- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Allen's Magic
- // @namespace https://tampermonkey.net/
- // @version 4.0.2
- // @description Allen's magic casting to internet
- // @author @Amormaid
- // @run-at document-end
- // @match http://*/*
- // @include http://*
- // @include https://*
- // @exclude http://localhost*
- // @license MIT License
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- function main() {
- // console.log('document.cookie', document.cookie)
- // document.cookie = document.cookie + 'hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh';
- // console.log('document.cookie after', document.cookie)
- // var root = document.body;
- // var hostname = /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.test(window.location.hostname) ? "ip": window.location.hostname;
- var hostname = window.location.hostname;
- if (exclude_check(hostname)) {
- return
- }
- // console.clear();
- try {
- console.time("allen_web_time_count");
- // customer change
- let rule = customer_rule(hostname)
- rule && rule.action()
- // content_purge(main_ele)
- console.timeEnd("allen_web_time_count");
- } catch(err) {
- //console.log(err.name,' ',err.message);
- console.log(err.message);
- }
- }
- // white list check
- function exclude_check(hostname_param) {
- // 不执行脚本的网站白名单
- let exclude_list = [
- "www.youtube.com",
- "demo.mycodes.net",
- "kiwivm.64clouds.com",
- "www.instagram.com",
- "www.h-ui.net",
- "www.layui.com",
- "www.kixeye.com",
- "pan.baidu.com",
- "www.rishiqing.com",
- "wx.qq.com",
- "mail.126.com",
- "twitter.com",
- "reactjs.org",
- "codepen.io",
- "free.modao.cc",
- "lanhuapp.com",
- "developers.weixin.qq.com",
- // "jira.vankeservice.com",
- "www.tapd.cn",
- "modao.cc",
- "element-cn.eleme.io",
- "github.com",
- ""
- ]
- return exclude_list.includes(hostname_param)
- }
- // 自定义样式调整
- function customer_rule(hostname) {
- let rules = [
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "ip",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {}
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "ikkedu.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: async () => {
- // if (!parseQuery()['download']) {
- // return
- // }
- const TYPE = parseQuery()['type'] || 'default'
- // // use MutationObserver instead of waiting react-based-rending elments complete
- const MO = new MutationObserverClass({window: window})
- if (['RA'].includes(TYPE)) {
- const RA_HOT = []
- MO.start({
- // element: document.getElementById('app'),
- selector: '.essayText.dictionary-word',
- fn: async function (){
- await sleep(500)
- const title = _$('#topinfosTitle').innerText
- const id = _$('.tip-span.tip0').innerText
- const text = _$('.essayText.dictionary-word').innerText
- console.table({title, id, text})
- if (title && id && text) {
- RA_HOT.push({title, id, text})
- } else {
- alert(id)
- }
- const next_button = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.v-tooltip.v-tooltip--top button')).find(ele => ele.innerText == '下一题')
- if (next_button) {
- next_button.click()
- } else {
- const handler = (acc, cur) => {
- return `${acc}\r\n\r\n${cur.id } ${cur.title}\r\n${cur.text}`
- }
- window.RA_HOT = RA_HOT
- // .reduce(handler, '')
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (['RL', 'SST'].includes(TYPE)) {
- MO.start({
- // element: document.getElementById('app'),
- selector: '.tip-span.tip0',
- fn: async function (ele){
- console.log('control_btn ele', ele)
- // const control_btn = document.querySelector('.control-btn')
- // console.log('control_btn ', control_btn)
- // control_btn && control_btn.click()
- await sleep(1000)
- const play_icon = document.querySelector('.play-ctr-btn .material-icons')
- console.log('play_icon ', play_icon)
- play_icon && play_icon.click()
- }
- });
- MO.start({
- // element: document.getElementById('app'),
- selector: '.v-snack__content',
- fn: async function (ele){
- console.log('v-snack__content ele', ele)
- const next_button = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.v-tooltip.v-tooltip--top button')).find(ele => ele.innerText == '下一题')
- ele && next_button && next_button.click()
- }
- });
- MO.start({
- // element: document.getElementById('app'),
- selector: '.waveform audio',
- fn: async function (){
- const audio_mp3 = document.querySelector('.waveform audio')
- console.log('audio_mp3', audio_mp3)
- if (audio_mp3) {
- audio_mp3.preload = 'none'
- // console.log('audio_mp3', audio_mp3)
