a script for agma.io with features such as Copy Chat, Linesplit Toggle, Anti-AFK, Show Portal Mass, Change Food/Virus Color, and more!
目前为 2022-07-22 提交的版本。查看 最新版本。
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
- added hide level up popup in hidden menu
critical bug fix
- added left click to cursor lock
- last shout ("/f lastshout") command added
- fix loading bug
- updated minions prices for 500xxl
- added triple fastsplit (hidden until enabled in the tampermonkey settings)- name color bugfix- random name color
bugfix: fatal error (freeze canvas)
more bugfixes
- bugfix again
- bugfixes i suppose
- bugfix
- public (for other fsfb users) & clientside name color added- TM setting option to remove mod messages swal- bugfixes
bugfix for slowfeed
i forgot to actually update it last time, oops
- hold to feed even on another tab by setting "Auto-Feed" delay to "0"- preventive measures against 24 hr IP ban by censoring message before getting banned (can disable protection in tampermonkey settings)- bugfixes w/ resetting session % Xp gained- misc bugfix
- prob bug fixes; idk, forgot- lvl 1k agma fix
- fatal black screen bug was fixed
- remove multifeed warning option- bugfixes for extra minion packs, chat cmd
- bugfixesversion 1.4.0 (forgot to add changelog):- many agma FPS performance improvements- new anti lag settings section- frozen-virus hotkey- change settings from the tampermonkey menu instead of editing script- various bugfixes
- bugfixes with chat (the tongue face with chat cmds, fixed a bug in party/pms when trying a nonexistent fsfb cmd)
- added bot amount to "/f players" chat command- added extra style to settings that are activated (turn text orange)
- added support for external commands (so other scripts can you use fsfb infrastructure to make chat cmds)- bugfixes
- bugfixes- improvements with chat
- bugfixes i think
- added show mothercell mass- added food size scaling- improvements to fastsplit- various bug fixes
another bugfix: another issue with linesplit lock
bugfix with linesplit lock
- bugfixes (with auto feed)
- prevent auto low graphics thing- auto check which version if it can find it itself- check user profile hotkey- made it so you can have different delays for fast onesplit and fast doubesplit- made inventory on a single row a setting in the script- bugfixes- minor performance improvements- more chat commands (major one is /f fact)- fixed issue with the coords changing at XAS instant
bug fixes
added auto update script to installimproved update notifications
- script should notify users when there's an update available (hopefully can make a version that auto-updates??)
- added another quick settings hotkey- chat auto translator- bugfixes- things should be independent of client version (shouldn't break when agma is updated)- small optimizations
- skin search (by id/skin name)- bypass chat confirm rules- bugfixes to chat cmds- added a few new commands- bugfixes to fastsplit- bugfixes to cursor lock
- colored (rainbow) border added- decline all friend requests- MANY chat commands added (type /f help to see all)- change fastsplit speeds direclty in game- reverse cell order setting added- render portals on top of other cells added- custom background added to export/import- show/hide different settings for XP/coins stats- fix bug where script loads on other tabs and gives errors- hide menu when quick buying- more reliable cursor lock & works when typing in chat- pressing esc closes quickbuy tab- performance improvements- option to view Xp stats in percentages instead of the XP values
fix bug with agma's new obfuscation
fix some bugs, added inventories in a single row, added toggle cursor lock
fix bugs, adjust xinsta power spawn locations again
fix portal size in xinsta
change coords at xinsta, fix copy chat bug