Reddit Old Mobile 📱

Mobile-friendly design for Reddit Old

< 脚本Reddit Old Mobile 📱的反馈

评价:好评 - 脚本运行良好


Thank you for this. It really helps make reddit on a mobile device usable. Will you consider making the header and the next/prev page buttons sticky so users dont have to scroll all the way down or up to access them?


I added to solve your header-request. The next/prev-buttons are a little tricky. I will look into it.


Thanks. I really appreciate you taking my feedback. I also saw you posted about using another script for infinite scrolling, so that takes care of the next/prev buttons request.

For the header thing I should have been more clear with my suggestions. I meant to ask if you could make it so the header section containing the "MY SUBREDDITS" is stickied to the top of the view window so it makes it easier to click on links to various subreddits, i.e. /r/all, /r/askreddit, etc., You can look at the image i uploaded.

I also will upload what CSS i used for the next / prev button if you are interested in how I got it to look like in the uploaded screenshot, but I do much prefer the infinite scroll link you posted about:

/* makes Reddit header float and stick to top */
div#header {
position: sticky !important;
top: 0 !important;
z-index: 9999 !important;

/* hides a bunch of crap for users not logged in */
.mobile-web-redirect-bar, .redesign-beta-optin, .commentsignupbar, .seo-comments, .seo-comments-recommendations, .listingsignupbar {
display: none !important;

/* makes the previous and next view more buttons stick to the bottom all the time */
.nav-buttons {
position: fixed !important;
bottom: 0 !important;
text-align: center !important;
border: 3px solid;
border-radius: 15px;
border-color: #cee3f8;
background-color: #cee3f8;
font-size: 2em;
z-index: 9998 !important;
width: 99%;

Just a few more questions:

(1) is the "sidebar" button supposed to work? It might be something from my end, but clicking on it does nothing.
(2) is there supposed to be a "login" link as well? I don't see it from my end, so I have to manually type the login url to login. There is a logout link afterwords.

I suck at CSS and javascript, so thanks for making this while reddit shits itself over blocking of 3rd party apps


Just wanted to let you know the sidebar doesn't work on Firefox Android. I have to change lines 242 - 245 from
`${window.$('#header').outerHeight(true) + extraHeaderHeight}px`

to the below in order to get it working for both desktop Firefox and Firefox Android
`${$('#header').outerHeight(true) + extraHeaderHeight}px`

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