Transform your Twitch.TV experience
Slims down chat, removes the Left bar, maximizes the video space.
Removes the channel header, the info section and gives you more space with the 'Monster' button to the right of the volume rocker (on the flash player itself).

Big Ass Mode. Hide the chat, press the button, and watch your big ass stream. Doesn't matter what size your browser tab is. My goal is a fluid experience, please let me know about any bugs.
Alternative Download Link
Monster Twitch on MonkeyGuts
- Chrome (Stable & Dev)
- Firefox (Stable & Dev)
Twitch Addons/Extensions:
- Itaku Twitch Chat
- Better Twitch.TV / BTTV

- FIX - Various bugs related to chat-interface - 10/28/14
- FIX - Created a function for resizing (now BTTV doesn't look crazy after window has been shifted) - 7/20/14
- FIX - Removed all custom styling (everything now looks vanilla) - 7/20/14
- HUGE FIX - Finally, the update I've been working at. Everything displays properly now when you hit the back / forward button while the script is activated - 7/03/14
- FIX - Tweaked Chat on BTTV Dark Mode (No longer showing weird white padding on bottom) - 7/03/14
- FIX - Tweaked Emote button (BTTV / Twitch Chat Emotes) - 6/21/14
- FIX - Tweaked the BTTV emote button / Twitch Chat Emotes to show icon- 6/18/14
- FIX - Changed .segemented-tabs to .tabs (Removes the top bar above chat)- 6/18/14
- FIX - Additional formatting and style fixes- 6/16/14
- FIX - Emergency Fixes for New Style - 6/16/14
- FIX - Included the new user prompt to hide/show upon activation & deactivation - 6/09/14
- NEW - Monster Button Animation & Style - 5/31/14
- TWEAK - Set Border to Ridge on textarea - 5/31/14
- FIX - Fixed the weird lag by changing overscroll to hidden on chat-messages - 5/29/14
- NEW - New Chat Button Background - 5/28/14
- NEW - Button Backgrounds & Borders - 5/28/14
- TWEAK - Tweaked the chat-interface border to 2px ridge - 5/28/14
- TWEAK - Added a padding-bottom to tse-content - 5/28/14
- TWEAK - Faster chat button animation - 5/28/14
- TWEAK - New slideDown animation for segmented tabs - 5/28/14
- TWEAK - Added a Margin-Bottom of 3px to the Chat Messages - 5/28/14
- FIX - Set the Chat Interface to be 100px (stop emotes from getting cut off halfway) - 5/28/14
- TWEAK - Chat Interface tweaks that raise up the buttons - 5/28/14
- FIX - Fixed the weirdness with the panels upon resizing - 5/21/14
- FIX - Optimized Monster Button - No longer has to load multiple pictures for the button (greyed out/full color), now works off opacity of full button - 5/18/14
- FIX - No more weird scroll ability on the video - Fixed the position of tse-scroll-content to Static - 5/18/14
- BIG UPDATE / NEW FEATURE - Monster Twitch doesn't need the page to be refreshed anymore - Finally, the update I have been working very hard on is live. Please test any tell me if you experience any issues - 5/17/14
- FIX - Now you only need one mode! - Fixed Monster Twitch so two modes aren't required anymore. - 5/17/14
- FIX - Cleared the dynamic-player attribute - Instead of calculating old player heights this now clears the whole style and the video size looks better now upon activation/deactivtion - 5/11/14
- FIX - White Bar Fix on the .Chat-Messages Bottom Property - For Stylish Script: Twitch.TV Dark Black Customizable Theme - 5/05/14
- FIX - Fixes for Top & Segmented Tabs Z-Index upon Activation - 5/04/14
- FIX - Z-Index for Top & Segmented_Tabs - Corrects a weird white bar when in BTTV Darkened Mode - 5/04/14
- FIX - Set the Left field for Right-Col:After to 0 - Corrects weird positioning - 5/04/14
- CLEANUP - Major Code Cleanup - 5/04/14
- NEW - Button Borders on BTTV Dark Mode - 5/04/14
