Mastodon full-width columns

Makes the columns in Mastodon instances take up all the space.

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Mastodon full-width columns
@version        1.0.1
@license        CC-BY-4.0
@description    Makes the columns in Mastodon instances take up all the space.
@author         Neui
@preprocessor   uso
@var            number    nColumns        "Number of columns"                    4
@var            number    minWidth        "Columns minimum width (px)"           350
@var            number    drawerMinWidth  "Left-most column minimum width (px)"  300
@var            checkbox  drawerFixed     "Left-most column fixed width"         0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document regexp("https?://mastodon\.[a-z0-9.-]+/.*") {
    body:not(.layout-single-column) .columns-area > .drawer,
    body:not(.layout-single-column) .columns-area > .column {
        --drawerFixedWidthForOtherColumns1: initial;
        --drawerFixedWidthForOtherColumns/*[[drawerFixed]]*/: calc(/*[[drawerMinWidth]]*/px / (/*[[nColumns]]*/ * /*[[nColumns]]*/));
        min-width: /*[[minWidth]]*/px;
        width: calc((100% / /*[[nColumns]]*/) + var(--drawerFixedWidthForOtherColumns1, 0px));
    body:not(.layout-single-column) .columns-area > .drawer {
        min-width: /*[[drawerMinWidth]]*/px;
        --drawerFixedWidth1: initial;
        --drawerFixedWidth/*[[drawerFixed]]*/: /*[[drawerMinWidth]]*/px;
        width: var(--drawerFixedWidth1, calc(100% / /*[[nColumns]]*/));
    body:not(.layout-single-column) .columns-area > .column__wrapper > .column {
        width: 100%;
    /* Used when page width is narrow (phone-view) */
    body:not(.layout-single-column) .react-swipeable-view-container .columns-area > .column,
    body:not(.layout-single-column) .react-swipeable-view-container .columns-area > .drawer {
        width: inherit;