- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)
- // @author Jefferson "jscher2000" Scher
- // @namespace JeffersonScher
- // @version 2.1.8
- // @copyright Copyright 2020 Jefferson Scher
- // @license BSD-3-Clause
- // @description Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.1.8 2020-12-13
- // @include http*://www.google.*/*
- // @exclude http*://www.google.com/recaptcha/*
- // @include http*://www.google.co*.*/*
- // @include http*://news.google.*/*
- // @include http*://encrypted.google.*/*
- // @include http*://startpage.com/*
- // @include http*://*.startpage.com/*
- // @exclude https://www.startpage.com/*/ads?*
- // @include http*://duckduckgo.com/*
- // @include http*://start.duckduckgo.com/*
- // @include http*://safe.duckduckgo.com/*
- // @include http*://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/*
- // @include http*://www.bing.com/*
- // @include http*://*search.yahoo.com/*
- // @include http*://search.yahoo.co.jp/*
- // @include http*://www.yandex.com/*
- // @include http*://yandex.com/*
- // @include http*://searx.*/*
- // @include http*://www.qwant.com/*
- // @include http*://www.qwantjunior.com/*
- // @include http*://www.baidu.com/*
- // @include https://www.ecosia.org/search*
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM.getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM.setValue
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM.deleteValue
- // @grant GM_getResourceURL
- // @grant GM.getResourceUrl
- // @resource mycon https://www.jeffersonscher.com/gm/src/gfrk-GHHbD-ver218.png
- // ==/UserScript==
- var script_about = "https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1682-google-hit-hider-by-domain-search-filter-block-sites";
- /*
- Copyright (c) 2020 Jefferson Scher. All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met and subject to the following restriction:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
- var GM4 = (typeof GM.getValue === "undefined") ? false : true;
- function GHHbD_addStyle(txt){
- var s=document.createElement('style');
- s.className = 'GHHbDcss';
- s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt));
- document.body.appendChild(s);
- }
- var isch = false;
- function injectBaseCSS(){
- // == == == To override the style of the script's buttons and panes, use the custom style feature == == ==
- GHHbD_addStyle("div.ghhider{color:#888;} div.ghhider:hover{background-color:#eee;} " +
- "button.ghhider{color:#555;background-color:#fcfcfc;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:0.85em;margin:auto 2px;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;padding:2px 3px;} h3>button.ghhider{font-size:0.75em;} " +
- "button.ghhider:hover{color:#000;background:#ff8;} .ghh1time{background:#eee !important;} .ghhdnone{display:none !important;} " +
- ".ghhpane{position:absolute;color:#333;background-color:#fcfcfc;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;padding:0.25em 1.5em;font-size:13px;display:none} " +
- "#ghhsitelist, #ghhpbanlist{background:#fff;list-style-type:none;padding:0;margin:0;} " +
- "#ghhsitelist li,#ghhpbanlist li{width:100%;line-height:1.5em;padding:0;position:relative} " +
- "#ghhsitelist li:nth-of-type(odd),#ghhpbanlist li:nth-of-type(odd){background-color:#fcfcaa} " +
- ".ghhhost{display:block;padding:0 0.25em;cursor:pointer;} #ghhutil{text-align:center;margin:0.5em 0 1em 0;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;padding:3px 0;} " +
- ".ghhinfo{font-size:12px;line-height:9px;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;z-index:1001;border:4px solid transparent;border-radius:4px;border-bottom-left-radius:8px;border-top-left-radius:8px;margin-top:1px;padding-left:1px} " +
- ".ghhdel{text-decoration:line-through;color:#333;} .ghhpb{text-decoration:none;color:#f00;} " +
- ".ghhblk{text-decoration:none;color:#333;} .ghhd{position:relative;line-height:1.2em;cursor:pointer;} " +
- ".ghhindent{position:absolute;left:350px;top:-3px;} #btnedit p{margin:2px 4px 4px 4px;} #ghhblockform input[type='radio'], #ghhmngform input[type='radio']{vertical-align:bottom;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:1px} " +
- "#ghhblockform label, #ghhmngform label{display:inline;font-weight:normal} .ghhtbl{border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse} .ghhtbl td, .ghhtbl th{border:1px solid black;padding:2px 4px;} " +
- "#ghhtsdiv{margin:0 -1.5em;padding:0 3px 0 8px;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;} #ghhtstrip{padding-bottom:0;} " +
- "#ghhtstrip button{color:#555;background-color:#f5f5f5;margin:0 2px 0 0;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:1px 2px;height:22px;border-radius:2px;} " +
- "#ghhtstrip .ghhCurTab{background-color:#fcfcfc;border-bottom-color:#fcfcfc;} .ghhtab {margin-top:1em;height:17em;overflow-y:scroll;border:1px solid #333;} " +
- "#mflists>div>p{margin:1em 0;} #ghhmngform{position:fixed;top:65px;right:0;z-index:9001;text-align:left;line-height:1.2em} #ghhblockform{text-align:left;z-index:3005} " +
- 'h3[wotdonut="true"]{overflow:visible!important}');
- GHHbD_addStyle("@media print {button.ghhider{display:none;}}");
- // Standard image results style block
- if (location.search.indexOf("tbm=isch") > -1){
- var ghhbd_imgsty = document.createElement("style");
- ghhbd_imgsty.id = "ghhStyleImgResults";
- ghhbd_imgsty.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- ghhbd_imgsty.appendChild(document.createTextNode('div[imgblock="regular"] img{opacity:0.1 !important} div.isv-r[imgblock="regular"] a div:first-of-type{opacity:0.6 !important} div[imgblock="regular"]:not(.isv-r) a div{display:block !important;opacity:0.6 !important}div[imgblock="regular"] img:hover{opacity:0.5 !important} div[imgblock="pban"]{background-color:#aaa !important;border-radius:6px !important} div[imgblock="pban"] a{display:none !important}'));
- document.body.appendChild(ghhbd_imgsty);
- isch=true;
- }
- }
- injectBaseCSS();
- var currentG = location.hostname; var engine = 'misc';
- function doSiteSpecific(){
- if (currentG.indexOf("google") > -1){
- engine = 'Google';
- // Google: div#res > div#search > div > div#ires > div.srg | ol#rso | div._NId | div.bkWMgd > div.g > div.rc > h3.r > a
- // Google in-depth articles: div#res > div#search > div#ires > ol#rso > div > li.g.card-section or li.g.ct-cs > div.rc > div > h3.r > a
- // Google Images (default): div#res > div#search > div > div#ires > div#rso > div#isr_mc > div > div#rg > div#rg_s > div.rg_di.rg_el.ivg-ig > a > img
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("bing.com") > -1){
- engine = 'Bing';
- // Bing: div#b_content > main > ol#b-results > li.b_algo > h2 > a
- GHHbD_addStyle("li[ghhresult] h2 button.ghhider{font-size:0.7em !important;} li > h2 {white-space:nowrap !important;}");
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("duckduckgo") > -1 || currentG.indexOf("3g2upl4pq6kufc4m") > -1){
- engine = 'DDG';
- // DuckDuckGo: div#links > div.results_links_deep > div.links_main > h2 > a
- GHHbD_addStyle(".links_main,.result__title{overflow:visible !important;} .result__title{white-space:nowrap !important;} .ghhb{font-size:12px!important;margin-left:4px!important;}");
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("startpage") > -1){
- engine = 'Startpage';
- // Startpage: div#results > ol > li > div.result > h3 > a
- // 11/21/2018: [data-view="results"] div.columns article.column.column--main > div.column.column--main__content > ol.list-flat > li.search-result.search-item > h3.search-item__title > a
- // 7/03/2019: div.mainline-results__web section.w-gl > div.w-gl__result > a.w-gl__result-title
- GHHbD_addStyle('.w-gl__result{overflow:visible !important;} .ghhd{padding:0 10px 8px 12px}button.ghhider{font-weight:normal}#ghhblockform input[type="checkbox"], #ghhmngform input[type="checkbox"]{width:unset;height:unset;position:static;margin:unset;border:unset;padding:unset;clip:unset;}' +
- '#ghhblockform button, #ghhmngform button{font-size:1em;font-weight:normal;border:1px solid #e3e3e3;border-radius:3px;padding:2px 8px;box-shadow:none} #ghhmngform{top:105px !important;}');
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("yahoo.com") > -1){
- // Yahoo (Firefox): div#results > div#cols > div#left > div > div#main > div > div#web > ol > li > div > div > h3 > a
- GHHbD_addStyle("div#web > ol.reg, li div.compTitle {overflow:visible !important;} .ghhd{margin: 1em 0px -1em 10px} #ghhmngform{top:80px} li div div h3{white-space:nowrap !important;}");
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("yahoo.co.jp") > -1){
- // Yahoo Japan: div#contents > div > div > div > div#WS2m > div.w > div.hd > h3 > a
- GHHbD_addStyle("#WS2m .w{overflow:visible !important;} #ghhmngform{z-index:3001}");
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("baidu") > -1){
- engine = 'Baidu';
- // Baidu: (title) #content_left > div.result.c-container > h3 > a; (domain) #content_left > div.result.c-container > div > a.c-showurl
- // Baidu rich result: (title) #content_left > div.result-op.c-container > h3 > a (or p.op_site_domain_title, div.op_generalqa_main.c-row); (domain) #content_left > div.result-op.c-container[mu]
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("yandex.com") > -1){
- // Yandex: div.serp-list | ul.serp-list > div.serp-item | li.serp-item > h2 > a
- GHHbD_addStyle("h2.serp-item__title{white-space:nowrap;}.ghhb{font-size:0.75em!important;margin-left:4px!important;}");
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("qwant") > -1){
- // Qwant: div.results-column > div.result_fragment > div.result--web | div.result--news > h3 > a
- GHHbD_addStyle("div[blocknotice]:not(.ghh1time){min-height:1em;padding-left:0;}");
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("searx") > -1){
- // Searx.me: div#main_results > div.result > h4.result_header > a
- GHHbD_addStyle("h2.serp-item__title{white-space:nowrap;}.ghhb{font-size:0.75em!important;margin-left:4px!important;}");
- }
- if (currentG.indexOf("ecosia") > -1){
- engine = 'Ecosia';
- // Ecosia: div.results-wrapper > div.container.results ... div.card-web ... div.result-firstline-title > a.result-title
- GHHbD_addStyle("[ghhresult] h2.result-firstline-title>a.result-title{display:inline;}.ghhider{font-size:0.6em!important;}");
- }
- }
- doSiteSpecific()
- //console.log('engine=' + engine);
- function injectCustom(){
- if (document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy")) return;
- var ghhbd_custsty = document.createElement("style");
- ghhbd_custsty.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- ghhbd_custsty.id = "ghhbdcuststy";
- ghhbd_custsty.appendChild(document.createTextNode(custSty));
- document.body.appendChild(ghhbd_custsty);
- }
- var custSty;
- if (!GM4){
- custSty = GM_getValue("hiderStyles", "");
- if (custSty.length > 0) injectCustom();
- } else {
- GM.getValue("hiderStyles", "").then(function(value){custSty = value; if (custSty.length > 0) injectCustom();});
