CH MTurk Page Titles

Change MTurk page titles to be more specific, instead of most just saying "Amazon Mechanical Turk".

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v2.2c 2015-03-15 forgot one thing
  • v2.2c 2015-03-15 made 'AMT' the default prefix instead of 'Amazon Mechanical Turk' to make the informative part more visible, individual HITs' titles now indicate when they're Accepted or have a Captcha, requester results pages with a prevRequester value added to the URL now indicate this with a '#' after the name, and made some other small title adjustments; plus, now improves the in-page heading text on 'Contact Requester' pages
  • v2.1c 2015-02-23 added decoding for any percent-encoded characters in the prevRequester value
  • v2.0c 2014-11-19 displays requester IDs and prevRequester values in titles for several types of pages, adds requester names in titles on more types of pages, and adds an option at the end to start all titles with 'AMT' instead of 'Amazon Mechanical Turk'
  • v1.1c 2014-10-17 added coverage for HIT Scraper, QualSorter, 'report a HIT' result pages, and FAQ/help pages
  • v1.0c 2014-07-02