- const RS_mp3_id = document.querySelector('.tip-span.tip0').innerText
- // console.log('RS_mp3_id', RS_mp3_id)
- const src = audio_mp3.src
- downloadFile({ filePath: src, fileName: RS_mp3_id})
- await sleep(4 * 1000)
- }
- const next_button = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.v-tooltip.v-tooltip--top button')).find(ele => ele.innerText == '下一题')
- next_button && next_button.click()
- }
- });
- }
- (['RS', 'ASQ'].includes(TYPE)) && MO.start({
- // element: document.getElementById('app'),
- selector: '.waveform audio',
- fn: async function (){
- const audio_mp3 = document.querySelector('.waveform audio')
- console.log('audio_mp3', audio_mp3)
- if (audio_mp3) {
- audio_mp3.preload = 'none'
- // console.log('audio_mp3', audio_mp3)
- const RS_mp3_id = document.querySelector('.tip-span.tip0').innerText
- // console.log('RS_mp3_id', RS_mp3_id)
- const src = audio_mp3.src
- downloadFile({ filePath: src, fileName: RS_mp3_id})
- await sleep(1000)
- }
- const next_button = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.v-tooltip.v-tooltip--top button')).find(ele => ele.innerText == '下一题')
- next_button && next_button.click()
- }
- });
- let interval_id = setInterval(() => {
- if (window.frames.length) {
- // window.frames[0].style.display = 'none'
- document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].style.display = 'none'
- // clearInterval(interval_id)
- }
- }, 500)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "jira.vankeservice.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- if (window.location.href !== 'http://jira.vankeservice.com/browse/COST-677') {
- // if (window.location.href !== 'http://jira.vankeservice.com/browse/COST-863') {
- console.log('不是项目页,不能填工时')
- return
- }
- // await sleep(3000)
- console.clear()
- async function log_time() {
- try {
- const workInfoRes = await getData('http://jira.vankeservice.com/rest/tempo-time-activities/1/issue/42572/?page=1&size=5&activityType=all¤tUser=true')
- console.log('getData res', workInfoRes)
- const {activities = []} = workInfoRes || {}
- const time_list = activities.map(e => e.dateTime.slice(0, 10))
- const now = new Date()
- const time_now_string = `${now.getFullYear()}-${('0' + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)}-${now.getDate()}`
- const today_not_log = !time_list.includes(time_now_string)
- const today_should_log = isWorkDay()
- const can_log_work_time = today_should_log && today_not_log
- if (can_log_work_time){
- const begin_time = `${getFormatDate(Date.now())}T09:00:27.792`
- const data = {
- attributes: {},
- billableSeconds: '',
- worker: 'xiecy08',
- comment: '修复客户端新增施工项目的UI及交互问题',
- started: begin_time,
- timeSpentSeconds: 28800,
- originTaskId: '42572',
- remainingEstimate: 0,
- endDate: null,
- includeNonWorkingDays: false
- }
- postData('http://jira.vankeservice.com/rest/tempo-timesheets/4/worklogs/', data)
- setTimeout(() => {
- window.location.href = window.location.href
- }, 3 * 1000)
- /*
- console.log('button', _$_('[name=logTimeBtn]', "return_one"))
- const begin_time = `${getFormatDate(Date.now())}T09:00:27.792`
- const end_time = `${getFormatDate(Date.now())}T11:00:27.792`
- const data = {
- "attributes":{},
- "billableSeconds":"",
- "worker":"xiecy08",
- "comment":"编写代码",
- "started":begin_time,
- "timeSpentSeconds":28800,
- "originTaskId":"43581",
- "remainingEstimate":0,
- "endDate":end_time
- }
- */
- return true
- }
- return false
- } catch (e) {
- window.location.href = window.location.href
- }
- }
- log_time()
- window.intervalId = setInterval(log_time, 1 * 3600 * 1000)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "wc-kx-vip.sjc.kixeye.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_('#above-game-message', 'remove_one');
- _$_('#kxp-footer-bar', 'remove_one');
- _$_('#topnavbar_back', 'remove_one');
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: ["www.baidu.com", "zhidao.baidu.com"],
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- let interval_id = setInterval( () => {
- const right_list_length = 5
- _$_("#content_right", 'remove_all');
- var zhidao_body = _$_("#body", "return_one");
- var container = _$_("#container", "return_one");
- var head = _$_("#head", "return_one");
- var pad = _$_("#s_tab", "return_one");
- _$_("#rs", "remove_all")
- var u = _$_("#u", "return_one");
- container.style.cssText = "display:block;width:100%;position:relative;"
- head && (() => {
- head.style.position = 'relative';