- }
- // == == == Globals for preferences == == ==
- var blist, defaultTxts, txtsPref, txts, defaultPrefs, ghhPrefs, ghhPrefO, showYN, mpopen, mbstyle, bbstyle, bbpos, addAt, listchgs, bLUopen, bAggress, bAJAX, bMutOb, pref1click, betatest, MutOb, chgMon, opts, kids, needupdate = true, doms = [], t_pb;
- var patIPv4 = /\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b/;
- function checkblist(){
- if (blist.length === 0) blist = "|example.com:t|";
- if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
- if (blist.indexOf(":") < 0) convertFormat();
- }
- if (!GM4){
- blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts", "");
- checkblist();
- } else {
- GM.getValue("hideyhosts", "").then(function(value){blist = value; checkblist();});
- }
- defaultTxts = {
- "block":["block","Button next to the result title to call up the block dialog"],
- "unblock":["Unblock","Green button in results to remove a site from the block list"],
- "onetime":["Show Hit","Yellow button in results to show a result temporarily"],
- "pban":["Perma-ban","Red button to move a site to the perma-ban list"],
- "shownotc":["Show Notices","Button to set the preference for notices to show them"],
- "hidenotc":["Hide Notices","Button to set the preference for notices to hide them"],
- "okbtn":["Block Site","Button in the block dialog to block the selected domain"],
- "cancelbtn":["Cancel","Button in the block dialog to cancel out with making changes"],
- "savebtn":["Save Lists","Button in the management pane to update the block and perma-ban lists"],
- "closebtn":["Close","Button in the management pane to close the pane"],
- "okPbtn":["Perma-ban","Button in the block dialog to perma-ban the selected domain"],
- "cancelMbtn":["Manage Hiding","Button in the block dialog to open the management pane"],
- "mngbtn":["Manage Hiding","Button on the right side to open the management pane"],
- "eximbtn":["Export","Button in the management pane to export the block list"],
- "utilbtn":["List Util","Button in the management pane to open the utility panel"],
- "sortbtn":["Sort","Button in the management pane to sort the block list"],
- "unwwwbtn":["Un-www","Button in the management pane to strip www from blocked domains"],
- "dedupbtn":["De-Dup","Button in the management pane to de-duplicate the block list"],
- "impobtn":["Import","Button in the management pane to import domains into the block list"],
- "sharebtn":["Share","Button in the management pane to post block list to the web"],
- "addallbtn":["Add All","Button in the management pane to bulk add all unblocked domains to current list"]
- };
- function checktxts(){
- if (txtsPref.indexOf(":[") == -1 || txtsPref.indexOf("mngbtn") == -1 ||
- txtsPref.indexOf("eximbtn") == -1 || txtsPref.indexOf("utilbtn") == -1 ||
- txtsPref.indexOf("impobtn") == -1 || txtsPref.indexOf("addallbtn") == -1) {
- convertTxts(txtsPref);
- } else {
- txts = JSON.parse(txtsPref);
- }
- }
- if (!GM4){
- txtsPref = GM_getValue("textstrings", JSON.stringify(defaultTxts));
- checktxts();
- } else {
- GM.getValue("textstrings", JSON.stringify(defaultTxts)).then(function(value){txtsPref = value; checktxts();});
- }
- defaultPrefs = {
- "shownotc":["Y","Show hit notices(Y|N)"],
- "mngpaneopen":["Y-N","Persistence enabled(Y|N),Pane was open(Y|N),Last tab number(1-4)"],
- "mngbtnstyle":["both-ifrN-R-P-Y-H","Display Manage Hiding button and Block buttons(mng|blk|both),In iframes(ifrN|ifrY),Position(R,T,B),Block button display(P,M),Block button tooltips(Y|N), Block button position(H|C)"],
- "addtolistpos":["end","Where to add new hits to block lists(end|top|sort)"],
- "aggressiveblock":["none","Which domains to default to shorter form(none|all|www)"],
- "usemutation":["on-Y","Listen for mutation events(on|off),Use DOM4 Mutation Observer(Y|N)"],
- "oneclick":["N-N","One-click blocking(Y|N),Goes to Perma-ban(Y|N)"],
- "runbeta":["N","Enable incompletely tested features (Y|N)"],
- "reserved2":["X","Y"]
- };
- function checkprefs(){
- if (ghhPrefs.length == 0){
- convertPrefs(defaultPrefs, "true");
- } else {
- if (ghhPrefs.indexOf("reserved1")>-1){
- convertPrefs(defaultPrefs, "false");
- } else {
- ghhPrefO = JSON.parse(ghhPrefs);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!GM4){
- ghhPrefs = GM_getValue("ghhprefs", "");
- checkprefs();
- GHHbDinit();
- } else {
- GM.getValue("ghhprefs", "").then(function(value){ghhPrefs = value; checkprefs(); GHHbDinit();});
- }
- function GHHbDinit(){
- showYN = ghhPrefO.shownotc[0];
- mpopen = ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0];
- mbstyle = ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0];
- if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H");
- if (mbstyle.split("-").length < 3){
- GHHbD_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;top:150px;right:-2.8em;-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);"+
- "border-bottom:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;padding:6px 1px;z-index:1000;}");
- } else {
- switch (mbstyle.split("-")[2]){
- case "B":
- GHHbD_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;bottom:0;right:2px;"+
- "border-bottom:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;padding:6px 1px;z-index:1000;}");
- break;
- case "T":
- GHHbD_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {margin:0;padding:4px 6px;z-index:3000;}");
- if (document.querySelector("#appbar ol")){
- window.setTimeout(function(){document.querySelector("#appbar ol#ab_ctls").appendChild(document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn"))}, 1000);
- window.setTimeout(function(){var liNew = document.createElement("li");liNew.className="ab_ctl";liNew.appendChild(document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn"));document.querySelector("ol#ab_ctls").appendChild(liNew);}, 1500);
- } else {
- window.setTimeout(function(){if (document.querySelector("#appbar ol")){var liNew = document.createElement("li");liNew.className="ab_ctl";liNew.appendChild(document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn"));document.querySelector("ol#ab_ctls").appendChild(liNew);}else{document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn").setAttribute("style","position:absolute;top:8em;right:0")}}, 1500);
- }
- break;
- default:
- GHHbD_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;top:150px;right:-2.8em;-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);"+
- "border-bottom:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;padding:6px 1px;z-index:1000;}");
- }
- }
- if (mbstyle.split("-").length > 3) bbstyle = mbstyle.split("-")[3];
- else bbstyle = "P";
- if (mbstyle.split("-").length > 5) bbpos = mbstyle.split("-")[5];
- else bbpos = "H";
- // toggleciteline(bbpos); called by fixuistyle()
- addAt = ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0];
- listchgs = 0;
- bLUopen = "N";
- bAggress = ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0];
- bAJAX = ghhPrefO.usemutation[0].split("-")[0];
- if (ghhPrefO.usemutation[0].split("-").length > 1) bMutOb = ghhPrefO.usemutation[0].split("-")[1];
- else bMutOb = "Y";
- pref1click = ghhPrefO.oneclick[0];
- betatest = ghhPrefO.runbeta[0];
- if (document.body){
- // Add buttons, hide unwanted domains
- hidehits(null,false);
- if (document.getElementById("GTR")) removePBs();
- // Special results layout
- if (betatest == "Y"){
- var itbl = document.querySelector("#res .images_table");
- if (itbl) hidebasic(itbl);
- }
- // Create skeleton of manage form
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhmngform")) addManageForm();
- // Add manage button
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn") && mbstyle.split("-")[0] != "blk"){
- if (engine == 'Google'){if(document.getElementById("res") || isch) addMngBtn();}
- else addMngBtn();
- }
- // Show pane if last open
- if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y") showManageForm("mngform");
- // Add menu item - Legacy Only
- if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != "undefined") GM_registerMenuCommand("Manage Hiding", showManageForm);
- // Create block form
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhblockform")) addBlockForm();
- // Watch for changes that could be new instant or AJAX search results
- if (bAJAX == "on") setMutationWatch();
- }
- }
- function setMutationWatch(){
- // Prefer MutationObserver (Firefox 14+) over Mutation Events
- MutOb = (window.MutationObserver) ? window.MutationObserver : window.WebKitMutationObserver;
- if (MutOb && bMutOb == "Y"){
- chgMon = new MutOb(function(mutationSet){
- mutationSet.forEach(function(mutation){
- if (mutation.type == "childList"){
- for (var i=0; i<mutation.addedNodes.length; i++){
- if (mutation.addedNodes[i].nodeType == 1){
- checkNode(mutation.addedNodes[i]);
- }
- }
- } else { // attribute mutation on Google Images
- if(mutation.target.className == "rg_l") checkNode(mutation.target.parentNode);
- }
- });
- });
- // attach chgMon to document.body
- if (isch == true) opts = {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["href"], characterData: false};
- else opts = {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false, characterData: false};
- chgMon.observe(document.body, opts);
- } else if (bMutOb == "Y") { // Legacy browser support and Baidu
- document.body.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
- }
- }
- // == == == Main Event Loops == == ==
- var ignoreNodeNames = "|BODY|#text|#comment|INPUT|BUTTON|SCRIPT|LI|A|FORM|";
- var ignoreIds = "|leftnav|leftnavc|foot|ghhtemp|ghhblockform|ghhmanageform|ghhsitelist|ghhpbanlist|rhs|rhscol|";
- var ignoreClass = "|ghhider|ghhdbuttons|ghh1time|";
- var t_ap, t_gimg;
- function checkOlist(e){ // Check for new results // Needed for Baidu
- var el = e.target;
- // Ignore events on some elements
- if (ignoreNodeNames.indexOf("|"+el.nodeName+"|") > -1) return;
- if (el.hasAttribute("id")){if (ignoreIds.indexOf("|"+el.id+"|") > -1) return;}
- if (el.hasAttribute("class")){
- if (ignoreClass.indexOf("|"+el.className+"|") > -1) return;
- if (el.classList.contains("goog-date")) return;
- }
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){
- addManageForm();
- injectBaseCSS();
- injectCustom();
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn") && mbstyle.split("-")[0] != "blk"){
- if (engine == 'Google'){if(document.getElementById("res")) addMngBtn();}
- else addMngBtn();
- }
- // Use default button style for now (1.9.3)
- GHHbD_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;top:150px;right:-2.8em;-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);"+
- "border-bottom:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;padding:6px 1px;z-index:1000;}");
- }
- checkNode(el);
- }
- function checkNode(el){
- if (el.parentNode && (el.parentNode.id == 'ghhsitelist' || el.parentNode.id == 'ghhpbanlist')) return; // 2.0.6 duh!
