// ==UserScript==
// @name LeetCodeRating|English
// @namespace https://github.com/zhang-wangz
// @version 1.1.5
// @license MIT
// @description LeetCodeRating The score of the weekly competition is displayed, and currently supports the tag page, question bank page, problem_list page and question page
// @author 小东是个阳光蛋(Leetcode Nickname of chinese site
// @leetcodehomepage https://leetcode.cn/u/runonline/
// @homepageURL https://github.com/zhang-wangz/LeetCodeRating
// @contributionURL https://www.showdoc.com.cn/2069209189620830
// @match *://*leetcode.com/*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @connect zerotrac.github.io
// @connect raw.staticdn.net
// @connect raw.gitmirror.com
// @connect raw.githubusercontents.com
// @connect raw.githubusercontent.com
// @require https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js
// @require https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/andywang425/BLTH@4368883c643af57c07117e43785cd28adcb0cb3e/assets/js/library/layer.min.js
// @resource css https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/andywang425/BLTH@d25aa353c8c5b2d73d2217b1b43433a80100c61e/assets/css/layer.css
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @run-at document-end
// @note 2022-12-29 1.1.0 add english site support
// @note 2022-12-29 1.1.1 fix when the dark mode is turned on, the prompt display is abnormal
// @note 2023-01-05 1.1.2 modify the cdn access address
// @note 2023-08-05 1.1.3 remaintain the project
// @note 2023-09-20 1.1.4 fix the error that scores are not displayed properly due to ui changes in problem page
// @note 2023-12-14 1.1.5 fix the error that scores are not displayed properly due to ui changes in problem set page
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
let t2rate = {}
let latestpb = {}
let id1 = ""
let id2 = ""
let id3 = ""
let id4 = ""
let id5 = ""
let id6 = ""
let version = "1.1.5"
let preDate
let allUrl = "https://leetcode.com/problemset"
let tagUrl = "https://leetcode.com/tag"
let pblistUrl = "https://leetcode.com/problem-list"
let pbUrl = "https://leetcode.com/problems"
// 深拷贝 deep clone
function deepclone(obj) {
let str = JSON.stringify(obj);
return JSON.parse(str);
// 获取数字 get the contest number
function getcontestNumber(url) {
return parseInt(url.substr(15));
// 获取时间
function getCurrentDate(format) {
let now = new Date();
let year = now.getFullYear(); //得到年份
let month = now.getMonth(); //得到月份
let date = now.getDate(); //得到日期
let hour = now.getHours(); //得到小时
let minu = now.getMinutes(); //得到分钟
let sec = now.getSeconds(); //得到秒
month = month + 1;
if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;
if (date < 10) date = "0" + date;
if (hour < 10) hour = "0" + hour;
if (minu < 10) minu = "0" + minu;
if (sec < 10) sec = "0" + sec;
let time = "";
// 精确到天
if (format == 1) {
time = year + "年" + month + "月" + date + "日";
// 精确到分
else if (format == 2) {
time = year + "-" + month + "-" + date + " " + hour + ":" + minu + ":" + sec;
return time;
let t // all and tag
let t1, le // pb
function getData() {
try {
const problemList = document.querySelector("#__next > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div:nth-child(2)")
// pb页面加载时直接返回
if (problemList == undefined) {
// 防止过多的无效操作
if (t != undefined && t == problemList.lastChild.innerHTML) {
const problems = problemList.childNodes
for (const problem of problems) {
const length = problem.childNodes.length
const problemTitle = problem.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerText
const problemIndex = parseInt(problemTitle.split(".")[0], 10)
let problemDifficulty = problem.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].innerHTML
if (t2rate[problemIndex] != undefined) {
problemDifficulty = t2rate[problemIndex]["Rating"]
problem.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].innerHTML = problemDifficulty
t = deepclone(problemList.lastChild.innerHTML)
} catch (e) {
function getTagData() {
if (!window.location.href.startsWith(tagUrl)) {
id3 = setInterval(getpb, 1)
GM_setValue("pb", id3)
try {
const problemList = document.querySelector("#app > div > div.ant-row.content__xk8m > div > div > div > table > tbody")
if (t != undefined && t == problemList.lastChild.innerHTML) {
let problems = problemList.childNodes
for (let problem of problems) {
let length = problem.childNodes.length
let problemIndex = problem.childNodes[1].innerText.trim()
let problemDifficulty = problem.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].innerHTML
