還給大家真正的 Mobile01:讓使用者享受無廣告、無干擾的瀏覽環境。
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
3.30: Fuck you Mobile01
Minor Bugs Fixed
bugs fixed
Minor bugs fixed
.c-btn and reply bottom
01. Minor bigs fixed
01. Fuck you Mobile0102. RWD issues fixed
1. Ad block rule updated.2. Bugs fixed
.gs-webResult.gs-result a.gs-title:link, .gs-webResult.gs-result a.gs-title:link b, .gs-imageResult a.gs-title:link, .gs-imageResult a.gs-title:link b
c-btn attributes
Fuck you Mobile01. You are the worst website in the world. Luckily, you have had me.
Add Dark Emojis
Add ".l-qnaBlock" and ".l-qnaEditBlock" attributes for Market Page.
Add "img[src$='gif'] {" attribute for emoji control
User Experience Improvement
Bugs Fixed.
Adjust the Width of Sidebar.
1. Bugs Fixed.2. User Experience Improvement.
Remove Fucking Attributes of Image Thumbnail and Navigation.
Add ".c-summary--msg .c-summary__desc" attributes for quote text.
Add "imagectl" attributes
Bugs fixed for ".l-hotCardGroup li"