- head.style.width = window.innerWidth - 100 + 'px';
- head.style['min-width'] = 0;
- })();
- pad && (() => {
- pad.style.padding = '0 0 0 121px'
- })();
- u && (() => {
- u.style.display = 'none'
- })();
- zhidao_body && (() => {
- zhidao_body.style.left = "50px"
- })();
- let origin_length = document.getElementById("content_left").children.length
- if (origin_length > 6) {
- // console.log(content_list)
- let right_list = Array.prototype.slice.call(_$_(".result", "return_all"),-1 - right_list_length, -1)
- let container_r = document.createElement("div")
- container_r.style.cssText += "display:block;position:absolute;top:40px;left:740px;width:600px;"
- // let str = Array.prototype.reduce.call(right_list, (html_str, item ,index , right_list) => (item.innerHTML + html_str), '')
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(right_list, item => {
- item.style.cssText += "padding:10px 0;"
- container_r.appendChild(item)
- })
- let container_r_dom = container.appendChild(container_r)
- let page_indic = _$_("#page", "return_one")
- page_indic.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top:0px;left:660px;margin:-60px 0 0 0;z-index:300"
- }
- },300)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: ["i.taobao.com", "trade.taobao.com", "rate.taobao.com", "buyertrade.taobao.com"],
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_(".m-guess-you-like", "remove_one");
- _$_(".m-someone-like-you", 'remove_one');
- _$_("#p4p_ad", 'remove_one');
- _$_(".J_guess-you-like", 'remove_one');
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "login.m.taobao.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- setInterval(() => {
- document.querySelector('button[type=submit]').click()
- }, 1 * 1000)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "main.m.taobao.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- autoRefresh(5)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "h5.m.taobao.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- console.log(1)
- const path = window.location.pathname
- if (path === "/trip/rx-flight-onsale/listing/index.html") {
- setTimeout(() => {
- window.location.href = window.location.href
- }, 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
- setTimeout(() => {
- var btn = Array.from(_$_('span','return_all')).filter(e => e.innerText == '搜索')[0].parentNode;
- console.log('btn', btn)
- var event = document.createEvent('Events');
- event.initEvent('tap', true, true);
- btn.dispatchEvent(event);
- }, 1000)
- }
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "m.ctrip.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- window.setIntervalId = setInterval(() => {
- let Iknow = document.querySelector('.pop-button-ghost')
- if (Iknow) {
- Iknow.click()
- clearInterval(window.setIntervalId)
- }
- }, 1 * 1000)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "iot.asmiot.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- autoRefresh(5)
- window.clickIntervalId = setInterval(() => {
- let btn = _$_('#znjc')[0]
- console.log(btn)
- if (btn) {
- btn.click()
- clearInterval(window.clickIntervalId)
- }
- },5000)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "mail.126.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- autoRefresh(5)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: ["www.cnblogs.com", "blog.csdn.net"],
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_('.btn-close', 'return_one').click();
- _$_('#btn-readmore', 'return_one').click();
- _$_('.recommend-box', 'remove_one')
- let main = _$_('main', 'return_one')
- document.body.style.backgroundImage = 'none';
- document.body.style.color = '#fff'
- document.body.innerHTML = ''
- // document.body.style.cssText = 'background-image: "none" ;'
- document.body.appendChild(main)
- main.style.cssText = 'width: 900px; float: left; margin: 0 auto 0 120px;'
- console.log('dasdasda is ', _$_('p', 'return_all'))
- Array.from(_$_('p', 'return_all')).forEach(e => e.style.color = '#fff')
- /*
- setTimeout(() => {
- _$_('aside', 'remove_one')
- _$_(".adblock", "remove_one");
- },2000)
- var content = _$_("#content", "return_one");
- _$_("#sidebar", "remove_one");
- _$_("#side", 'remove_one');
- content && (() => {
- content.style["margin-right"] = "10";
- content.style.width = window.innerWidth - 100 + 'px';
- })();
- let article = _$_("#article_content", "return_one");
- article && (() => {
- article.style.height = "100%";
- article.style.overflow = "visible";
- })()
