// ==UserScript==
// @name Fuck Chaoxing - (Auto 99x Speed + Seekbar)
// @namespace [email protected]
// @description 解除超星自动暂停播放的限制并添加自动播放下一集的功能 (自己加了解除拖拽和自动99倍速 如果赶时间可以用)
// @author 依然独特
// @version 1.2.4
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/18715-hooks/code/Hooks.js?version=661566
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/29782-docsready/code/docsReady.js?version=603417
// @include *://*.chaoxing.com/mycourse/studentstudy*
// @include *://*.chaoxing.com/ananas/modules/video/index.html*
// @match *://*.chaoxing.com/mycourse/studentstudy*
// @match *://*.chaoxing.com/ananas/modules/video/index.html*
// @include *://*.chaoxing.com/ananas/modules/work/index.html
// @include *://*.chaoxing.com/ananas/modules/work/index.html*
// @match *://*.chaoxing.com/ananas/modules/work/index.html
// @match *://*.chaoxing.com/ananas/modules/work/index.html*
// @license BSD 2-Clause
// @homepageURL https://gist.github.com/xymopen/eb65046644ff5cb7c0668e5d4f9607d1
// ==/UserScript==
// TODO: CX update with an HTML5 Player. Need some time digging with it
// NOTE: I no longer have any lesson on CX. development may delayed.
( function () {
"use strict";
// So, let's first clarify the structure of Chaoxing Student Study Page
// A course is made up of mulitple chapters
// A chapter is made up of mulitple cards, saying a multi-media card and a unit test card
// A card is made up of multiple jobs, saying two video jobs and a ppt job
// When a video job is finished, finishJob() would be called on MoocPlayer,
// which calls proxy_completed(),
// whick calls ed_complete(),
// which calls JC.completed on card iframe,
// which emits an completed event,
// which trigger unlock(),
// which calls onReadComplete() on the top window
// When a ppt job is loaded, uParse() would be called
// which calls unlock()
// onReadComplete() then calls onReadComplete1() to pull updated chapter list from the server
// and calls jobflag() to figure out how many jobs remaining to finish
// jobflag() looks in card iframe for .ans-job-icon as total jobs and .ans-job-finished as unfinished ones.
// ppt jobs doesn't count for they don't have .ans-job-icon or .ans-job-finished
// Generally speaking we only need to handle video jobs
// However Chrome blocks Flash. :facepalm:
* @param {(config: any, createCXPlayer: Function) => any} onPlayerInit
* @param {Window} [contextWindow]
function hookCXPlayer ( onPlayerInit, contextWindow ) {
if ( undefined === contextWindow ) {
contextWindow = window;
// CXPlayer and pauseMovie() loaded as jQuery plug-ins
// so hook jQuery to access it.
Hooks.set( contextWindow, "jQuery", function ( target, propertyName, ignored, jQuery ) {
Hooks.method( jQuery.fn, "cxplayer", function ( target, methodName, method, thisArg, args ) {
var replyArgs = arguments, $globalPlayer, $player,
globalConfig = args[ 0 ];
function createCXPlayer ( config ) {
if ( undefined !== config ) {
globalConfig = config;
args[ 0 ] = config;
$globalPlayer = Hooks.Reply.method( replyArgs );
return $globalPlayer;
$player = onPlayerInit( globalConfig, createCXPlayer );
if ( undefined !== $player ) {
$globalPlayer = $player;
return $globalPlayer;
} );
return Hooks.Reply.set( arguments );
} );
var globalVideoJs;
* @param {Window} [contextWindow]
* @see {@link [videojs-ext.min.js](https://mooc1-2.chaoxing.com/ananas/videojs-ext/videojs-ext.min.js)}
function videoJsStudyUncontrolAndTimelineNull ( contextWindow ) {
if ( undefined === contextWindow ) {
contextWindow = window;
Hooks.set( contextWindow, "videojs", function ( target, propertyName, ignored, videojs ) {
globalVideoJs = videojs;
Hooks.method( videojs, "registerPlugin", function ( target, methodName, method, thisArg, args ) {
if ( "studyControl" === args[ 0 ] ) {
method.call( thisArg, "studyControl", function () { } );
return args[ 1 ]
} else if ( "timelineObjects" === args[ 0 ] ) {
method.call( thisArg, "timelineObjects", function () { } );
return args[ 1 ]
} else {
return Hooks.Reply.method( arguments );
} );
return Hooks.Reply.set( arguments );
} );
* @param {(config: any, createPlayer: Function) => any} onPlayerInit
* @param {Window} [contextWindow]
function hookVideojs ( onPlayerInit, contextWindow ) {
if ( undefined === contextWindow ) {
contextWindow = window;
Hooks.set( contextWindow, "ans", function ( target, propertyName, ignored, ans ) {
Hooks.method( ans, "VideoJs", function ( target, methodName, method, thisArg, args ) {
var replyArgs = arguments, $globalPlayer, $player,
globalConfig = args[ 0 ].params;
function createPlayer ( config ) {
var player;
if ( undefined !== config ) {
globalConfig = config;
args[ 0 ].params = config;
// CX didn't return player instance to us
// nail it
Hooks.Reply.method( replyArgs );
return globalVideoJs( args[ 0 ].videojs );
$player = onPlayerInit( globalConfig, createPlayer );