- // AutoPager extension
- if (document.querySelector("#navcnt")){
- if (t_ap) window.clearTimeout(t_ap);
- t_ap = window.setTimeout(refreshListeners, 500);
- }
- if (el.nodeName == "LI" || (el.nodeName == "DIV" && (el.className == "g" || el.classList.contains("rg_di") || el.className == "rgsh")) ||
- el.nodeName == 'G-INNER-CARD' || el.nodeName == 'G-CARD' || el.classList.contains("isv-r")) var nlist = [el];
- else nlist = el.querySelectorAll('li.g, div.g, div.rg_di, div.isv-r');
- if (engine != 'Google' && el.nodeName != "LI"){
- if (el.nodeName == "DIV" && (el.classList.contains("result--web") || el.classList.contains("result--news") || el.className == "card-mobile")) nlist = [el]; // Qwant, Ecosia
- else nlist = el.querySelectorAll('div.result, div.result-op, div.links_main, div.serp-item, div.hd, li.b_algo, ol.list-flat > li, div.card-web div.card-mobile');
- }
- if (nlist.length > 0){
- if (isch) hidehits(nlist,true);
- else hidehits(nlist,false);
- if (document.getElementById("GTR")) removePBs();
- } else if (el.nodeName == "DIV" && ( (el.classList.contains("irc_c") || el.classList.contains("irc_bg")) || el.id == 'irc_bg') ) {
- var buttondivs = el.querySelectorAll('.irc_butc:not([ghhresult]), .irc_but_r:not([ghhresult]), .irc_ab:not([ghhresult]), .irc_but_pdfr:not([ghhresult])');
- for (var k=0; k<buttondivs.length; k++){
- buttondivs[k].setAttribute("ghhresult", "image-unset");
- buttondivs[k].style.position = "relative";
- if (buttondivs[k].nodeName == 'TABLE'){
- var tdnew = document.createElement("td");
- tdnew.innerHTML = '<button type="button" title="Block/Unblock" class="irc_but"><span class="irc_but_t">GHHbD</span></button>';
- buttondivs[k].querySelector('tr').appendChild(tdnew);
- tdnew.firstChild.addEventListener("click", imgblockdialog, false);
- } else {
- var spannew = document.createElement("span");
- spannew.style.marginLeft = '10px';
- spannew.innerHTML = '<button type="button" title="Block/Unblock" class="irc_but"><span class="irc_but_t">GHHbD</span></button>';
- buttondivs[k].appendChild(spannew);
- spannew.firstChild.addEventListener("click", imgblockdialog, false);
- }
- }
- } else {
- var abtn = el.querySelectorAll('a[role="button"][href]'); // Google images sidebar 2020-06-20
- if (abtn.length > 0 && abtn[0].closest('c-wiz') != null) var alnk = abtn[0].closest('c-wiz').querySelector('a[role="link"][href]');
- if (alnk && !alnk.parentNode.hasAttribute('ghhresult')) {
- alnk.parentNode.setAttribute('ghhresult', 'image-unset');
- var dnew = document.createElement("div");
- dnew.setAttribute('style', 'text-align: right');
- dnew.innerHTML = '<button type="button" title="Block/Unblock" url="' + alnk.href + '" style="position:relative; top: 3em; right: 6px; z-index: 1000; color: #609beb; background-color: #333; border: 1px solid #609beb;">GHHbD</button>';
- alnk.parentNode.insertBefore(dnew, alnk);
- dnew.firstChild.addEventListener("click", imgblockdialog, false);
- }
- }
- if (document.querySelectorAll('style.GHHbDcss').length === 0){ // Bing losing styles... 2018-10-01
- injectBaseCSS();
- doSiteSpecific();
- GHHbD_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;top:150px;right:-2.8em;-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);"+
- "border-bottom:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;padding:6px 1px;z-index:1000;}");
- }
- }
- var parentcard;
- function hidehits(liels,ovrd){
- if (!liels){
- if (engine == 'Google'){
- liels = document.querySelectorAll("#res li.g, #res div.srg div.g, #res div._NId div.g, #res div._bkWMgd div.g, #res #rso div.g, #res #GTR div.g, #res #isr_mc, g-section-with-header g-scrolling-carousel g-inner-card, g-card div.dbsr, g-card");
- } else {
- liels = document.querySelectorAll('div#results li, div#results > div.result, div#links > div.results_links_deep > div.links_main, div#b_content ol > li.b_algo, div#results div#web > ol > li, div#WS2m > div.w, div.serp-list > div.serp-item, ul.serp-list > li.serp-item, div#main_results > div.result, div.results-column div.result--web, div.results-column div.result--news, #content_left > div.result.c-container, #content_left > div.result-op.c-container, ol.list-flat > li, div.w-gl__result, div.card-web div.card-mobile');
- }
- if (!liels) return;
- }
- if (isch && liels.length==0){
- liels = document.querySelectorAll('div.rg_di, div.isv-r');
- } else if (liels.length==0){
- if (engine == 'Google'){
- liels = document.querySelectorAll("#res li.g, #res div.srg div.g, #res div._NId div.g, #res div._bkWMgd div.g, #res #rso div.g, #res #GTR div.g, #res #isr_mc, g-section-with-header g-scrolling-carousel g-inner-card, g-card div.dbsr, g-card");
- } else {
- liels = document.querySelectorAll('div#results li, div#results > div.result, div#links > div.results_links_deep > div.links_main, div#b_content ol > li.b_algo, div#results div#web > ol > li, div#WS2m > div.w, div.serp-list > div.serp-item, ul.serp-list > li.serp-item, div#main_results > div.result, div.results-column div.result--web, div.results-column div.result--news, #content_left > div.result.c-container, #content_left > div.result-op.c-container, ol.list-flat > li, div.w-gl__result, div.card-web div.card-mobile');
- }
- }
- if (liels.length == 0) return;
- if (liels.length == 1){ // Google Standard Image Results
- if(liels[0].id == "isr_mc") liels = liels[0].querySelectorAll(".rg_di");
- }
- var hosts, hiders, nhider, i, j, k, hid, ael, ahref, dom, dompart, btn, apar, dgone, pban, linkwidth;
- hosts = blist;
- for (i=0; i<liels.length; i++){
- if ((liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "OL" || liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "TD" ||
- liels[i].classList.contains("card-section") || liels[i].classList.contains("ct-cs") || liels[i].classList.contains("w-gl__result") ||
- (liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "DIV" && (liels[i].parentNode.classList.contains("srg") ||
- liels[i].parentNode.classList.contains("_NId") || liels[i].parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains("_NId") ||
- liels[i].parentNode.classList.contains("bkWMgd") || liels[i].parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains("bkWMgd") ||
- liels[i].nodeName === 'G-INNER-CARD' || liels[i].nodeName === 'G-CARD')) ||
- (liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "DIV" && liels[i].closest('#rso') !== null) ||
- (engine != 'Google' && liels[i].parentNode.nodeName == "DIV") ||
- liels[i].classList.contains('serp-item')) &&
- liels[i].className.indexOf("gbt")!=0 &&
- liels[i].classList.contains("gplusgrid") === false &&
- liels[i].classList.contains("mitem") === false &&
- liels[i].classList.contains("kno-kp") === false) {
- liels[i].setAttribute("ghhresult","unset");
- hiders = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhider");
- nhider = hiders.length;
- if (nhider == 0 || ovrd == true){ // skip if a button is there
- hid = false;
- ael = liels[i].querySelector("div.r > a, h3 a, div.rc a"); // first link (not useful for video or book blocks), <h3> preferred
- if (!ael || ael.parentNode.className=='deeplink_title') ael = liels[i].querySelector("h2 a, h4 a");
- if (!ael) ael = liels[i].querySelector("a");
- if (liels[i].classList.contains("videobox")) ael = liels[i].querySelectorAll("td")[1].querySelector("a"); //video page
- if (engine == 'Google' && location.search.indexOf('adtest=on') > -1){
- ael = liels[i].querySelector('cite');
- if(ael){if(!ael.hasAttribute('href')){
- if (ael.textContent.indexOf('http://')===-1 && ael.textContent.indexOf('https://')===-1) ael.setAttribute('href', 'http://'+ael.textContent);
- else ael.setAttribute('href', ael.textContent);
- }}
- }
- if (engine == 'Baidu'){
- if(liels[i].hasAttribute('mu')){
- liels[i].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<span style="display:none"><a class="c-showurl" href="' + liels[i].getAttribute('mu') +'">' + liels[i].getAttribute('mu') + '</a></span>');
- }
- ael = liels[i].querySelector("a.c-showurl");
- if(ael){if(!ael.hasAttribute('href')){
- if (ael.textContent.indexOf('http://')===-1 && ael.textContent.indexOf('https://')===-1) ael.setAttribute('href', 'http://'+ael.textContent);
- else ael.setAttribute('href', ael.textContent);
- }}
- }
- if (engine == 'Startpage'){
- ael = liels[i].querySelector('a.result-link');
- }
- if (ael){ahref=ael.getAttribute("href"); if(ahref){if (ahref.search(/http|ftp/i)==0 || ahref.indexOf("/interstitial")==0 ||
- ahref.indexOf("/url?q=")==0 || ahref.indexOf(currentG+"/url?q=")>-1 || ahref.indexOf("/url?sa=")==0 ||
- (ahref.indexOf("/aclk?")==0 && liels[i].classList.contains("psli"))
- || ahref.indexOf("//r.search.yahoo")==0 || ahref.indexOf(currentG+"/link?url=")>-1){
- dom = ahref.substr(ahref.search(/http|ftp/i));
- if (ael.hasAttribute("data-href")) dom = ael.getAttribute("data-href").substr(ael.getAttribute("data-href").indexOf("http"));
- if (dom.indexOf(currentG+"/aclk?")>-1) dom = ahref.substr(ahref.indexOf("http", 10));
- if (ahref.indexOf("/url?sa=")>-1) dom = decodeURIComponent(ahref.substr(ahref.indexOf("&url=")+5));
- if (ahref.indexOf("r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=")>-1) dom = decodeURIComponent(ahref.substr(ahref.indexOf("RU=http")+3));
- if (dom.indexOf("search.yahoo.co.jp/r/FOR=")>-1) dom = decodeURIComponent(ahref.substr(ahref.indexOf("/**http")+3));
- if (dom.indexOf("https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl")>-1) dom = decodeURIComponent(ahref.substr(ahref.indexOf("&u=http")+3));
- if (currentG.indexOf("baidu") > -1) dom = '//' + ael.textContent.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '').replace('....', '');
- // if (dom.indexOf("imgrefurl")>-1) dom = dom.match(/imgrefurl=([^&]+)/)[1];
- dom = dom.split("/")[2];
- if (dom.indexOf(":")> -1) dom = dom.substr(0,dom.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number
- dompart = dom;
- liels[i].setAttribute("ghhhost",dompart);
- while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) {
- if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":")>-1) { // These domains suck
- if (nhider > 0){ // Remove old buttons, notices, etc.