if (t2rate[problemIndex] != undefined) {
problemDifficulty = t2rate[problemIndex]["Rating"]
problem.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].innerHTML = problemDifficulty
t = deepclone(problemList.lastChild.innerHTML)
} catch (e) {
function getPblistData() {
if (!window.location.href.startsWith(pblistUrl)) {
id3 = setInterval(getpb, 1)
GM_setValue("pb", id3)
try {
const problemList = document.querySelector("#__next > div > div.mx-auto.mt-\\[50px\\].w-full.grow.p-4.md\\:mt-0.md\\:max-w-\\[888px\\].md\\:p-6.lg\\:max-w-screen-xl.bg-overlay-1.dark\\:bg-dark-overlay-1.md\\:bg-paper.md\\:dark\\:bg-dark-paper > div > div.col-span-4.md\\:col-span-2.lg\\:col-span-3 > div:nth-child(2) > div.-mx-4.md\\:mx-0 > div > div > div:nth-child(2)")
if (t != undefined && t == problemList.lastChild.innerHTML) {
let problems = problemList.childNodes
for (let problem of problems) {
let length = problem.childNodes.length
let problemTitle = problem.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerText
let problemIndex = problemTitle.split(".")[0].trim()
let problemDifficulty = problem.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].innerHTML
if (t2rate[problemIndex] != undefined) {
problemDifficulty = t2rate[problemIndex]["Rating"]
problem.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].innerHTML = problemDifficulty
} else {
let nd2ch = { "text-olive dark:text-dark-olive": "Easy", "text-yellow dark:text-dark-yellow": "Medium", "text-pink dark:text-dark-pink": "Hard" }
let cls = problem.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].getAttribute("class")
problem.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].innerHTML = nd2ch[cls]
t = deepclone(problemList.lastChild.innerHTML)
} catch (e) {
function getpb() {
if (!window.location.href.startsWith(pbUrl)) {
if (window.location.href.startsWith(allUrl)) {
id1 = setInterval(getData, 1)
GM_setValue("all", id1)
} else if (window.location.href.startsWith(tagUrl)) {
id2 = setInterval(getTagData, 1)
GM_setValue("tag", id2)
} else if (window.location.href.startsWith(pblistUrl)) {
id5 = setInterval(getPblistData, 1)
GM_setValue("pblist", id5)
try {
// 旧版的标题位置
let problemTitle = document.querySelector("#app > div > div.main__2_tD > div.content__3fR6 > div > div.side-tools-wrapper__1TS9 > div > div.css-1gd46d6-Container.e5i1odf0 > div.css-jtoecv > div > div.tab-pane__ncJk.css-1eusa4c-TabContent.e5i1odf5 > div > div.css-101rr4k > div.css-v3d350")
if (problemTitle == undefined) {
// 新版逻辑
problemTitle = document.querySelector("#qd-content > div > div.flexlayout__tab > div > div > div > div > div > a")
if (problemTitle == undefined) {
t1 = "unknown"
const problemIndex = problemTitle.innerText.split(".")[0].trim()
const colorSpan = document.querySelector("#qd-content > div > div.flexlayout__tab > div > div > div.flex.gap-1 > div") // 不确定要不要删除最后一个 "div"
// const pa = colorSpan.parentNode.parentNode
if (t1 != undefined && t1 == problemIndex) {
// 新版统计难度分数并且修改
let problemDifficulty = colorSpan.getAttribute("class")
if (t2rate[problemIndex] != undefined) {
colorSpan.innerHTML = t2rate[problemIndex]["Rating"]
// 新版逻辑,准备做周赛链接,如果已经不存在组件就执行操作
let url = "https://leetcode.com/contest/"
let zhUrl = "https://leetcode.com/contest/"
let q = pa.lastChild
let le = pa.childNodes.length
if (q.textContent == "") {
let abody = document.createElement("a")
abody.setAttribute("data-small-spacing", "true")
abody.setAttribute("class", "css-nabodd-Button e167268t1")
let abody2 = document.createElement("a")
abody2.setAttribute("data-small-spacing", "true")
abody2.setAttribute("class", "css-nabodd-Button e167268t1")
let span = document.createElement("span")
let span2 = document.createElement("span")
// ContestID_en ContestSlug
if (t2rate[problemIndex] != undefined) {
let contestUrl;
let num = getcontestNumber(t2rate[problemIndex]["ContestSlug"])
contestUrl = url
span.innerText = t2rate[problemIndex]["ContestID_en"]
span2.innerText = t2rate[problemIndex]["ProblemIndex"]
abody.setAttribute("href", contestUrl + t2rate[problemIndex]["ContestSlug"])
abody.setAttribute("target", "_blank")
abody2.setAttribute("href", contestUrl + t2rate[problemIndex]["ContestSlug"] + "/problems/" + t2rate[problemIndex]["TitleSlug"])
abody2.setAttribute("target", "_blank")
} else {
span.innerText = "Unknown"
abody.setAttribute("href", "")
abody.setAttribute("target", "_self")
abody.setAttribute("hidden", "true")
span2.innerText = "Unknown"
abody2.setAttribute("href", "")
abody2.setAttribute("target", "_self")
