Party Bots, Author: Jimboy3100, Nel
Website: www.jimboy3100.github.io
Works only on browsers
. See Videos
Bots Library
Repl.it VPS
watch video tutorial from above
My repl.it seems loading for long time after I clicked install or after i enter, what can i do?
Wait for 5-10 minutes, if nothing happens refresh your repo repl.it webpage. Do the same process until (3-4 if needed),it is installed and until you are able to start the websocket. If issue remains, fork another repository and do the same. YOU WILL FINALLY NOTICE THAT IT WORKS.
I did everything correct but Legend mod notifies me that I have captcha, when I start the bots, what should I do?
Disable ad-blockers, antiviruses, firewalls. There was one (rare) case refered that captcha blocked bots, maybe rebooting router to change ip, or using a VPN could solve the issue, but I am not sure.
Are these bots working?
These bots are considered fully working, free, legit and finished project. They work only by using Legend mod for agar.io
Do you use proxies, facebook tokens for bots?
These bots don't need proxies, they use the captcha solver that Legend mod provides. Furthermore, bots do NOT use any facebook UID than could result on real player disconnection or facebook / google tokens, at all.
My websocket is not correct. What is the correct?
If your repo url is e.g: https://repl.it/@testeruser/bottester , then the websocket should be wss://bottester--testeruser.repl.co
How can I ask for extra help?
Enter https://discord.gg/JUfpR9k , share your issues with others users. Please do not directly PM me, although I will be glad to help on an unsolved issue on room Chat.
How can I donate?
Click here, donations for Legend mod are been used to support the servers fees, services, and my beers with my friends.
Thank you for supporting the Legend mod project.