- _$_(".recommend-item-box", "remove_all");
- _$_(".hide-article-box", "remove_one");
- _$_("aside", "remove_one");
- let main = _$_("main", "return_one")
- if (main) main.style.float = "left";
- setTimeout(() => {
- _$_(".adblock", "remove_one");
- },
- 3000)
- _$_(".pulllog-box", "remove_one");
- */
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "www.xyzssr.xyz",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- let check = document.getElementById('checkin')
- console.log('check', check)
- if (check) {
- check.click()
- window.open('https://www.google.com')
- }
- // window.open("about:blank","_self").close()
- }, 3000)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "www.w3school.com.cn",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_("#navsecond", 'hide_one');
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "wallstreetcn.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- setInterval(() => {
- _$_('.news-item__cover', 'remove_all');
- _$_('.qn-img', 'remove_all');
- // console.log(new Date() - 0)
- change_style();
- },
- 500);
- let main = _$_('main', 'return_one');
- document.body.innerHTML = '';
- document.body.appendChild(main);
- _$_('.left-bar', 'remove_one');
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "www.merriam-webster.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_(".right-rail", 'hide_one');
- _$_("#recirc-bar-footer", 'hide_one');
- _$_(".wgt-related-to.jc-card-box.clearfix", 'hide_one');
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "blog.sina.com.cn",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_("#column_1", 'hide_one');
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: ["blog.jobbole.com", "web.jobbole.com"],
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_("#sidebar", 'hide_one');
- var grid = _$_(".grid-8", 'return_one');
- grid && (() => {
- grid.style.width = "100%"
- })();
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "juejin.im",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- var interval_id = setInterval(() => {
- var a = _$_(".show-full", 'return_one');
- var b = _$_(".show-full-block", 'return_one');
- _$_(".show-full-btn", 'remove_one');
- _$_('.columen-view-aside', 'hide_one');
- if (a) a.style.height = "auto";
- a && a.setAttribute('style', 'height:auto')
- if (b) {
- clearInterval(interval_id);
- b.setAttribute('style', 'height:auto')
- }
- },
- 100);
- setInterval(change_style, 300)
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "www.cnblogs.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_("#sideBar", 'hide_one');
- _$_("#vid", 'hide_one');
- _$_("#left", 'hide_one');
- _$_("#right_content", 'hide_one');
- _$_("#leftcontent", 'hide_one');
- var a = _$_("#centercontent", 'return_one');
- if (a) {
- a.style['padding-left'] = 0;
- }
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "github.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- document.body.style.minWidth = '100px';
- var github_pad = document.querySelector('.column.three-fourths.codesearch-results.pr-6');
- if (github_pad) {
- github_pad.style.padding = '10px 0 10px 30px';
- }
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "wiki.jikexueyuan.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_(".detail-left", 'hide_one');
- var a = _$_(".detail-main", 'no_option', 'one');
- a.style['margin-left'] = '0px';
- a.style.width = document.body.clientWidth + 'px';
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "www.cssmoban.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- var a = _$_(".wide-main.col-media-main.clearfix", 'return_one');
- a.style.width = document.body.clientWidth + 'px';
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "www.kancloud.cn",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- var interval_id = setInterval(() => {
- var a = _$_(".sidebar", 'return_one');
- if (a) {
- _$_(".workspace", 'return_one').style.left = "180px";
- a.style.width = '180px';
- change_style(a);
- clearInterval(interval_id);
- }
- },
- 100);
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "php.net",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_('.layout-menu', 'remove_one');
- if (_$_(".sect1", 'return_one')) _$_(".sect1", 'return_one').style.width = document.body.clientWidth - 50 + "px";
- if (_$_("#usernotes", 'return_one')) _$_("#usernotes", 'return_one').style.width = document.body.clientWidth - 50 + "px";