abody2.setAttribute("hidden", "true")
} else if (q.textContent.charAt(0) == "Q" || q.textContent == "未知") { // 存在就直接替换
if (t2rate[problemIndex] != undefined) {
let contestUrl;
let num = getcontestNumber(t2rate[problemIndex]["ContestSlug"])
contestUrl = url
pa.childNodes[le - 2].childNodes[0].innerText = t2rate[problemIndex]["ContestID_en"]
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("href", contestUrl + t2rate[problemIndex]["ContestSlug"])
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("target", "_blank")
pa.childNodes[le - 2].removeAttribute("hidden")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].innerText = t2rate[problemIndex]["ProblemIndex"]
pa.childNodes[le - 1].setAttribute("href", contestUrl + t2rate[problemIndex]["ContestSlug"] + "/problems/" + t2rate[problemIndex]["TitleSlug"])
pa.childNodes[le - 1].setAttribute("target", "_blank")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].removeAttribute("hidden")
} else {
pa.childNodes[le - 2].childNodes[0].innerText = "unknown"
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("href", "")
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("target", "_self")
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("hidden", "true")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].innerText = "unknown"
pa.childNodes[le - 1].setAttribute("href", "")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].setAttribute("target", "_self")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].setAttribute("hidden", "true")
t1 = deepclone(id)
} else {
// 旧版逻辑,使用参数t和t1,分别代表标题的html和标题id
// 旧版题目左侧列表里面所有分数
let pbAll = document.querySelector("body > div.question-picker-detail__2A9V.show__GfjG > div.question-picker-detail-menu__3NQq.show__3hiR > div.lc-theme-dark.question-picker-questions-wrapper__13qM > div")
if (pbAll != undefined) {
let childs = pbAll.childNodes
for (const element of childs) {
let v = element
let length = v.childNodes.length
let t = v.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].innerText
let data = t.split(" ")[0]
let id = data.slice(1)
let nd = v.childNodes[length - 1].childNodes[0].innerText
if (t2rate[id] != undefined) {
nd = t2rate[id]["Rating"]
v.childNodes[length - 1].childNodes[0].innerText = nd
// 旧版标题修改位置
let data = t.innerText.split(".")
let id = data[0].trim()
let colorSpan = document.querySelector("#app > div > div.main__2_tD > div.content__3fR6 > div > div.side-tools-wrapper__1TS9 > div > div.css-1gd46d6-Container.e5i1odf0 > div.css-jtoecv > div > div.tab-pane__ncJk.css-1eusa4c-TabContent.e5i1odf5 > div > div.css-101rr4k > div.css-10o4wqw > div")
let pa = colorSpan.parentNode
if ((t1 != undefined && t1 == id) && (le != undefined && le <= pa.childNodes.length)) {
// 统计难度分数
let nd = colorSpan.getAttribute("diff")
let nd2ch = { "easy": "Easy", "medium": "Medium", "hard": "Hard" }
if (t2rate[id] != undefined) {
colorSpan.innerHTML = t2rate[id]["Rating"]
} else {
colorSpan.innerHTML = nd2ch[nd]
// 准备做周赛链接,如果已经不存在组件就执行操作
let url = "https://leetcode.com/contest/"
let zhUrl = "https://leetcode.com/contest/"
if (le == undefined || le != pa.childNodes.length) {
let button = document.createElement("button")
button.setAttribute("class", "btn__r7r7 css-1rdgofi")
let abody = document.createElement("a")
abody.setAttribute("style", "color: #546E7A;")
let button2 = document.createElement("button")
button2.setAttribute("class", "btn__r7r7 css-1rdgofi")
let abody2 = document.createElement("a")
abody2.setAttribute("style", "color: #546E7A;")
// ContestID_en ContestSlug
if (t2rate[id] != undefined) {
let contestUrl;
let num = getcontestNumber(t2rate[id]["ContestSlug"])
if (num < 83) { contestUrl = zhUrl } else { contestUrl = url }
abody.innerText = t2rate[id]["ContestID_en"]
abody2.innerText = t2rate[id]["ProblemIndex"]
abody.setAttribute("href", contestUrl + t2rate[id]["ContestSlug"])
abody.setAttribute("target", "_blank")
abody2.setAttribute("href", contestUrl + t2rate[id]["ContestSlug"] + "/problems/" + t2rate[id]["TitleSlug"])
abody2.setAttribute("target", "_blank")
} else {
span.innerText = "对应周赛未知"
abody.setAttribute("href", "")
abody.setAttribute("target", "_self")
abody.setAttribute("hidden", "true")
span2.innerText = "未知"
abody2.setAttribute("href", "")
abody2.setAttribute("target", "_self")
abody2.setAttribute("hidden", "true")
} else if (le == pa.childNodes.length) { // 存在就直接替换
if (t2rate[id] != undefined) {
let contestUrl;
let num = getcontestNumber(t2rate[id]["ContestSlug"])