- for (k=hiders.length-1; k>=0; k--){
- hiders[k].parentNode.removeChild(hiders[k]);
- nhider = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhider").length;
- }
- }
- if (liels[i].classList.contains("ghh1time") === false){
- if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":p")<0) { // Regular block
- if (showYN=="Y"){
- if (liels[i].classList.contains("results_links_deep")){ // DDG
- replaceHit(dompart,ael,liels[i].querySelector(".links_main"),"");
- }
- else replaceHit(dompart,ael,liels[i],"");
- }
- else replaceHit(dompart,ael,liels[i],"none");
- } else { // Perma-ban
- liels[i].setAttribute("blockhidden",dompart);
- if (engine != 'Google' && liels[i].classList.contains("ghhdnone") === false){
- liels[i].classList.add('ghhdnone');
- if (liels[i].classList.contains("links_main")) liels[i].parentNode.classList.add('ghhdnone');
- }
- }
- if (engine == 'DDG' && liels[i].classList.contains("results_links_deep")) kids = liels[i].lastElementChild.children; //DDG
- else kids = liels[i].children;
- for (j=0; j<kids.length; j++){ // Hide Google result
- if (kids[j].classList.contains("ghhider") === false && kids[j].classList.contains("ghhdnone") === false){
- kids[j].classList.add('ghhdnone');
- }
- }
- }
- if (liels[i].classList.contains("psli")) liels[i].style.padding = "0"; // Shopping results
- hid = true;
- break;
- }
- else {
- dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1);
- if (dompart.indexOf(".") === -1 && dompart != "tld") dompart += '.tld';
- }
- }
- if (hid == false && nhider > 1) { // Remove previous block & reset nhider
- liels[i].removeChild(liels[i].children[0]);
- // Clean up unblocked one-times
- if (liels[i].classList.contains("ghh1time")){
- liels[i].classList.remove('ghh1time');
- dgone = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhd")[0];
- if (dgone) dgone.parentNode.removeChild(dgone);
- dgone = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhdbuttons")[0];
- if (dgone) dgone.parentNode.removeChild(dgone);
- }
- nhider = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhider").length;
- }
- if (hid == false && nhider == 0) { // Not blocked, insert block button
- // First, remove hiding for unblocked domains
- if (engine == 'DDG' && liels[i].classList.contains("results_links_deep")) kids = liels[i].lastElementChild.children; //DDG
- else kids = liels[i].children;
- for (j=0; j<kids.length; j++){
- if (kids[j].classList.contains("ghhdnone")){
- kids[j].classList.remove('ghhdnone');
- }
- }
- if (liels[i].hasAttribute("blockhidden")){
- liels[i].removeAttribute("blockhidden");
- liels[i].classList.remove('ghhdnone');
- if (engine == 'DDG' && liels[i].classList.contains("links_main")) liels[i].parentNode.classList.remove('ghhdnone');
- }
- if (liels[i].hasAttribute("blocknotice")) liels[i].removeAttribute("blocknotice");
- // Insert block button
- apar = ael;
- if (engine == 'Google'){
- if (location.search.indexOf('adtest=on') > -1){
- apar = liels[i].querySelector("h3 a, a");
- if (!apar.hasAttribute('hreforiginal')) apar.setAttribute('hreforiginal', ael.getAttribute('href'));
- } else {
- if (!apar.hasAttribute('hreforiginal')) apar.setAttribute('hreforiginal', apar.href);
- }
- }
- if (engine == 'Baidu'){
- apar = liels[i].querySelector("h3 a, .c-result-content a");
- if (!apar && liels[i].querySelector("p.op_site_domain_title, div.op_generalqa_main.c-row") != null) apar = liels[i].querySelector("p.op_site_domain_title, div.op_generalqa_main.c-row").firstChild;
- }
- if (apar != null && !apar.nextElementSibling){
- if (apar.parentNode.nodeName != "LI" &&
- apar.parentNode.nodeName != "TD" &&
- apar.parentNode.nodeName != "H2") apar = apar.parentNode;
- }
- if (apar != null && apar != undefined) { if (dom.indexOf(currentG)<0 &&
- (liels[i].parentNode != document.querySelector("#tads ol")) &&
- (liels[i].parentNode != document.querySelector("#bottomads ol")) &&
- (liels[i].parentNode != document.querySelector("#ads div")) &&
- (liels[i].parentNode != document.querySelector("#rhs ol"))){
- btn = document.createElement("button");
- btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts.block[0]));
- btn.className="ghhider ghhb";
- btn.setAttribute("meta",dom);
- if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y" && mbstyle.split("-")[4] == "Y"){ //BUG: for 1-click with aggressive (subdomain) settings, dom will be incorrect
- if (engine == 'Google') btn.setAttribute("title","Block "+dom+" / SHIFT+click to display block form / ALT+click to omit");
- else btn.setAttribute("title","Block "+dom+" / SHIFT+click to display block form");
- } else if (mbstyle.split("-")[4] == "Y"){
- if (engine == 'Google') btn.setAttribute("title","Block "+dom+" / Show block form / ALT+click to omit");
- else btn.setAttribute("title","Block "+dom+" / Show block form");
- }
- btn.addEventListener("click",showbfd,true);
- //console.log(apar.parentNode.outerHTML);
- // Position button inside the H2 or H3 or H4
- if (apar.nodeName == "H3" || apar.nodeName == "H2" || apar.nodeName == "H4" || engine == 'Startpage'){
- apar.style.overflow = "visible";
- apar.appendChild(btn);
- apar.querySelector('a').setAttribute("title",apar.querySelector('a').textContent); // full link text tooltip
- } else if (apar.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'G-CARD'){
- apar.parentNode.appendChild(btn);
- apar.parentNode.parentNode.style.overflowY = 'visible';
- apar.parentNode.parentNode.style.height = 'unset';
- apar.parentNode.parentNode.style.position = 'relative';
- } else if (apar.parentNode.className == 'dbsr') {
- apar.parentNode.appendChild(btn);
- parentcard = apar.closest('g-card');
- if (parentcard){
- parentcard.style.overflowY = 'visible';
- parentcard.style.position = 'relative';
- }
- } else {
- if (apar.nextSibling) apar.parentNode.insertBefore(btn,apar.nextSibling);
- else apar.parentNode.appendChild(btn);
- }
- // Move button to citeline 6/10/2013; updated 8/16/2020 to look for action-menu first
- if (bbpos == "C") {
- var axnmenu = liels[i].querySelector(".action-menu");
- var citelines = liels[i].querySelectorAll("cite");
- if (axnmenu){ // parentNode is a span
- axnmenu.parentNode.insertBefore(btn, axnmenu);
- if (citelines.length > 0) axnmenu.parentNode.className = citelines[0].className;
- } else {
- for (var citenum=0; citenum<citelines.length; citenum++){
- if (window.getComputedStyle(citelines[citenum]).visibility != "hidden"){
- citelines[citenum].parentNode.appendChild(btn);
- btn.removeAttribute("style");
- if (engine == 'Google') btn.style.visibility = 'visible';
- } else { // add to visibility:hidden element for spacing
- citelines[citenum].parentNode.appendChild(btn.cloneNode(true));
- if (engine == 'Google') btn.style.visibility = 'hidden';
- }
- }
- // Startpage.com
- citelines = liels[i].querySelectorAll('.w-gl__result-url-container');
- if (citelines.length > 0){
- citelines[0].appendChild(btn);
- btn.removeAttribute("style");
- }
- }
- }
- // Implement Mouseover Option 6/22/2012
- if (bbstyle == "M") {
- btn.style.visibility = "hidden";
- liels[i].addEventListener("mouseover",togglebbtn,false);
- liels[i].addEventListener("mouseout",togglebbtn,false);
- }
- // Avoid unhiding garbage span 5/25/2012
- for (j=0; j<liels[i].children.length; j++){
- if (liels[i].children[j].classList.contains("ghhider") === false){
- if (liels[i].children[j].style.display=="none") liels[i].children[j].setAttribute("wasdisplaynone","wasdisplaynone");
- }
- }
- }}
- }
- }}}
- }
- } else { // Check for and handle Google standard image results - doesn't yet support BASIC image results
- if (liels[i].classList.contains("rg_di") || liels[i].classList.contains("isv-r")){
- if (!liels[i].hasAttribute("imgblock") || ovrd == true){ // skip if previously processed
- liels[i].setAttribute("imgblock", "normal");
- ael = liels[i].querySelector("a[href]");
- if (ael && ael.href.indexOf('/search?') == -1){
- if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgrefurl")>-1){ // Site showing the image ("visit page")
- dom = decodeURIComponent(ael.href).match(/imgrefurl=([^&]+)/)[1].split("/")[2];
- } else if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgurl")>-1){ // Site hosting the image ("view image")
- dom = decodeURIComponent(ael.href).match(/imgurl=([^&]+)/)[1].split("/")[2];
- } else { //sometimes you get a clean URL
- dom = ael.getAttribute("href").split("/")[2];
- }
- if (dom.length > 0){
- if (dom.indexOf(":")> -1) dom = dom.substr(0,dom.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number
- dompart = dom;
- while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) {
- if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":")>-1) { // These domains suck
- if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":p")<0) { // Regular block
- liels[i].setAttribute("imgblock", "regular");
- } else { // Perma-ban
- liels[i].setAttribute("imgblock", "pban");
- }
- break;
- } else {
- dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1);
- if (dompart.indexOf(".") === -1 && dompart != "tld") dompart += '.tld';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (imgshuffle){
- // Standard image results: move p-banned nodes to the end to maintain overall page length (otherwise, autoloading stops)
- if (t_gimg) window.clearTimeout(t_gimg);
- t_gimg = window.setTimeout(fixImagesLayout, 500);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn") && mbstyle.split("-")[0] != "blk" && document.getElementById("res")) addMngBtn();
- if (document.getElementsByClassName("unbtn").length > 1) undupMngBtn();
- if (betatest == "Y" && engine == 'Google'){ // BETA - NEW - v1.5.2
- // If there are more than two completely invisible results, modify the query to exclude the first hidden site
- var invis = document.querySelectorAll("li[blockhidden]");
- if (invis.length >= 3) reQry("+-site:"+invis[0].getAttribute("blockhidden"));
- }
- }
- function fixImagesLayout(){
- // BUGGY: REPLACEMENT IMAGES DO NOT LOAD UNTIL YOU TRIGGER A REPAINT (e.g., open/close Find bar, resize window, zoom in then zoom out)
- var madeamove = false;
- var rgshes = document.querySelectorAll(".rgsh");
- var lastdatapg = rgshes[rgshes.length-1].getAttribute("data-pg");
- var badimg = document.querySelectorAll('div[imgblock="pban"]');
- // TODO: Create setting to let user choose to remove regular blocks, too; temporary workaround: uncomment the following line:
- // var badimg = document.querySelectorAll('div[imgblock="pban"],div[imgblock="regular"]');
- if (badimg.length > 0){
- for (var bi=0; bi<badimg.length; bi++){
- if (badimg[bi].hasAttribute("newdatapg")){ // already moved
- if (badimg[bi].getAttribute("newdatapg") != lastdatapg){
- document.getElementById("rg_s").appendChild(badimg[bi]);
- badimg[bi].setAttribute("newdatapg", lastdatapg);
- madeamove = true;
- }
- } else { // first move
- document.getElementById("rg_s").appendChild(badimg[bi]);
- badimg[bi].setAttribute("newdatapg", lastdatapg);
- madeamove = true;
- }
- }
- // Trigger Google's function to re-layout the results neatly
- if (madeamove){
- var sctag = document.createElement("script");
- sctag.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
- sctag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("google.isr.layoutInit();"));
- document.body.appendChild(sctag);
- }
- }
- }
- function replaceHit(sdomain,oa,oli,ddis){
- var fc, dnew, dset, btn;
- fc = oli.querySelector('h3, h2');
- if (!fc) fc = oli.firstChild;
- if (fc.nodeName=="DIV" && fc.classList.contains("ghhider")) return;
- dnew = document.createElement("div");
- if (oa.querySelector('h3')) dnew.appendChild(document.createTextNode(oa.querySelector('h3').textContent+" on "+sdomain));
- else {
- if (oli.nodeName === 'G-INNER-CARD' || oli.nodeName === 'G-CARD' || oli.className === 'dbsr'){
- if (oa.children[1]) dnew.appendChild(document.createTextNode(oa.children[1].textContent+" on "+sdomain));
- else dnew.appendChild(document.createTextNode(oa.children[0].children[1].children[1].textContent+" on "+sdomain));
- dnew.style.whiteSpace = 'normal';
- }
- else dnew.appendChild(document.createTextNode(oa.textContent+" on "+sdomain));
- }
- dnew.className="ghhider ghhd";
- dnew.setAttribute("title","Click to view, unblock or Perma-ban");
- dnew.style.display = ddis;
- if (ddis == "none"){
- oli.setAttribute("blockhidden",sdomain);
- if (oli.hasAttribute("blocknotice")) oli.removeAttribute("blocknotice");
- } else {
- oli.setAttribute("blocknotice",sdomain);
- if (oli.hasAttribute("blockhidden")) oli.removeAttribute("blockhidden");
- oli.classList.remove('ghhdnone');
- if (oli.parentNode.classList.contains("results_links_deep")){
- oli.parentNode.setAttribute("blocknotice",sdomain);
- if (oli.parentNode.hasAttribute("blockhidden")) oli.parentNode.removeAttribute("blockhidden");
- oli.parentNode.classList.remove('ghhdnone');
- }
- }
- dnew.addEventListener("click",reshow,false);
- // dnew is disappearing on Bing in Chrome TODO: FIXIT
- if (oli.className === 'dbsr'){
- parentcard = oa.closest('g-card');
- if (parentcard){
- parentcard.insertBefore(dnew, parentcard.firstChild);
- }
- } else {
- oli.insertBefore(dnew,oli.firstChild);
- }