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "www.zhihu.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_('.Question-sideColumn.Question-sideColumn--sticky', 'remove_one');
- _$_('.AdblockBanner-inner', 'remove_one');
- _$_('.QuestionHeader-side', 'remove_all');
- _$_('.AppHeader-userInfo', 'remove_all');
- var browser_width = document.body.clientWidth - 50 + "px";
- _$_('.QuestionHeader-content', 'return_one').style.width = browser_width;
- setInterval(() => {
- _$_('.HitQrcode', 'remove_one');
- },
- 100);
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "www.letscorp.net",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_('#commentlist', 'remove_one');
- _$_('#sidebar', 'remove_one');
- _$_('#header', 'remove_one');
- var browser_width = document.body.clientWidth - 50 + "px";
- _$_('#container', 'return_one').style.width = browser_width;
- _$_('#main', 'return_one').style.height = "auto";
- var p_ele = _$_('p', 'return_all');
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(p_ele,
- function(e) {
- e.style["font-size"] = "16px";
- });
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "segmentfault.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- _$_("#loginBanner", "remove_one");
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "huziketang.mangojuice.top",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
- clearInterval(i);
- }-
- _$_("div", "return_all").forEach(function(ele) {
- if (ele.id && ele.id !== "wrapper" && ele.id !== "uyan_frame" && ele.id !== "donate-mask") {
- ele.parentNode.removeChild(ele);
- }
- });
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "jandan.net",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- // html 调色
- let _html = _$_('html', 'return_one')
- let _body = _$_('body', 'return_one')
- _html.style.backgroundColor = '#333'
- _body.style.backgroundColor = '#333'
- // 去掉某些ID的发图
- let title_list = document.querySelectorAll("[title^=防伪码]")
- let block_user_list = ["42c968079f1cc3495692a053f432e105142a3142"]
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(title_list, (titleDOM) => {
- let author_id = titleDOM.title.replace(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]{3}:/, '') // 装B正则
- if (block_user_list.includes(author_id)) {
- let remove_div = titleDOM.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode
- remove_div.parentNode.removeChild(remove_div)
- }
- })
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "www.sogou.com",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- // html 调色
- console.log('sdasdasda')
- let id;
- id = setInterval(() => {
- let right = _$_("#right", "return_one");
- if (right) {
- _$_("#right", "remove_one");
- clearInterval(id)
- }
- }, 300);
- }
- },
- {
- rule: "default",
- hostname: "",
- regexp: "",
- action: () => {
- setTimeout( _ => {
- let title_list = document.querySelectorAll(".opblock-tag")
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(title_list, (titleDOM) => {
- titleDOM.click()
- })
- }, 10 * 1000)
- }
- },
- ]
- let matched_rule = rules.filter( rule_item => rule_item.hostname instanceof Array
- ? rule_item.hostname.includes(hostname)
- : rule_item.hostname === hostname
- )[0]
- return matched_rule
- }
- // --------------------- DOM function --------------------------------
- //寻找页面的主要内容
- function main_ele_searcher() {
- let article = document.getElementsByTagName('article')
- let main = document.getElementsByTagName('main')
- let content = (article.length && article[0]) || (main.length && main[0]) || false
- if (content) {
- return {
- main_ele: content,
- body_width: content.style.width,
- body_height: content.style.height
- };
- }
- var ele = document.querySelectorAll("*");
- var arr = [];
- //var arr_index = [];
- var w, h;
- var body_width = document.body.clientWidth;
- var body_height = document.body.clientHeight;
- if (!body_height) {
- var max_width = 0, max_height = 0;
- document.documentElement.style.height = '100%';
- document.body.style.height = '100%';
- for (let i = 0, ele_length = ele.length; i < ele_length; i++) {
- w = ele[i].clientWidth;
- h = ele[i].clientHeight;
- if (w > max_width) { max_width = w; }
- if (h > max_height) { max_height = h; }
- w = null;
- h = null;
- }
- body_width = max_width;
- body_height = max_height;
- }
- for (let i = 0, ele_length = ele.length; i < ele_length; i++) {
- w = ele[i].clientWidth;
- h = ele[i].clientHeight;
- //console.log(h);
- if (w && h && w > body_width / 2 && h > body_height / 5 && w < body_width && h < body_height) {