- NEW - Thicker Button Borders & Border on 'Chat' Button - 5/04/14
- FIXED - Button Alignment on BTTV Dark Mode - Broke because of BTTV Update - 5/04/14
- NEW - Neat Animations - 4/30/14
- NEW - Monster Icon / New Button - 4/25/14
- Set the script to run when the Player Element is Ready - Fixed Firefox Compatibility - 4/24/14
- BIG CHANGE - Button is now positioned to the right of the volume rocker - 4/23/14
- Added Excludes to Popout Windows - 4/21/14
- Set send-chat-button left property handler (To preserve button format in case of Twitch Chat Emotes) - 4/21/14
- Set a scrollTop(0) (When activated, so no white space at the bottom of video player) - 4/21/14
- White Chat Background (When Script Activated) - 4/16/14
- Emote Button Margin Fixes (After BTTV Update) - 4/4/14
- Chat Buttons Container Top Fix - 4/4/14
- Settings, Viewer List, & Emote Button Margin Adjustments - 4/3/14
- Chat Bottom Fix - 4/3/14
- Chat Button Color Fix - 4/3/14
- Multiple Formatting Fixes (Chat Button Width, Button Margins, Emotes Button Style) - 4/3/14
- Fixed Player Height Issue - 3/31/14
- More formatting fixes (Made buttons look normal on both vanilla and modded twitch) - 3/07/14
- Button formatting fixes for BTTV (Pressing viewers list or emoticon selector still makes BTTV call a resize overload & break the page) - 3/07/14
- New Chatbox Color Tweaks (Including Button, Borders, Etc) 3/05/14
- Additional Fixes & Button Reformats 3/05/14
- Fixes for the new chat (Fixed button width & prepared for button border color fixes |Coming later today in another update |) 3/05/14
- @Exclude to the dashboard 1/19/14
- Updated JQuery to 2.0.3 1/19/14
- Tweaked Margins for left_col & main_col (Should fix most, if not all formatting issues) 1/19/14
- Fixed player height issues across the board (Both Chrome and Firefox now work as intended) 1/17/14
CHROME USERS PLEASE UNCOMMENT LINES 205 & 209 FOR FIX (Enabled this way to at least show some video on firefox) 1/17/14- Semi-Rollback to Height (100% height causing break on FF but temporarily fixed) 1/17/14
- Quick fix for Twitch Update (will work on additional fixes tomorrow) 1/17/14
- Fixes issues with use with regular excluding additional extensions 11/27/13
- NEW - Itaku Chat/Geo TTV Button Purple Button Highlight upon activation 11/27/13
- NEW - Blue Mode (Additional Toggle for site compatibility between no extensions/extensions 11/27/13
- Major Bug Fixes 11/27/13
- Small Bug Fix (Corrected button name as to not affect emote subscription button) 11/21/13
- With big ass changes comes a new name, Hello Video is now Monster Twitch 11/21/13
- Big ass changes (New Big Ass Mode, Intelligent Handling, Bug Fixes) 11/21/13
- Changed player-container position from relative to absolute (enabled firefox compatibility) 11/20/13
- Fixed the actions of both left bar and right bar after deactivation (everything now functions like normal, no more bar lockups) 11/20/13
- Play/Pause/ & Volume sliders now works in 'Monster Mode'11/16/13
- Revised left column handling 11/16/13
- Revised intelligent padding handling 11/16/13
- New button animations 11/16/13
- Now captures certain heights, margins, & widths and relays upon deactivation 11/14/13
- Preserves Left Column State upon activation 11/14/13
- Fixed height capture issues / video doesn't look weird if you change browser width 11/14/13
- 100% Compatible with Better TTV & Itaku Chat11/09/13
- Auto-Updates11/09/13
- Captures initial video height on page load 11/09/13
- Fixed padding issues after deactivation 11/09/13
- Added requirement for jquery, which in turn enabled Firefox compatibility! 10/05/13
Suggestions / Ideas / Concerns?
Message me here: