: 3.16.4
Experimental Features
Scriptish 0.1.11 does not work well with Firefox 30+. Please use nightly version or GreaseMonkey.
If your issue is fixed, please change the rating of this topic. still not working here
I uninstalled NoPicAds and Installed AdsBypasser (V5) instead in the hope that it would allow me to bypass the required click on the "Skip This Ad" button, but it still requires it. I have cleared my cache and made sure I had no other scripts running and have restarted my browser (FireFox Ver 32.0) but I still have to click on the button to get past the the page