- arr[w * h] = ele[i];
- //console.log(ele[i]);
- //arr_index.push(w * h);
- }
- w = null;
- h = null;
- }
- var main_ele = arr[arr.length - 1] || document.body;
- return {
- main_ele,
- body_width,
- body_height
- };
- }
- function content_purge() {
- let article = document.getElementsByTagName('article')
- let main = document.getElementsByTagName('main')
- let content = (article.length && article[0]) || (main.length && main[0]) || false;
- if (content) {
- main.style.cssText = 'width: 900px;margin: 40px 0 0 120px;float: left; ';
- document.body.innerHTML = '';
- document.body.appendChild(main);
- }
- // main.parentNode.removeChild(main)
- // Array.from(document.body.children)
- // document.body.insertBefore(main, document.body.firstChild);
- }
- //去除侧边栏这样“狭长”的内容
- function ele_remover(obj) {
- var w, h;
- var { main_ele, body_width, body_height } = obj;
- var ele = document.querySelectorAll("*");
- //console.log(main_ele,body_width, body_height )
- for (let i = 0, ele_length = ele.length; i < ele_length; i++) {
- w = ele[i].clientWidth;
- h = ele[i].clientHeight;
- // main_ele.parentNode.children
- if (!ele[i].contains(main_ele) && !main_ele.contains(ele[i]) && (ele[i] !== main_ele) && w * 1.4 < h && w < body_width / 2 && w > body_width / 10) {
- //content_adjust(ele[i]);
- console.log("---------element removed ------------");
- console.log(ele[i]);
- console.log("---------element removed ------------");
- ele[i].parentNode.removeChild(ele[i]);
- }
- w = null;
- h = null;
- }
- }
- //去除被移除元素的兄弟元素的padding margin
- function content_adjust(ele) {
- var siblings = ele.parentNode.children;
- ele.parentNode.style.position = "relative";
- // console.log(ele);
- for (let i = 0, ele_length = siblings.length; i < ele_length; i++) {
- //console.log(siblings[i]);
- siblings[i].setAttribute('style', 'position:relative;padding:20px;margin:0px;overflow:visible;');
- }
- }
- //调整主要内容的样式
- function main_content_adjust(main_ele) {
- //var a = [{x,y,top,right,bottom,left,width}]=main_ele.getClientRects();
- main_ele.parentNode.style.position = "relative";
- main_ele.style.cssText = "position:absolute; top:0;right:0; bottom:0;left:0;"
- // main_ele.setAttribute('style','position:relative;padding:20px 20px 20px 40px;margin:auto;clear:both;overflow:visible;');
- var ratio = 0.9 * (window.innerWidth) / main_ele.clientWidth;
- var ele = main_ele.querySelectorAll('*');
- // console.log(ele);
- for (let i = 0, ele_length = ele.length; i < ele_length; i++) {
- ele[i].style.width = ele[i].clientWidth * ratio + "px";
- ele[i].style.overflow = 'visible';
- //console.log(i);
- }
- }
- // body 全屏
- function full_body() {
- let root = document.body
- root.style.cssText = "position:absolute; top:0;right:0; bottom:0;left:0;"
- }
- //背景调色
- function change_style(DOM_node = document.body) {
- return
- // 执行速度 : for 循环 > forEach > 尾递归 >递归 (迭代)
- let background_base_color = 50;
- let background_offset = 20;
- let font_base_color = 230;
- let font_offset = 20;
- var all = (DOM_node || document).querySelectorAll('*');
- for (let i = 0, ele_length = all.length; i < ele_length; i++) {
- let item = all[i]
- let item_style = item.style
- let tag_exclude_check = !('script,style,img').includes(item.nodeName.toLowerCase())
- if(tag_exclude_check && !item_style.backgroundColor){
- item_style.backgroundColor = random_color(background_base_color,background_offset);
- item_style.color = random_color(font_base_color,font_offset);
- }
- }
- }
- function random_color(base_color, offset, ratio=1){
- base_color = (base_color & 255) === (~~base_color) ? ~~base_color : 255;
- offset = ~~offset
- offset = (base_color+offset > 0 && base_color+offset < 256)? offset : 0
- return `rgba(${(base_color + offset*Math.random())&255},${(base_color + offset*Math.random())&255},${(base_color + offset*Math.random())&255},0.8)`;
- }
- function ele_hide(e) {
- // if (document.body.hasChildNodes(e)) e.style.display = "none";
- document.body.hasChildNodes(e) && e.length !== 0 && e.style.setAttribute('display', "none");
- }
- function ele_hide_all(all) {
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(all, function (e) { e.style.display = "none"; });
- }
- function ele_remove(e) {
- // if (document.body.hasChildNodes(e)) e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
- e = e.length ? e[0] : e
- document.body.hasChildNodes(e) && e.length !== 0 && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
- }
- function ele_remove_all(all) {