- dset = document.createElement("div");
- dset.className = "ghhider ghhindent";
- dset.setAttribute("dom",sdomain);
- dset.style.display = "none";
- btn = document.createElement("button");
- btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts.unblock[0]));
- btn.className="ghhider";
- btn.setAttribute("title","Unblock this site");
- btn.style.backgroundColor="#9f6";
- btn.addEventListener("click",unblock,false);
- dset.appendChild(btn);
- btn = document.createElement("button");
- btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts.pban[0]));
- btn.className="ghhider";
- btn.setAttribute("title","Permanently hide this site");
- btn.style.backgroundColor="#f66";
- btn.addEventListener("click",permban,false);
- dset.appendChild(btn);
- btn = document.createElement("button");
- btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode("close"));
- btn.className="ghhider";
- btn.setAttribute("title","Re-hide this hit");
- btn.style.backgroundColor="#eee";
- btn.addEventListener("click",rehide,false);
- dset.appendChild(btn);
- dnew.appendChild(dset);
- if (dnew.parentNode.style.overflow == "hidden" || dnew.parentNode.style.overflowX == "hidden"){
- dnew.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), dnew.firstChild);
- }
- dset.addEventListener("click",ghhkillevent,false);
- if (oli.classList.contains("psli")) dnew.style.margin = "1em 0"; // Shopping results
- }
- function hidebasic(tbl){ // BASIC IMAGE RESULTS, BETA ONLY, NON-AJAX
- var hosts, tds, i, j, k, hid, ael, dom, dompart, btn, apar, dgone;
- hosts = blist;
- tds = tbl.querySelectorAll("td");
- for (i=0; i<tds.length; i++){
- ael = tds[i].querySelector("a");
- if (ael){if(ael.hasAttribute("href")){if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgrefurl=")>-1){
- dom = ael.getAttribute("href").substr(ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgrefurl=")+7).split("/")[2];
- if (dom.indexOf(":")> -1) dom = dom.substr(0,dom.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number
- dompart = dom;
- while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) {
- if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":")>-1) { // These domains suck; mark the cell for now
- if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":p")>-1 || showYN=="N") tds[i].setAttribute("ghhaction","delete");
- else tds[i].setAttribute("ghhaction","notice");
- break;
- } else {
- dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1);
- if (dompart.indexOf(".") === -1 && dompart != "tld") dompart += '.tld';
- }
- }
- }}}
- }
- for (i=0; i<tds.length; i++){
- switch (tds[i].getAttribute("ghhaction")){
- case "delete":
- // TODO implement deletion
- tds[i].innerHTML = "delete cell";
- break;
- case "notice":
- // TODO implement clickable notices
- tds[i].style.textDecoration = "line-through";
- tds[i].style.opacity = "0.3";
- break;
- default:
- // TODO add block button
- }
- }
- }
- // == == == Other Functions == == ==
- function reshow(e){ // Show hit without unblocking
- var liel, ael, dabs, k;
- liel = e.target.parentNode;
- while (!liel.hasAttribute("ghhresult")){
- liel=liel.parentNode;
- if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") return;
- }
- liel.classList.add('ghh1time');
- // Hide notice, move action buttons, then show hit
- e.target.style.display="none";
- ael = liel.querySelector("div.r > a, h3 a, .c-result-content a");
- if (!ael && engine == 'Baidu' && liel.hasAttribute('mu')) ael = liel.querySelector("p.op_site_domain_title, div.op_generalqa_main.c-row").firstChild;
- if (!ael) ael = liel.querySelector("span.tl a"); // summarized news result
- if (!ael) ael = liel.querySelector("a"); // other
- if (liel.classList.contains("videobox")) ael = liel.querySelectorAll("td")[1].querySelector("a"); //video page
- dabs = e.target.firstElementChild;
- if (engine != 'Bing'){
- if (ael.parentNode.classList.contains('ghh1time')){
- ael.parentNode.insertBefore(dabs,ael.nextSibling);
- } else {
- if (ael.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName === 'G-INNER-CARD' || ael.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName === 'G-CARD') ael.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(dabs,ael.parentNode);
- else {
- if (ael.parentNode.nextSibling) ael.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(dabs,ael.parentNode.nextSibling);
- else ael.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(dabs);
- }
- }
- dabs.className = "ghhdbuttons";
- dabs.removeAttribute("style");
- if (dabs.nextElementSibling) if (dabs.nextElementSibling.className.indexOf("ghhider") == 0 || dabs.nextElementSibling.innerHTML == "block") dabs.parentNode.removeChild(dabs.nextElementSibling);
- } else {
- // TODO dabs is disappearing on Bing when moved -- temporarily, don't move it
- e.target.style.display='';
- dabs.className = "ghhdbuttons";
- dabs.removeAttribute("style");
- }
- for (k=1; k<liel.children.length; k++){
- liel.children[k].classList.remove('ghhdnone');
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- // Hide or Show hit notices
- async function updtpref(e){
- var btns, j, hds, s;
- if (showYN == "Y"){
- if (confirm("No longer show titles or buttons for suppressed results?")){
- ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = "N";
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- showYN = ghhPrefO.shownotc[0];
- togHiderDivs("no");
- }
- } else {
- hds = document.getElementsByClassName("ghhd");
- if (hds.length > 0) s = (hds.length == 1) ? "is 1 blocked hit" : "are "+hds.length+" blocked hits";
- else s = "are no blocked hits";
- if (confirm("Show titles and buttons for suppressed results? (There "+s+" on this page.)")){
- ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = "Y";
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- showYN = ghhPrefO.shownotc[0];
- togHiderDivs("yes");
- }
- }
- fixShowHideBtn();
- e.target.blur();
- }
- function fixShowHideBtn(){
- var chkMP = document.getElementById("chkshownotc");
- var chkBF = document.getElementById("chkshownotcbf");
- if (showYN == "Y"){
- chkMP.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chkMP.checked = true;
- if (chkBF){
- chkBF.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chkBF.checked = true;
- }
- } else {
- chkMP.removeAttribute("checked");
- chkMP.checked = false;
- if (chkBF){
- chkBF.removeAttribute("checked");
- chkBF.checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- function togHiderDivs(sShow){
- var dh, i;
- dh = document.getElementsByClassName("ghhider");
- for(i=0;i<dh.length;i++) {
- if (dh[i].nodeName == "DIV" && dh[i].classList.contains("ghhindent") === false) {
- if (sShow == "yes") dh[i].style.display = "";
- else dh[i].style.display = "none";
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove domain from the block list
- async function unblock(e){
- var elPar, sdom, slist, liel, tgt;
- elPar = e.target.parentNode;
- sdom = elPar.getAttribute("dom");
- if (!sdom || sdom.length<4){
- alert("Problem with domain to unblock");
- return;
- }
- if (!GM4){
- slist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
- } else {
- slist = await GM.getValue("hideyhosts");
- }
- if (slist.substr(0,1) != "|") slist = "|" + slist;
- slist = slist.replace("|"+sdom+":t","");
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", slist);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyhosts", slist);
- }
- blist = slist;
- needupdate = true;
- liel = elPar.parentNode;
- while (!liel.hasAttribute("ghhresult")){
- liel=liel.parentNode;
- if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break;
- }
- //console.log(liel.outerHTML);
- if ((liel.nodeName =="LI" || liel.nodeName == "DIV") && liel.classList.contains("ghh1time")){
- liel.classList.remove('ghh1time');
- liel.removeChild(liel.getElementsByClassName("ghhd")[0]);
- elPar.parentNode.removeChild(elPar);
- }
- hidehits(null,true);
- if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){
- if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList();
- }
- }
- // Add domain to the Perma-ban list
- async function permban(e){
- if (!confirm("Never see hits for this domain again?")) return;
- var dpar, sdom, slist, liel;
- dpar = e.target.parentNode;
- sdom = dpar.getAttribute("dom");
- if (!GM4){
- slist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
- } else {
- slist = await GM.getValue("hideyhosts");
- }
- if (slist.substr(0,1) != "|") slist = "|" + slist;
- slist = slist.replace("|"+sdom+":t","|"+sdom+":p");
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", slist);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyhosts", slist);
- }
- blist = slist;
- needupdate = true;
- liel = dpar.parentNode;
- while (!liel.hasAttribute("ghhresult")){
- liel=liel.parentNode;
- if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break;
- }
- if ((liel.nodeName =="LI" || liel.nodeName == "DIV" || liel.nodeName == 'G-INNER-CARD' || liel.nodeName == 'G-CARD') && liel.classList.contains("ghh1time")){
- liel.classList.remove('ghh1time');
- }
- if(dpar.classList.contains("ghhindent")) dpar = dpar.parentNode;
- dpar.parentNode.removeChild(dpar);
- hidehits(null,true);
- if (document.getElementById("GTR")) removePBs();
- if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){
- if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList();
- }
- }
- // Close this bad result and rehide (to allow indendent open/close, do not run through hidehits)
- function rehide(e){
- var dpar, liel, dompart, ael, j;
- dpar = e.target.parentNode;
- liel = dpar.parentNode;
- while (!liel.hasAttribute("ghhresult")){
- liel=liel.parentNode;
- if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break;
- }
- dompart = dpar.getAttribute("dom");
- if (engine != 'Bing'){
- dpar.parentNode.removeChild(dpar);
- liel.removeChild(liel.querySelector("div.ghhd"));
- } else {
- // TODO notice is disappearing on Bing -- temporarily, do not move/remove the buttons div
- liel.querySelector('div.ghhd > div.ghhdbuttons').style.display = 'none';
- }
- ael = liel.querySelector("h3 a, h2 a");
- if (!ael) ael = liel.querySelector("a");
- liel.classList.remove('ghh1time');
- replaceHit(dompart,ael,liel,"");
- for (j=0; j<liel.children.length; j++){ // Hide Google result
- if (liel.children[j].classList.contains("ghhider") === false && liel.children[j].classList.contains("ghhdnone") === false){
- liel.children[j].classList.add('ghhdnone');
- }
- }
- }
- // Functions relating to the Block form
- function addBlockForm(){
- var bfd = document.createElement("div");
- bfd.id = "ghhblockform";
- bfd.className = "ghhpane";
- var bfdcode = '<form onsubmit="return false;"><p style="margin:0.75em 0;"><strong>Add to blocklist:</strong></p><p><label ' +
- 'style="white-space:pre"><input type="radio" name="ghhdom" value="f"> <span id="ghhfulldom"></span></label><br>' +
- '<label><input type="radio" name="ghhdom" value="p"> <span id="ghhpartdom"></span> <button type="button" id="ghhdomadj" ' +
- 'title="Adjust partial domain" style="position: absolute; right: 1em; padding: 0 1px;">~</button></label></p>' +
- '<p style="text-align:center;white-space:pre;line-height:2em;margin:0.75em 0"><button type="button" id="ghhbf1" bt="t"> ' +
- txts.okbtn[0] + ' </button> <button type="button" id="ghhbf3" bt="p"> ' + txts.okPbtn[0] + ' </button><br>' +
- '<button type="button" id="ghhbf2" mng="N"> ' + txts.cancelbtn[0] + ' </button> ' +
- '<button type="button" id="ghhbf4" mng="Y">' + txts.cancelMbtn[0] + '</button></p>';
- if (engine == 'Google'){
- bfdcode += "<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #aaa;text-align:center;white-space:pre;line-height:2em;margin:0.75em 0;padding-top:0.5em;\">Edit query: <button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhbf5\" title=\"This site only\"> +site: </button> " +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhbf6\" title=\"Exclude this site\"> -site: </button></p>"
- }
- bfdcode += "<p style=\"margin:0.75em 0;\"><label title=\"Switch between showing and hiding result titles for regular blocked hits\"><input " +
- "type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkshownotcbf\" id=\"chkshownotcbf\"> Show hidden hit notices</label><br>" +
- "<label title=\"Switch between block dialog and one-click blocking\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chk1clickbf\" " +
- "id=\"chk1clickbf\"> Enable 1-click blocking</label></p></form>";
- bfd.innerHTML = bfdcode;
- document.body.appendChild(bfd);
- document.getElementById("ghhbf1").addEventListener("click",addblock,false);
- document.getElementById("ghhbf2").addEventListener("click",ghhcloseform,false);
- document.getElementById("ghhbf3").addEventListener("click",addblock,false);
- document.getElementById("ghhbf4").addEventListener("click",ghhcloseform,false);
- if (engine == 'Google'){
- document.getElementById("ghhbf5").addEventListener("click",reQuery,false);
- document.getElementById("ghhbf6").addEventListener("click",reQuery,false);
- }
- document.getElementById("ghhblockform").addEventListener("click",ghhkillevent,false);
- document.getElementById("chkshownotcbf").addEventListener("change",updtpref,false);
