See more without logging into Facebook

This script allows you to see more without logging into Facebook.

< 脚本See more without logging into Facebook的反馈

评价:差评 - 脚本失效或无法使用


Please consider the following update:

// ==UserScript==
// @grant none
// @match *://**
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==

// Not used right now; it is too difficult to find.
request = 'Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know.'

style_tag = document.createElement('style');
style_tag.innerHTML = `
/* Bob, the big login prompt that hides everything. */
.__fb-light-mode.x1n2onr6.xzkaem6 {
visibility: collapse !important;
// If Bob is hidden first, then the smaller login prompt at the bottom never appears in the first place.

// Currently does not work because #login_form doesn't exist yet.
// Very annoying!!!!!
document.getElementById('login_form').style.visibility = 'collapse';