- if (all) {
- all = Array.from(all)
- }
- if (!all.length) {
- return
- }
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(all, function (e) {
- e instanceof Object && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
- });
- }
- function _$_(selector, operation_code) {
- // operation_code : return_one return_all remove_one remove_all hide_one hide_all
- function get(selector) {
- if((/^#[^.#]+$/).test(selector)) {
- return [document.getElementById(selector.slice(1, selector.length))]
- }
- if((/^\.[^.#]+$/).test(selector)) {
- return document.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1, selector.length))
- }
- if((/^[^.#\[\]=]+$/).test(selector)) {
- return document.getElementsByTagName(selector)
- }
- return document.querySelectorAll(selector)
- }
- switch (operation_code) {
- case 'return_one': //return_one
- // return document.querySelector(selector);
- return get(selector)[0];
- case 'return_all':// return_all
- // return document.querySelectorAll(selector);
- return get(selector);
- case 'remove_one': //remove_one
- // ele_remove(document.querySelector(selector));
- ele_remove(get(selector));
- break;
- case 'remove_all': //remove_all
- // ele_remove_all(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
- ele_remove_all(get(selector));
- break;
- case 'hide_one': //hide_one
- // ele_hide(document.querySelector(selector));
- ele_hide(get(selector));
- break;
- case 'hide_all':// hide_all
- // ele_hide_all(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
- ele_hide_all(get(selector));
- break;
- default:
- // JQuery like
- var result = get(selector);
- result.remove = function(){ele_remove(this)} // ele_remove() only delete one or the first of the list
- return result
- // return result.length > 1 ? result : result[0];
- }
- }
- function _$() {
- return document.querySelector.apply(document, arguments)
- }
- function _$$() {
- return document.querySelectorAll.apply(document, arguments)
- }
- function _CSS(DOM_ele, pseudo_class) {
- return pseudo_class ? window.getComputedStyle(DOM_ele, pseudo_class) : window.getComputedStyle(DOM_ele)
- }
- function revert_color(color) {
- const [red, blue, green, alpha] = color.match(/\d{1,3}/g);
- return Number(alpha) ? `rgba(${255 - red}, ${255 - blue}, ${255 - green}, ${alpha})` : `rgb(${255 - red}, ${255 - blue}, ${255 - green})`;
- }
- function remove_div_padding_margin(ele) {
- if (ele) {
- ele.setAttribute('style', 'overflow:visible;position:relative;padding:0px;margin:0px;left:0px;');
- }
- if (ele && ele.children.length > 0) {
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(ele.children, (function (e) {
- remove_div_padding_margin(e);
- }));
- }
- }
- // ----------------------- utils -------------------------------
- function sleep(ms = 1500) {
- return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(_ => resolve(), ~~ms))
- }
- function autoRefresh(minute = 5) {
- let time = parseFloat(minute) || 5
- window.setTimeOutId = ''
- window.addEventListener('offline', function(e) { clearTimeout(window.setTimeOutId); });
- window.addEventListener('online', function(e) {
- window.location.href = window.location.href;
- });
- window.setTimeOutId = setTimeout(() => {
- if (window.navigator.onLine) {
- window.location.href = window.location.href
- }
- }, time * 60 * 1000)
- }
- function getFormatDate(date) {
- let year = new Date(date).getFullYear()
- let month = new Date(date).getMonth() + 1
- let day = new Date(date).getDate()
- month = month < 10 ? '0' + month : month
- day = day < 10 ? '0' + day : day
- return [year, month, day].join('-')
- }
- function isWorkDay(){
- // should update national_holiday national_workday every year after official notice
- const national_holiday = [
- '2020-04-04',
- '2020-04-05',
- '2020-04-06',
- '2020-05-01',
- '2020-05-02',
- '2020-05-03',
- '2020-05-04',
- '2020-05-05',
- '2020-06-25',
- '2020-06-26',
- '2020-06-27',
- '2020-10-01',
- '2020-10-02',
- '2020-10-03',
- '2020-10-04',
- '2020-10-05',
- '2020-10-06',
- '2020-10-07',
- '2020-10-08'
- ]
- const national_workday = [
- '2020-04-26',
- '2020-05-09',
- '2020-06-28',
- '2020-09-27',
- '2020-10-10'
- ]
- if (national_holiday.includes(getFormatDate(Date.now()))) {
- return false
- }
- if (national_workday.includes(getFormatDate(Date.now()))) {
- return true
- }
- const day_week = new Date(Date.now()).getDay()
- if (day_week === 0 || day_week === 6) {
- return false
- } else {
- return true
- }
- }