- document.getElementById("chk1clickbf").addEventListener("change",updt1click,false);
- document.getElementById("ghhdomadj").addEventListener("click",adjpartdom,false);
- }
- function showbfd(e) {
- var bbtn, bfdiv, fdom, pdom, fspan, pspan, tdiv, lt;
- bbtn = e.target;
- fdom = bbtn.getAttribute("meta");
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhblockform")) addBlockForm();
- fspan = document.getElementById("ghhfulldom");
- fspan.textContent = fdom;
- fspan.previousElementSibling.checked = true;
- pdom = fdom.substr(fdom.indexOf(".")+1);
- pspan = document.getElementById("ghhpartdom");
- if (pdom.indexOf(".") > -1 && patIPv4.test(fdom) != true) {
- pspan.textContent = pdom;
- pspan.parentNode.style.display = "";
- switch (bAggress){
- case 'all':
- pspan.previousElementSibling.checked = true; break;
- case 'www':
- if (fdom.substr(0,3) == 'www') pspan.previousElementSibling.checked = true; break;
- default:
- // default to full domain
- }
- document.getElementById("ghhdomadj").style.display = '';
- } else {
- pspan.parentNode.style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("ghhdomadj").style.display = 'none';
- }
- if (e.altKey == true && engine == 'Google'){
- reQuery(); return;
- }
- bfdiv = document.getElementById("ghhblockform");
- tdiv = document.getElementById("ghhtemp");
- if (!tdiv){
- tdiv = document.createElement("div");
- tdiv.id = "ghhtemp";
- }
- if (isch == true){
- tdiv.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;right:0;top:0;z-index:3000;width:250px;");
- bbtn.parentNode.appendChild(tdiv);
- } else if (e.target.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'G-INNER-CARD' || e.target.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'G-CARD') {
- tdiv.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;left:8px;top:8px;z-index:9999;width:100%;");
- e.target.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(tdiv, e.target.parentNode.parentNode.children[0]);
- } else if (e.target.parentNode.nodeName == 'G-INNER-CARD' || e.target.parentNode.nodeName == 'G-CARD') {
- tdiv.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;left:8px;top:8px;z-index:9999;width:100%;");
- e.target.parentNode.insertBefore(tdiv, e.target.parentNode.children[0]);
- } else if (e.target.parentNode.className == 'dbsr') {
- tdiv.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;left:8px;top:8px;z-index:9999;width:100%;");
- e.target.parentNode.insertBefore(tdiv, e.target.parentNode.children[0]);
- } else if(engine == 'Google' && bbpos == 'C') {
- tdiv.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;left:8px;top:16px;z-index:9999;width:100%;");
- e.target.parentNode.style.position = 'relative';
- e.target.parentNode.insertBefore(tdiv, e.target.parentNode.children[0]);
- } else {
- lt = bbtn.offsetLeft + bbtn.offsetWidth + 12;
- if (bbtn.parentNode.previousElementSibling){
- if (window.getComputedStyle(bbtn.parentNode.previousElementSibling,null).getPropertyValue("float") != "none" ||
- (bbtn.style.position == "absolute" && bbtn.parentNode.nodeName == "TD")) lt=lt-bbtn.parentNode.offsetLeft;
- }
- if (document.querySelector('table#GTR')){
- lt-=230;
- }
- if (engine != 'Google') lt=lt-bbtn.parentNode.offsetLeft;
- if (engine == 'Startpage') lt = 16;
- tdiv.setAttribute("style", "position:relative;left:" + lt + "px;top:-65px;z-index:500;width:250px;");
- if (bbtn.nextElementSibling){
- if (bbtn.nextElementSibling.nodeName == "DIV" || bbtn.nextElementSibling.nodeName == "BR") bbtn.parentNode.insertBefore(tdiv,bbtn.nextElementSibling);
- else bbtn.parentNode.appendChild(tdiv);
- }
- else bbtn.parentNode.appendChild(tdiv);
- }
- tdiv.appendChild(bfdiv);
- if (window.getComputedStyle(tdiv.parentNode).overflowX == "hidden" || window.getComputedStyle(tdiv.parentNode).overflowY == "hidden"){
- tdiv.parentNode.style.overflowX = "visible";
- tdiv.parentNode.style.overflowY = "visible";
- }
- if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y" && e.shiftKey != true && isch != true){ // 1-click; hold Shift to override
- if (pref1click.substr(2,1) == "N"){
- document.getElementById("ghhbf1").click();
- } else {
- document.getElementById("ghhbf3").click();
- }
- } else { // regular + populating 1-click checkbox
- var chkBF = document.getElementById("chk1clickbf");
- if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y"){
- chkBF.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chkBF.checked = true;
- } else {
- chkBF.removeAttribute("checked");
- chkBF.checked = false;
- }
- chkBF = document.getElementById("chkshownotcbf");
- if (showYN == "Y"){
- chkBF.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chkBF.checked = true;
- } else {
- chkBF.removeAttribute("checked");
- chkBF.checked = false;
- }
- bfdiv.style.display = "block";
- document.getElementById("ghhbf1").focus();
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- function adjpartdom(e){ // v1.8.1
- var pspan = document.getElementById("ghhpartdom");
- var parts = pspan.textContent.replace('...', '').split(".");
- if (parts.length <= 2){
- if (parts.length == 2 && parts[1].indexOf('tld [all') !== 0){
- // offer the entire TLD option v1.9.9
- parts.push('tld [all dot-' + parts[1] + '\'s]');
- } else {
- // cycle back to the original partial domain
- parts = document.getElementById("ghhfulldom").textContent.split(".");
- }
- }
- parts.shift(); // discard leftmost subdomain
- pspan.textContent = parts.join(".");
- }
- async function addblock(e){
- var btype, els, i, sdom, tgt;
- tgt = e.target;
- btype = tgt.getAttribute("bt");
- els = tgt.form.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]');
- for (i=0; i<els.length; i++){
- if(els[i].checked == true){
- sdom = els[i].nextElementSibling.textContent.split(" ")[0];
- break;
- }
- }
- ghhcloseform(e);
- if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
- if (!btype) btype == "t";
- if (addAt == "end") blist += sdom + ":" + btype + "|";
- else blist = "|" + sdom + ":" + btype + blist;
- needupdate = true;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
- }
- hidehits(null,true);
- if (document.getElementById("GTR")) removePBs();
- if (addAt == "sort") sortlist(null);
- if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){
- if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList();
- }
- }
- async function ghhcloseform(e){
- if (!e) return;
- if (typeof(e) == "object" && e.target){
- if(e.target.id.indexOf("ghhbf") == 0){
- var mng = e.target.getAttribute("mng");
- var bfdiv = document.getElementById("ghhblockform");
- var tdiv = document.getElementById("ghhtemp");
- bfdiv.style.display = "none";
- document.body.appendChild(bfdiv);
- tdiv.parentNode.removeChild(tdiv);
- if (mng == "Y") showManageForm("mngform");
- }
- if(e.target.id.indexOf("ghhmf") == 0){
- if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H");
- document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display = "none";
- if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y"){
- mpopen = "Y-N";
- ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if(e == "mngform"){
- if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H");
- document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display = "none";
- if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y"){
- mpopen = "Y-N";
- ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- async function imgblockdialog(e){
- var viewer = e.target.parentNode;
- while (!viewer.hasAttribute("ghhresult")){
- viewer=viewer.parentNode;
- if (viewer.nodeName == "BODY") return;
- }
- var ael = viewer.parentNode.children[0].querySelector('._r3 a[href], span > a[href]');
- if (!ael) ael = viewer.querySelector('a[href]'); // Aug. 2019 design
- if (!ael){ alert('Cannot find the URL in this design.'); return; }
- var ameta = ael.href.split("/")[2];
- if (ael.href.indexOf("&url=")>-1) ameta = decodeURIComponent(ael.href).match(/&url=([^&]+)/)[1].split("/")[2];
- if (ameta.indexOf(":")> -1) ameta = ameta.substr(0,ameta.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number
- e.target.setAttribute("meta", ameta);
- var dompart = ameta;
- while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) {
- if (blist.indexOf("|"+dompart+":") > -1){
- if (confirm("Unblock " + dompart + "?")){
- if (!GM4){
- var slist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
- } else {
- slist = await GM.getValue("hideyhosts");
- }
- if (slist.substr(0,1) != "|") slist = "|" + slist;
- slist = slist.replace("|"+dompart+":t","").replace("|"+dompart+":p","");
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", slist);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyhosts", slist);
- }
- blist = slist;
- needupdate = true;
- hidehits(null,true);
- if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){
- if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList();
- }
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- return;
- } else {
- dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1);
- }
- }
- showbfd(e);
- }
- // Functions relating to the Manage Hiding button
- function addMngBtn(){
- if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "blk") return;
- if (window.self != window.top) if (mbstyle.split("-")[1] == "ifrN") return;
- var mbtn;
- mbtn = document.createElement("button");
- mbtn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts.mngbtn[0]));
- mbtn.className="ghhider unbtn";
- mbtn.setAttribute("title","Manage Google Hit Hider Settings");
- mbtn.id = "ghhMngBtn";
- mbtn.addEventListener("click",showManageForm,true);
- document.body.appendChild(mbtn);
- }
- function undupMngBtn(){
- var unbtns = document.getElementsByClassName("unbtn");
- while (unbtns.length > 1){
- unbtns[unbtns.length - 1].parentNode.removeChild(unbtns[unbtns.length - 1]);
- }
- }
- async function showManageForm(e){
- if (window.self != window.top) return;
- var mfd;
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhmngform")) addManageForm();
- mfd = document.getElementById("ghhmngform");
- if (mfd.style.display != "none" && e != "mngform"){ // Toggle to hidden
- if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H");
- if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y"){
- mpopen = "Y-N";
- ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- }
- mfd.style.display = "none";
- } else {
- if (needupdate == true) refreshSiteList();
- mfd.style.display = "block";
- if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y" && mpopen.length == 5){ // Restore last displayed tab
- var tabnum = mpopen.substr(4,1);
- if (document.getElementById('ghhmt'+tabnum).style.display == "none"){
- togglelist('ghhts'+tabnum);
- if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("S");
- if (typeof e == "object") e.target.blur();
- return
- }
- }
- if (document.getElementById("ghhmt1").style.display != "none" || document.getElementById("ghhmt4").style.display != "none"){
- document.getElementById("ghhmf1").setAttribute("disabled","disabled");
- document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display == "none";
- }
- else {
- if (document.getElementById("ghhmf1").hasAttribute("disabled")) document.getElementById("ghhmf1").removeAttribute("disabled");
- if (bLUopen != "N") document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display = "block";
- }
- setCurrentTab();
- if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("S");
- }
- if (typeof e == "object") e.target.blur();
- }
- function setCurrentTab(){
- var k, tabnum;
- var tabset = document.querySelectorAll("#mflists>div");
- for (k=0; k<tabset.length; k++){
- tabnum = tabset[k].getAttribute("id");
- tabnum = tabnum.substr(tabnum.length-1);
- if (tabset[k].style.display != "none"){
- document.getElementById("ghhts"+tabnum).className = "ghhCurTab";
- if (mpopen.substr(0,1) == "Y"){
- mpopen = "Y-Y-"+tabnum;
- ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else { /* NOT SYNCHRONOUS */
- GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- }
- }
- else document.getElementById("ghhts"+tabnum).className = "";
- }
- }
- // Functions relating to the Manage GHH form
- function addManageForm(){
- var mfd = document.createElement("div");
- mfd.id = "ghhmngform";
- mfd.className = "ghhpane";
- mfd.setAttribute("style","display:none;");
- mfd.innerHTML = "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\"><div id=\"ghhtsdiv\">" +
- "<p style=\"margin:6px 0 -1px 0\" id=\"ghhtstrip\">" +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhts1\" title=\"General Use and Notices\">Home</button>" +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhts2\" title=\"Regular Block List\">Block</button>" +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhts3\" title=\"Perma-ban List\">Perma-ban</button>" +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhts4\" title=\"Manage Script Options\">Options</button></p></div>" +
- "<div id=\"mflists\" style=\"width:230px\">" +
- "<div id=\"ghhmt1\"><p>Welcome to Google Hit Hider! <a href=\"https://www.jeffersonscher.com/gm/google-hit-hider/\" " +
- "style=\"float:right;\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Documentation\">JS</a></p>" +
- "<div class=\"ghhtab\">" +
