// ==UserScript==
// @name Groupees Backup
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/34380
// @version 20220706
// @description 备份 Groupees 数据。
// @match https://groupees.com/purchases
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
// Your code here...
var id, page, generator1, generator2, all, text, output;
var plats = ["Steam", "Itch.io", "Desura"];
var kws = ["PC", "OS X", "Linux", "Android", "Mp3", "Flac"];
var user_id = document.querySelector('.fayepub').getAttribute('data-user');
function getNextPageBundle(mode) {
fetch('https://groupees.com/users/'+ user_id + '/more_entries?page=' + page + '&kind=bundles').then(res => res.json()).then(res => {
if (res.length > 0) {
if (mode == 1) {
generator1 = getBundleHTML(res);
} else {
generator2 = revealOrder(res);
} else {
if (mode == 1) { toExcel(); } else { output.value += '刮开完成。\n'; }
function* getBundleHTML(bundles) {
for (var bundle of bundles) {
var bun = JSON.parse(bundle);
if (id) {
if (id == bun.id) { id = false; }
} else {
yield fetch('https://groupees.com/orders/' + bun.id + '?user_id=' + user_id).then(res => res.text()).then(res => {
// var html = res.match(/(?<=html = )[\s\S]+(?=;[\s\S]+var groupeesRe)/);
var html = res.match(/(?<=html = \$\(')[\s\S]+(?='\);[\s\S]+var groupeesRe)/);
var div = document.createElement('DIV');
html = html[0].replace(/\\n/g, "").replace(/\\'/g, "'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\//g, "/");
div.innerHTML = html;
var [json, note] = getMainData(div);
all.push([bun, json, note]);
output.value += '已加载包 id ' + bun.id + ' ' + bun.bundle_name + '\n';
setTimeout(() => {
if (generator1.next().done == true) {
}, 3000);
if (id && bundles.length) { page++; getNextPageBundle(1); }
function getMainData(div) {
var jsons = [];
var items = div.querySelectorAll('.product');
var note = div.querySelector('.announcements');
note = note ? note.innerText.replace(/\n/g, ' ') : '';
for (var item of items) {
var obj = {};
obj['name'] = item.querySelector('.product-name').innerText;
var action = item.querySelector('.product-meta');
if (action) {
if (action.querySelector('.icon-givenaway-arrow')) { obj['Steam'] = { "key": "", "status": "Givenaway" }; }
else { obj['Steam'] = { "key": "", "status": "Reveal this product" }; }
} else {
var keys_rows = item.querySelectorAll('.col-sm-6.key');
for (var row of keys_rows) {
var type = row.querySelector('strong').innerText.replace(/^i/, "I");
var key = row.querySelector('.form-control.code');
// if (!key) {document.querySelector('.key-meta').innerText;}
var value = key.value;
var status = key.disabled;
if (row.querySelector('.key-meta .green')) { status = row.querySelector('.key-meta .green').innerText; }
if (obj[type]) { note += type + ' ' + obj['name'] + ': ' + value + ' ' + status + '. '; }
if (!plats.includes(type)) { note += type + ' ' + obj['name'] + ': ' + value + ' ' + status + '. '; }
obj[type] = { "key": value, "status": status };
var link_row = item.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-header');
for (var row of link_row) {
var type = row.innerText;
var link = row.nextElementSibling.children[0].href;
if (obj[type]) { note += type + ' ' + obj['name'] + ': ' + link + ' . '; }
if (!kws.includes(type)) { note += type + ' ' + obj['name'] + ': ' + link + ' . '; }
obj[type] = link;
return [jsons, note];
function toExcel() {
text = '包名 价格 日期 名字 Steam 状态 Itch 状态 Desura 状态 PC OS X Linux Android Mp3 Flac\n';
for (var one of all) {
var text_bun = one[0].bundle_name + ' ' + one[0].total_amount + ' ' + one[0].completed_at + ' ';
for (var item of one[1]) {
var text_item = item.name + ' ';
for (var plat of plats) {
if (item[plat]) {
text_item += item[plat].key + ' ' + item[plat].status + ' ';
} else {
text_item += ' ' + ' ';
for (var kw of kws) {
text_item += (item[kw] || '') + ' ';
text += text_bun + text_item + '\n';
if (one[2] != '') { text += one[2] + '\n'; }
output.value = text;
function* revealOrder(bundles) {
for (var bundle of bundles) {
var bun = JSON.parse(bundle);
yield $.ajax({
url: 'https://groupees.com/orders/' + bun.id + '/reveal_all_products', method: "POST", data: { v: 0 }, dataType: "script"
}).done(function (res) {
var html = res.match(/(?<=html = \$\(')[\s\S]+(?='\);[\s\S]+var groupeesRe)/);
var div = document.createElement('DIV');
html = html[0].replace(/\\n/g, "").replace(/\\'/g, "'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\//g, "/");
div.innerHTML = html;
output.value += 'Revealed 包 id ' + bun.id + ' ' + bun.bundle_name + '\n';
setTimeout(() => {
if (generator2.next().done == true) {
}, 5000);
function revealKey(div) {
var items = div.querySelectorAll('.product');
for (var item of items) {
var name = item.querySelector('.product-name').innerText;
var keys_rows = item.querySelectorAll('.col-sm-6.key');
for (var row of keys_rows) {
ajaxKey(name ,row);
function ajaxKey(name ,row){
if (row.querySelector('.unrevealed-group') && row.querySelector('.key-meta .green').innerText == 'Not revealed') {
var type = row.querySelector('strong').innerText.replace(/^i/, "I");
var key_id = row.getAttribute('data-id');
$.ajax({ url: 'https://groupees.com/activation_codes/' + key_id + '/reveal', method: "POST"}).done(function (res) {
output.value += name + ' ' + type + ' key: ' + res.code + '\n';
document.querySelector('.pre-nav').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', `
<input id="bun-id" type="text" placeholder="留空或输入 id 继续上次加载" style="width:200px;">
<button id="run-script"type="button">运行备份脚本</button>
<button id="excel-data" type="button">Excel 数据</button>
<button id="reveal-all" type="button">刮开所有</button>
<button id="download-links" type="button">下载输入链接</button>
<textarea id="output-textarea" style="display:block; wide:100%;"></textarea>
<div id="textarea-links"></div>
<style>#textarea-links a{display:block;}</style>
document.querySelector('#run-script').addEventListener('click', () => {
output = document.querySelector('#output-textarea');
output.value = '加载中\n';
page = 1, all = [];
id = document.querySelector('#bun-id').value;
id = id == "" ? false : parseInt(id, 10);
document.querySelector('#excel-data').addEventListener('click', () => {
document.querySelector('#reveal-all').addEventListener('click', () => {
output = document.querySelector('#output-textarea');
output.value = '刮开中\n';
page = 1;
var value = document.querySelector('#output-textarea').value;
if (!value.match(/^https:\/\/storage\.groupees\.com/)){
document.querySelector('#output-textarea').value = '请输入下载链接,一行一条。';
} else {
var links = value.split('\n');
var html = '';
for (var link of links) {
if (link.match(/storage\.groupees\.com/)){
html += `<a href="${link}">${link}</a>`;
document.querySelector('#textarea-links').innerHTML = html;
// $('#textarea-links a').each(function (t, e) { return setTimeout(function () { return e.click() }, 1500 * t); });