- function postData(url, data) {
- const opts = {
- method: 'POST', // 请求方法
- body: JSON.stringify(data), // 请求体
- headers: {
- accept: 'application/json',
- 'content-type': 'application/json'
- },
- mode: 'cors'
- }
- return fetch(url, opts)
- .then(response => {
- return response.json()
- })
- .then(resp => {
- return resp
- // return Promise.reject(resp)
- })
- }
- function getData(url) {
- const opts = {
- method: 'GET', // 请求方法
- mode: 'cors'
- }
- return fetch(url, opts)
- .then(response => {
- return response.json()
- })
- .then(resp => {
- return resp
- // return Promise.reject(resp)
- })
- }
- function content_get() {
- var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
- ajax.open('get', '/');
- ajax.send();
- ajax.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) {
- content_new = ajax.responseText;
- //console.log(content_new);
- content_old = content_old || content_new;
- if (content_new !== content_old) {
- location.reload();
- }
- }
- };
- setTimeout(content_get, 1000);
- }
- function downloadFile(paramObj){
- let {filePath, fileName} = paramObj instanceof Object ? paramObj : {}
- if (!filePath) return;
- const randomName = Math.random().toString(32).slice(2);
- const matchArr = filePath.match(/[^./?]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?=$|\?.*)/g) || []
- const defaultName = matchArr[0]
- fetch(filePath).then(res => res.blob()).then(blob => {
- const a = document.createElement('a');
- document.body.appendChild(a)
- a.style.display = 'none'
- // 使用获取到的blob对象创建的url
- const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- a.href = url;
- // 指定下载的文件名
- a.download = fileName || defaultName || randomName;
- a.click();
- document.body.removeChild(a)
- // 移除blob对象的url
- window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
- });
- }
- function parseQuery () {
- const hastPare = window.location.hash.match(/[^?&=]+\=[^?&=]+/g) || []
- return hastPare.reduce((acc, ele) => {
- const [key, val] = ele.split('=')
- acc[key] = val
- return acc
- }, {})
- }
- function openConsole () {
- var event = document.createEvent('Events');
- event.keyCode = 100;
- event.initEvent('keypress', true, true);
- $0.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- class MutationObserverClass {
- constructor({window}) {
- this.window = window
- this.listeners = [];
- this.observer = undefined
- }
- start({element, selector, fn}) {
- // 储存选择器和回调函数
- this.listeners.push({
- element,
- selector,
- fn
- });
- if(!this.observer){
- // 监听document变化
- let MutationObserver = this.window.MutationObserver || this.window.WebKitMutationObserver;
- let check = this.check.bind(this)
- this.observer = new MutationObserver(check);
- this.observer.observe(this.window.document.documentElement, {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- });
- }
- // 检查该节点是否已经在DOM中
- this.check();
- }
- check(){
- // console.log('check this', this)
- // 检查是否匹配已储存的节点
- this.listeners.forEach(listener => {
- // 检查指定节点是否有匹配
- let element = listener.element || this.window.document.querySelector(listener.selector)
- let isSelf = element instanceof HTMLElement && element === this.window.document.querySelector(listener.selector)
- console.log('isSelf', isSelf)
- // console.log('element', element)
- // console.log('this.window.document.querySelector(listener.selector)', this.window.document.querySelector(listener.selector))
- if (isSelf) {
- const called = ele => ele.called = true
- element instanceof HTMLElement && !element.called && called(element) && listener.fn.call(element, element);
- } else {
- element instanceof HTMLElement && called(element) && listener.fn.call(element, element);
- }
- })
- // for(let i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++){
- // // let listener = this.listeners[i];
- // // // 检查指定节点是否有匹配
- // // let element = listener.element || this.window.document.querySelector(listener.selector)
- // // if (!element) {
- // // return
- // // }
- // // element instanceof HTMLDivElement && listener.fn.call(element, element);
- // // console.log('elements', elements)
- // // for(let j = 0; j < elements.length; j++){
- // // let element = elements[j];
- // // console.log('element', element)
- // // // 确保回调函数只会对该元素调用一次
- // // if(!element.ready){
- // // element.ready = true;
- // // // 对该节点调用回调函数
- // // listener.fn.call(element, element);
- // // }
- // // }
- // }
- }
- }
- // ---------------------------------- main -------------------------------------
- main()