- "<p style=\"padding:0.25em;margin:0.25em\">Click the block button ( <button type=\"button\" class=\"ghhider\" onclick=\"return false;\">" + txts.block[0] + "</button> ) " +
- "next to a hit title to block results from that site. A <b>regular</b> blocked hit becomes a one-line notation, " +
- "while a <b>Perma-ban</b> disappears completely.</p>" +
- "<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000; padding:0.25em;margin:0.25em\"><label title=\"Switch between showing and hiding result titles " +
- "for regular blocked hits\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkshownotc\" id=\"chkshownotc\"> Show hidden hit notices</label><br>" +
- "<label title=\"Switch between block dialog and one-click blocking\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chk1click\" " +
- "id=\"chk1click\"> Enable 1-click blocking</label></p>" +
- "<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000; padding:0.25em;margin:0.25em\">v2.1.8 © 2020 Jefferson Scher. Learn more on " +
- "<a href=\"" + script_about + "\">this script's page</a>.</p></div></div>" +
- "<div id=\"ghhmt2\" style=\"display:none\"><p>Click to remove from regular block list:</p>" +
- "<div class=\"ghhtab\"><ul id=\"ghhsitelist\"></ul></div></div>\n" +
- "<div id=\"ghhmt3\" style=\"display:none\"><p>Click to remove from Perma-ban list:</p>" +
- "<div class=\"ghhtab\"><ul id=\"ghhpbanlist\"></ul></div></div>" +
- "<div id=\"ghhmt4\" style=\"display:none\"><p>Manage script options:</p>" +
- "<div class=\"ghhtab\" id=\"btnedit\">" +
- "<p id=\"addradios\">Add newly blocked domains:<br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"addpos\" value=\"end\"> at the end of the list</label><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"addpos\" value=\"top\"> at the top of the list</label><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"addpos\" value=\"sort\"> in alphabetical order</label></p>" +
- "<p id=\"aggressrads\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Block form defaults to:<br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"agglevel\" value=\"none\"> always the full domain</label><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"agglevel\" value=\"all\"> always the partial domain</label><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"agglevel\" value=\"www\"> partial domain for www only</label></p>" +
- "<p id=\"btnradios\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">User interface style:<br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"uistyle\" value=\"both\"> Show Manage Hiding & " + txts.block[0] + "</label><br>" +
- "<label> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mbiframe\" id=\"mbiframe\"> Manage Hiding in iframes</label><br>" +
- "<label title=\"You can click a " + txts.block[0] + " button to open this dialog\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"uistyle\" value=\"blk\"> Hide Manage Hiding button</label><br>" +
- "<label title=\"" + txts.block[0] + " buttons will appear only when this dialog is displayed\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"uistyle\" value=\"mng\"> Hide " + txts.block[0] + " buttons</label><br>" +
- "<span style=\"display:inline-block;margin-top:4px;\">Manage Hiding button position:</span><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mngbtnpos\" value=\"R\"> Side</label> " +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mngbtnpos\" value=\"T\"> Top</label> " +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mngbtnpos\" value=\"B\"> Bottom</label><br>" +
- "<span style=\"display:inline-block;margin-top:4px;\">Block button position <i>(reloads)</i>:</span><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockposit\" value=\"H\"> Headline</label> " +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockposit\" value=\"C\"> Cite line</label><br>" +
- "<span style=\"display:inline-block;margin-top:4px;\">Display block buttons:</span><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockdisp\" value=\"P\"> Always</label> " +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockdisp\" value=\"M\"> On Mouseover</label><br>" +
- "<span style=\"display:inline-block;margin-top:4px;\">Block button tooltips:</span><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockttip\" value=\"Y\"> Full Detail</label> " +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"blockttip\" value=\"N\"> None</label></p>" +
- "<p id=\"miscpref\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Misc Preferences:<br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkajax\" id=\"chkajax\"> Instant/AJAX/Autopager</label><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkdom4\" id=\"chkdom4\"> DOM4 Mutation Observer</label><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkmpopen\" id=\"chkmpopen\"> Re-open Management Pane</label><br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chk1pban\" id=\"chk1pban\"> 1-click to Perma-ban list</label><br>" +
- "<label title=\"Try out features that haven't been completely tested\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkbeta\" " +
- "id=\"chkbeta\"> Enable beta features</label></p>" +
- "<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Edit captions:</p>" +
- "<p><button type=\"button\" class=\"ghhider\" id=\"ghhedit1\" key=\"block\">" + txts.block[0] + "</button> " +
- "<button type=\"button\" class=\"ghhider\" id=\"ghhedit3\" key=\"unblock\" style=\"background:#9f6\">" + txts.unblock[0] + "</button> " +
- "<button type=\"button\" class=\"ghhider\" id=\"ghhedit2\" key=\"pban\" style=\"background:#f66\">" + txts.pban[0] + "</button></p>" +
- "<p><i>Reload to complete changes</i></p><p><button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmfr\">Restore default captions</button></p>" +
- "<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Custom style rules:<br>" +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhecsr\">Edit Custom Style Rules</button></p></div></div>" +
- "</div><p style=\"text-align:center;white-space:pre;margin:1em 0\">" +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmf1\">" + txts.savebtn[0] + "<span id=\"numchgs\"></span></button> " +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmf3\" title=\"Display additional buttons for list management\">List Util " +
- "<div style=\"display:inline;font-size:0.9em;color:#888\"><span id=\"ghhdowntriangle\">▼</span>" +
- "<span id=\"ghhuptriangle\" style=\"display:none\">▲</span></div></button> " +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmf2\">" + txts.closebtn[0] + "</button></p><p id=\"ghhutil\" style=\"display:none\">" +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmf4\" title=\"Display block list for copying to backup or share\">" +
- txts.eximbtn[0] + "</button> <button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmf7\" title=\"Import domains to the block list\">" +
- txts.impobtn[0] + "</button> <button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmf8\" title=\"Add all domains on this page to current list\">" +
- txts.addallbtn[0] + "</button><br /><button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmf5\" title=\"Sort list in alphabetical order\">" +
- txts.sortbtn[0] + "</button> <button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmf6\" title=\"De-duplicate block list by removing unnecessary domains\">" +
- txts.dedupbtn[0] + "</button> <button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhmf9\" title=\"Remove www from blocked domains\">" +
- txts.unwwwbtn[0] + "</button></p></form>";
- document.body.appendChild(mfd);
- fixShowHideBtn();
- fixuistyle();
- fixaddpos();
- fixaggblock();
- fixajaxstyle();
- fixpanepersist();
- fix1clickstyle();
- fixBeta();
- document.getElementById("ghhts1").addEventListener("click",togglelist,true); // tabs
- document.getElementById("ghhts2").addEventListener("click",togglelist,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhts3").addEventListener("click",togglelist,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhts4").addEventListener("click",togglelist,true);
- document.getElementById("chkshownotc").addEventListener("change",updtpref,true); // home
- document.getElementById("chk1click").addEventListener("change",updt1click,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhsitelist").addEventListener("click",togglesite,true); // block
- document.getElementById("ghhpbanlist").addEventListener("click",togglesite,true); // pban
- document.getElementById("addradios").addEventListener("change",updtaddpos,true); // options
- document.getElementById("aggressrads").addEventListener("change",updtaggress,true);
- document.getElementById("chkajax").addEventListener("change",updtAJAX,true);
- document.getElementById("chkdom4").addEventListener("change",updtAJAX,true);
- document.getElementById("chkmpopen").addEventListener("change",updtpersist,true);
- document.getElementById("chk1pban").addEventListener("change",updt1click,true);
- document.getElementById("chkbeta").addEventListener("change",updtBeta,true);
- document.getElementById("btnradios").addEventListener("change",updtuistyle,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhedit1").addEventListener("click",chgcaption,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhedit2").addEventListener("click",chgcaption,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhedit3").addEventListener("click",chgcaption,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhmfr").addEventListener("click",resetTextStrings,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhecsr").addEventListener("click",openCustomStyleBar,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhmf1").addEventListener("click",saveedits,true); // buttons
- document.getElementById("ghhmf2").addEventListener("click",ghhcloseform,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhmf3").addEventListener("click",toggleListUtil,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhmf4").addEventListener("click",exportlist,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhmf5").addEventListener("click",sortlist,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhmf6").addEventListener("click",dedup,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhmf7").addEventListener("click",importlist,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhmf8").addEventListener("click",addAllNow,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhmf9").addEventListener("click",unwww,true);
- // Add JS icon link
- addBtnLink()
- }
- async function addBtnLink(){
- var JSBTN = document.createElement("img");
- JSBTN.setAttribute('alt', 'JS');
- if (typeof GM.getResourceUrl === "undefined"){
- JSBTN.src = GM_getResourceURL("mycon");
- } else { /* asynchronous*/
- JSBTN.src = await GM.getResourceUrl("mycon");
- }
- document.querySelector("#ghhmt1 a").textContent = "";
- document.querySelector("#ghhmt1 a").appendChild(JSBTN);
- }
- function togglelist(e){ // Change tabs
- if (typeof e === 'string'){
- var tgtid = e;
- } else {
- e.target.blur();
- if (e.target.className == "ghhCurTab") return;
- tgtid = e.target.id;
- }
- var tabbtns = document.querySelectorAll("#ghhtstrip>button");
- var k, tabnum;
- for (k=0; k<tabbtns.length; k++){
- tabnum = tabbtns[k].id;
- tabnum = tabnum.substr(tabnum.length-1);
- if (tgtid == tabbtns[k].id){
- document.getElementById("ghhmt"+tabnum).style.display = "";
- } else {
- document.getElementById("ghhmt"+tabnum).style.display = "none";
- }
- }
- if (document.getElementById("ghhmt1").style.display != "none" || document.getElementById("ghhmt4").style.display != "none"){
- document.getElementById("ghhmf1").setAttribute("disabled","disabled");
- document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display = "none";
- } else {
- if (document.getElementById("ghhmf1").hasAttribute("disabled")) document.getElementById("ghhmf1").removeAttribute("disabled");
- if (bLUopen != "N") document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display = "block";
- }
- setCurrentTab();
- }
- function toggleListUtil(e){ // Display/close extra set of buttons
- e.target.blur();
- var p = document.getElementById("ghhutil");
- if (!p) return;
- // If not displaying a list now, move to a list
- if (document.getElementById("ghhmt1").style.display != "none" || document.getElementById("ghhmt4").style.display != "none"){
- togglelist('ghhts2');
- p.style.display = "block"; // Always open button pane
- bLUopen = "Y";
- document.getElementById('ghhdowntriangle').style.display = 'none';
- document.getElementById('ghhuptriangle').style.display = '';
- } else {
- if (p.style.display != "block"){ // Toggle when list already was displayed
- p.style.display = "block";
- bLUopen = "Y";
- document.getElementById('ghhdowntriangle').style.display = 'none';
- document.getElementById('ghhuptriangle').style.display = '';
- } else {
- p.style.display = "none";
- bLUopen = "N";
- document.getElementById('ghhdowntriangle').style.display = '';
- document.getElementById('ghhuptriangle').style.display = 'none';
- }
- }
- }
- function togglesite(e){ // Designate list items for unblock, pban or block
- var t, l, s, pid;