if (num < 83) { contestUrl = zhUrl } else { contestUrl = url }
pa.childNodes[le - 2].childNodes[0].innerText = t2rate[id]["ContestID_en"]
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("href", contestUrl + t2rate[id]["ContestSlug"])
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("target", "_blank")
pa.childNodes[le - 2].removeAttribute("hidden")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerText = t2rate[id]["ProblemIndex"]
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].setAttribute("href", contestUrl + t2rate[id]["ContestSlug"] + "/problems/" + t2rate[id]["TitleSlug"])
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].setAttribute("target", "_blank")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].removeAttribute("hidden")
} else {
pa.childNodes[le - 2].childNodes[0].innerText = "对应周赛未知"
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("href", "")
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("target", "_self")
pa.childNodes[le - 2].setAttribute("hidden", "true")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerText = "未知"
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].setAttribute("href", "")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].setAttribute("target", "_self")
pa.childNodes[le - 1].childNodes[0].setAttribute("hidden", "true")
// le = pa.childNodes.length
t1 = deepclone(id)
} catch (e) {
t2rate = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("t2ratedb", "{}").toString())
latestpb = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("latestpb", "{}").toString())
preDate = GM_getValue("preDate", "")
let now = getCurrentDate(1)
if (t2rate["tagVersion"] == undefined || (preDate == "" || preDate != now)) {
method: "get",
url: 'https://raw.githubusercontents.com/zerotrac/leetcode_problem_rating/main/data.json' + "?timeStamp=" + new Date().getTime(),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
onload: function (res) {
if (res.status === 200) {
// 保留唯一标识
t2rate = {}
let dataStr = res.response
let json = eval(dataStr)
for (const element of json) {
t2rate[element.ID] = element
t2rate[element.ID]["Rating"] = Number.parseInt(Number.parseFloat(element["Rating"]) + 0.5)
t2rate["tagVersion"] = {}
console.log("everyday getdate once...")
preDate = now
GM_setValue("preDate", preDate)
GM_setValue("t2ratedb", JSON.stringify(t2rate))
onerror: function (err) {
function clearAndStart(start, func, timeout) {
let lst = ['all', 'tag', 'pb', 'company', 'pblist', 'search']
lst.forEach(each => {
if (each !== start) {
let tmp = GM_getValue(each, -1)
if (start !== "") {
let cnt = lst.indexOf(start) + 1
switch (cnt) {
case 1:
id1 = setInterval(func, timeout)
GM_setValue(start, id1)
case 2:
id2 = setInterval(func, timeout)
GM_setValue(start, id2)
case 3:
id3 = setInterval(func, timeout)
GM_setValue(start, id3)
case 4:
id4 = setInterval(func, timeout)
GM_setValue(start, id4)
case 5:
id5 = setInterval(func, timeout)
GM_setValue(start, id5)
case 6:
id6 = setInterval(func, timeout)
GM_setValue(start, id6)
[...document.querySelectorAll('*')].forEach(item => {
item.oncopy = function (e) {
if (window.location.href.startsWith(allUrl)) {
// 版本更新机制
method: "get",
url: 'https://raw.githubusercontents.com/zhang-wangz/LeetCodeRating/english/version.json' + "?timeStamp=" + new Date().getTime(),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
onload: function (res) {
if (res.status === 200) {
console.log("enter home page check version once...")
let dataStr = res.response
let json = JSON.parse(dataStr)
let v = json["version"]
let upcontent = json["content"]
if (v != version) {
content: '<pre style="color:#000">Update notice: <br/>leetcodeRating difficulty plugin has a new version, please go to update ~ <br/>' + "update content: <br/>" + upcontent + "</pre>",
yes: function (index, layer0) {
let c = window.open("https://raw.githubusercontents.com/zhang-wangz/LeetCodeRating/english/leetcodeRating_greasyfork.user.js" + "?timeStamp=" + new Date().getTime())
} else {
console.log("leetcodeRating difficulty plugin is currently the latest version~")
onerror: function (err) {
clearAndStart('all', getData, 1)
} else if (window.location.href.startsWith(tagUrl)) {
clearAndStart('tag', getTagData, 1)
} else if (window.location.href.startsWith(pbUrl)) {
clearAndStart('pb', getpb, 1)
let id = setInterval(getData, 1)
GM_setValue("all", id)
} else if (window.location.href.startsWith(pblistUrl)) {
clearAndStart('pblist', getPblistData, 1)
} else {
clearAndStart('', undefined, 1)