Simplify link jumping on pahe ad websites.
The script tries to click the necessary buttons automatically. Which are the blinking colors that you see. Some of the pages have a countdown, so you have to wait for the next thing to appear. Currently, the script can bypass teknoasian automatically, but you'll have to wait for it to do so. It then redirects to policiesreview or another website like that which requires a captcha and a few more links. Finally, a light-green page will appear with nothing on it. That has a 10 second timer in the background, after which you'll automatically be redirected to the target link.
For reference, try going through the same link without the script once to see all the countdowns. So you know why you have to wait sometimes.
Hi! All I see is a black webpage in teknoasian with blinking getlink when I turn on the script. Am I doing something wrong?