Donderhiroba Total Played Counting Script byYiZhong

Counts how many time you've played taiko AC.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Donderhiroba Total Played Counting Script byYiZhong
// @namespace
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @include*
// @version     1.0.2
// @author      YiZhong
// @description Counts how many time you've played taiko AC.
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {

  //GM_setValue('', null); //If you want to force restart, please remove // and refresh hiroba, and then put these // back.
  //document.write('Your total play count (one song per number): '+ GM_getValue('YiZhong.playedcount', null)); //Force show total play count, normally it won't be used, please remove // and refresh hiroba, and then put these // back.
    var DefaultLevel = 4; //Start counting from level...,1 easy, 2 normal, 3 hard, 4 oni, 5 ura
    var DefaultHighestLevel = 5; //End counting on level...,1 easy, 2 normal, 3 hard, 4 oni, 5 ura
    var songamount = 1150; //Starts from ID 1 to ID songamount, please change to largest taiko song id (it's okay to be higher).

    'use strict';
    if(GM_getValue('') == null){
      if(confirm('Start counting now? If no, please pause the script.')){
        GM_setValue('YiZhong.level', null);
        GM_setValue('', null);
        GM_setValue('YiZhong.playedcount', null);
      GM_setValue('', songamount);

    if(GM_getValue('') > songamount){
      window.alert('Your total play count (one song per number): ' + GM_getValue('YiZhong.playedcount'));
      if(confirm('Start recounting now? If no, please pause the script.')==true){
        GM_setValue('YiZhong.level', null);
        GM_setValue('', null);
        GM_setValue('YiZhong.playedcount', null);

    if(GM_getValue('') <= songamount){ //太鼓達人ID目前不超過1150
                if(GM_getValue('YiZhong.level')==null || GM_getValue('YiZhong.level')==undefined ){
                  GM_setValue('YiZhong.level', DefaultLevel - 1); //更改起始 變更defaultlevel
                if(GM_getValue('')==null || GM_getValue('')==undefined ){
                  GM_setValue('', 1);
                if(GM_getValue('YiZhong.playedcount')==null || GM_getValue('YiZhong.playedcount')==undefined ){
                  GM_setValue('YiZhong.playedcount', 0);

                GM_setValue('YiZhong.level', GM_getValue('YiZhong.level') + 1);

                if(GM_getValue('YiZhong.level') == DefaultHighestLevel + 1){ //更改最高 變更defaulthighestlevel
                   GM_setValue('', GM_getValue('') + 1);
                   GM_setValue('YiZhong.level', DefaultLevel); //更改起始 變更defaultlevel

                  var temp=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("stage_cnt").item(0).childNodes[3].innerHTML); //總遊玩次數
                  GM_setValue('YiZhong.playedcount', GM_getValue('YiZhong.playedcount') + temp);

                console.log('Played Count: '+ GM_getValue('YiZhong.playedcount'));
                console.log('Song ID: ' + GM_getValue(''));
                console.log('Level  : ' + GM_getValue('YiZhong.level'));
                window.location.href = "" + GM_getValue('') + "&level=" + GM_getValue('YiZhong.level')