if ( undefined !== $player ) {
$globalPlayer = $player;
return $globalPlayer;
} );
return Hooks.Reply.set( arguments );
} );
* @param {NodeList} list
* @returns {number}
function findCurIdx ( list ) {
return Array.prototype.findIndex.call( list, function ( chapter ) {
return chapter.classList.contains( "currents" );
} );
function canNextCard () {
var contextDocument = window.top.document.querySelector( "iframe" ).contentDocument;
return Array.prototype.filter.call( contextDocument.querySelectorAll( ".ans-job-icon" ), function ( jobContainer ) {
return !jobContainer.parentNode.classList.contains( "ans-job-finished" );
} ).length === 0;
function nextCard () {
var cards, nextSectionIndex;
cards = document.querySelectorAll( "#mainid .tabtags span" );
nextSectionIndex = findCurIdx( cards ) + 1;
if ( nextSectionIndex < cards.length ) {
cards[ nextSectionIndex ].click();
return true;
} else {
return false;
function nextChapter () {
var document = window.top.document,
chapters = document.querySelectorAll(
"#coursetree .ncells h1," +
"#coursetree .ncells h2," +
"#coursetree .ncells h3," +
"#coursetree .ncells h4," +
"#coursetree .ncells h5," +
"#coursetree .ncells h6"
curChapterIdx = findCurIdx( chapters ),
nextChapter = Array.prototype.slice.call( chapters, curChapterIdx + 1 ).find( function ( chapter ) {
// finished chapters are classified as blue
// and locked chapters are classified as lock
return !chapter.querySelector( ".blue" ) && !chapter.querySelector( ".lock" );
} );
// Go to the first unfinished and unlocked chapter
if ( nextChapter ) {
return true;
} else {
// or wait for next call when one locked chapter may be unlocked
return false;
if ( "/ananas/modules/video/index.html" === window.location.pathname ) {
// Video Job iframe
hookCXPlayer( function ( config, createCXPlayer ) {
var $player;
// https://mooc1-1.chaoxing.com/ananas/modules/video/cxplayer/moocplayer_4.0.11.js
config.datas.enableFastForward = true;
config.datas.enableSwitchWindow = 1;
config.datas.errorBackTime = false;
config.datas.isAutoPlayNext = true;
config.datas.isDefaultPlay = true;
config.datas.pauseAdvertList = [];
config.datas.preAdvertList = [];
// if ( config.events &&
// config.events.onAnswerRight &&
// !config.events.onAnswerRight.toString()
// .replace( /(function .*?\(.*?\))/g, "" ).trim() // remove function signifigure
// .replace( /^\{|\}$/g, "" )
// .replace( /\/\/.*(\r|\n|(\r\n))/g, "" ) // remove single line comment
// .replace( /\/\*.*\*\//mg, "" ) // remove multiple line comment
// .match( /^\s*$/ )
// ) {
// window.alert( "onAnswerRight() is not empty. It's unsafe to block the resource URL." );
// }
$player = createCXPlayer();
// Remove native `onPause` listener
// prevent pause the movie from JS side
$player.unbind( "onPause" );
// Unpausable playback
// TODO: find better way handling multiple players playing at the same time
$player.pauseMovie = function () { };
$player.bind( "onPause", function () {
} );
$player.bind( "onError", function () {
if ( 4 === $player.getPlayState() ) {
} );
window.MoocPlayer.prototype.switchWindow = function () { return this; };
window.jQuery.fn.pauseMovie = function () { };
// Object.keys( config.events ).forEach( e => $player.bind( e, () => {
// const id = $player.find( 'object[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"]' ).attr( 'id' );
// const state = [ "error", "playing", "paused", "hanging", "stop" ][ $player.getPlayState() ];
// console.log( `[Fuck Chaoxing]${ e } is triggered. Player#${ id } is ${ state }.` );
// } ) );
} );
hookVideojs( function ( config, createPlayer ) {
var $player;
config.enableFastForward = 1;
config.enableSwitchWindow = 1;
$player = createPlayer();
$player.on( "ready", function () {
// immediate play video may cause DOMException
setTimeout( function () {
var vjs = $player.el().firstChild;
vjs.playbackRate = 99;
}, 5000 );
} );
} );
} else if ( "/mycourse/studentstudy" === window.location.pathname ) {
// Card iframe
domReady().then( function () {
var hasNextCard = true,
jobflagApplied = false,
ajaxesPending = 0;
function onReadComplete () {
if ( jobflagApplied && ajaxesPending && !hasNextCard ) {
jobflagApplied = false;
window.jQuery( document ).ajaxComplete( function () {
ajaxesPending -= 1;
if ( ajaxesPending === 0 ) {
} );
Hooks.method( window.jQuery, "ajax", function ( target, methodName, method, thisArg, args ) {
ajaxesPending += 1;
return Hooks.Reply.method( arguments );
} );
Hooks.method( window, "onReadComplete1", function ( target, methodName, method, thisArg, args ) {
var returns = Hooks.Reply.method( arguments );
return returns;
} );
Hooks.method( window, "jobflag", function ( target, methodName, method, thisArg, args ) {
if ( canNextCard() ) {
hasNextCard = nextCard();
jobflagApplied = true;
return Hooks.Reply.method( arguments );
} );
} );
} )();