- t = e.target;
- if (t.className == "ghhinfo") t = t.nextElementSibling;
- l = t.parentNode;
- pid = l.parentNode.id;
- switch (t.className){
- case "ghhhost ghhpb":
- t.className = "ghhhost ghhblk"; // toggle to block
- if (l.nodeName == "LI"){
- if (pid == "ghhsitelist"){
- l.children[0].style.display = "none";
- listchgs = listchgs - 1;
- } else {
- l.children[0].style.display = "inline";
- l.children[0].textContent = "to " + txts.block[0];
- l.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "#ccc";
- listchgs = listchgs + 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- case "ghhhost ghhdel":
- t.className = "ghhhost ghhpb"; // toggle to perma-ban
- if (l.nodeName == "LI"){
- if (pid == "ghhpbanlist"){
- l.children[0].style.display = "none";
- listchgs = listchgs - 1;
- } else {
- l.children[0].style.display = "inline";
- l.children[0].textContent = "to " + txts.pban[0];
- l.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "#f66";
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- t.className = "ghhhost ghhdel"; // toggle to unblock
- if (l.nodeName == "LI"){
- l.children[0].style.display = "inline";
- l.children[0].textContent = "to " + txts.unblock[0];
- l.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "#9f6";
- if (pid == "ghhsitelist"){
- listchgs = listchgs + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- async function saveedits(e){ // Save changes made on tabs 2 and 3
- if (e){
- if (listchgs == 0){
- if (!confirm("No changes detected. Save anyway?")){
- e.target.blur();
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (!confirm("Save changes to block list?")){
- e.target.blur();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- var slist, i, sp, ttemp, ptemp;
- slist = document.getElementById("ghhsitelist");
- ttemp = "";
- ptemp = "";
- for (i=0;i<slist.children.length;i++){
- if (slist.children[i].nodeName == "LI") {
- sp = slist.children[i].children[1];
- switch (sp.className){
- case "ghhhost ghhblk":
- ttemp += sp.textContent + ":t|";
- break;
- case "ghhhost ghhpb":
- ptemp += sp.textContent + ":p|";
- break;
- default:
- // to be unblocked
- }
- }
- }
- slist = document.getElementById("ghhpbanlist");
- for (i=0;i<slist.children.length;i++){
- if (slist.children[i].nodeName == "LI") {
- sp = slist.children[i].children[1];
- switch (sp.className){
- case "ghhhost ghhblk":
- ttemp += sp.textContent + ":t|";
- break;
- case "ghhhost ghhpb":
- ptemp += sp.textContent + ":p|";
- break;
- default:
- // to be unblocked
- }
- }
- }
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", "|" + ttemp + ptemp);
- blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyhosts", "|" + ttemp + ptemp);
- blist = await GM.getValue("hideyhosts");
- }
- hidehits(null,true);
- refreshSiteList();
- listchgs = 0;
- if (e) e.target.blur();
- }
- function refreshSiteList(){ // Rebuild lists for tabs 2 and 3
- var sarray, slist = '', pblist = '', ulB, ulP, i;
- if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
- sarray = blist.substr(1).split("|");
- for (i=0; i<sarray.length-1; i++){
- if (sarray[i].indexOf(":p")<0) {
- slist += '<li><span class="ghhinfo"></span><span class="ghhhost ghhblk">' + sarray[i].split(':')[0] + '</span></li>';
- } else {
- pblist += '<li><span class="ghhinfo"></span><span class="ghhhost ghhpb">' + sarray[i].split(':')[0] + '</span></li>';
- }
- }
- ulB = document.getElementById("ghhsitelist");
- while (ulB.firstChild) ulB.removeChild(ulB.firstChild);
- ulB.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', slist);
- ulP = document.getElementById("ghhpbanlist");
- while (ulP.firstChild) ulP.removeChild(ulP.firstChild);
- ulP.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', pblist);
- needupdate = false;
- }
- async function updtaddpos(e){ // Implement change for radio buttons re where to add to list
- var rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']");
- for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].checked){
- if (rads[i].value == "sort"){
- if(confirm("Sort lists now? Sorting is irreversible.")){
- if (listchgs > 0) {
- if (confirm("You have unsaved changes to your lists. Save changes and sort, or cancel sorting?")){
- saveedits(null);
- } else {
- fixaddpos();
- return;
- }
- }
- sortlist(null);
- } else {
- fixaddpos();
- return;
- }
- }
- addAt = rads[i].value;
- ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0] = addAt;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- fixaddpos();
- }
- function fixaddpos(){ // Check appropriate radio button re where to add to list
- var rads = document.getElementById("addradios").querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']");
- for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].value == addAt){
- rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked");
- rads[i].checked = true;
- }
- else{
- if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
- rads[i].removeAttribute("checked");
- rads[i].checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- async function updtaggress(e){ // Implement change for radio buttons re default domain to block
- var rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']");
- for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].checked){
- bAggress = rads[i].value;
- ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0] = bAggress;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- fixaggblock();
- }
- function fixaggblock(){ // Check appropriate radio button re default domain to block
- var rads = document.getElementById("aggressrads").querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']");
- for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].value == bAggress){
- rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked");
- rads[i].checked = true;
- }
- else{
- if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
- rads[i].removeAttribute("checked");
- rads[i].checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- async function updtuistyle(e){ // Store settings for buttons to display
- var mbparts = mbstyle.split("-");
- if (mbparts.length == 1) mbparts.push("ifrN");
- if (mbparts.length == 2) mbparts.push("R");
- if (mbparts.length == 3) mbparts.push("P");
- if (mbparts.length == 4) mbparts.push("Y");
- if (mbparts.length == 5) mbparts.push("H");
- if (e.target.id == "mbiframe") { // Handle iframe checkbox
- var chk = e.target;
- if (chk.checked){
- mbparts[1] = "ifrY";
- } else {
- mbparts[1] = "ifrN";
- }
- mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
- ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- } else { // Handle radio buttons
- if (e.target.getAttribute("name") == "uistyle"){
- var rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[name='uistyle']");
- for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].checked){
- switch (rads[i].value){
- case "blk":
- mbparts[0] = rads[i].value;
- document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn").parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn"));
- alert("After you close the management pane, click any block button to open it again.");
- break;
- case "mng":
- if(confirm("Display block buttons only when this dialog is open?")) mbparts[0] = "mng";
- else e.target.checked = false;
- break;
- default:
- mbparts[0] = "both";
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn")) addMngBtn();
- }
- mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
- ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- } else { // Handle Management Button position and block button display style
- rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[name='mngbtnpos']");
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].checked){
- mbparts[2] = rads[i].value;
- mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
- ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[name='blockdisp']");
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].checked){
- mbparts[3] = rads[i].value;
- mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
- ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[name='blockttip']");
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].checked){
- mbparts[4] = rads[i].value;
- mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
- ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[name='blockposit']");
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].checked){
- mbparts[5] = rads[i].value;
- mbstyle = mbparts.join("-");
- ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- window.location.reload();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fixuistyle();
- }
- function fixuistyle(){ // Check appropriate radio button re buttons to display
- if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 1) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-ifrN-R-P-Y-H";
- if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 2) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-R-P-Y-H";
- if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 3) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-P-Y-H";
- if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 4) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-Y-H";
- if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 5) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-H";
- var rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='uistyle']");
- for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[0]){
- rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked");
- rads[i].checked = true;
- }
- else{
- if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
- rads[i].removeAttribute("checked");
- rads[i].checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- var chk = document.getElementById("mbiframe");
- if (mbstyle.split("-")[1] == "ifrY"){
- chk.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chk.checked = true;
- } else {
- chk.removeAttribute("checked");
- chk.checked = false;
- }
- rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='mngbtnpos']");
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[2]){
- rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked");
- rads[i].checked = true;
- }
- else{
- if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
- rads[i].removeAttribute("checked");
- rads[i].checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='blockdisp']");
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[3]){
- rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked");
- rads[i].checked = true;
- }
- else{
- if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
- rads[i].removeAttribute("checked");
- rads[i].checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='blockttip']");
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[4]){
- rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked");
- rads[i].checked = true;
- }
- else{
- if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
- rads[i].removeAttribute("checked");
- rads[i].checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='blockposit']");
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[5]){
- rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked");
- rads[i].checked = true;
- }
- else{
- if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){
- rads[i].removeAttribute("checked");
- rads[i].checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- toggleciteline(mbstyle.split("-")[5]);
- }
- async function updtAJAX(e){ // Store settings for AJAX preferences
- var chk = e.target;
- if (chk.id == "chkajax"){
- if (chk.checked){
- bAJAX = "on";
- if (chgMon) chgMon.disconnect();
- else document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
- setMutationWatch();
- } else {
- bAJAX = "off";
- if (chgMon) chgMon.disconnect();
- else document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
- }
- } else {
- if (chk.checked){
- bMutOb = "Y";
- if (!chgMon){
- if (bAJAX){
- document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
- setMutationWatch();
- }
- }
- } else {
- bMutOb = "N";
- if (chgMon) chgMon.disconnect();
- if (bAJAX){
- document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false);
- setMutationWatch();
- }
- }
- }
- ghhPrefO.usemutation[0] = bAJAX + "-" + bMutOb;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- fixajaxstyle();
- }
- function fixajaxstyle(){ // Check boxes for AJAX preferences
- var chk = document.getElementById("chkajax");
- if (bAJAX == "on"){
- chk.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chk.checked = true;
- } else {
- chk.removeAttribute("checked");
- chk.checked = false;
- }
- chk = document.getElementById("chkdom4");
- if (bMutOb == "Y"){
- chk.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chk.checked = true;
- } else {
- chk.removeAttribute("checked");
- chk.checked = false;
- }
- }
- async function updtpersist(e){ // Store setting for persistence preference
- var chk = e.target;
- if (chk.checked){
- mpopen = "Y" + mpopen.substr(1);
- } else {
- mpopen = "N" + mpopen.substr(1);
- }
- ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- fixpanepersist();
- }
- function fixpanepersist(){ // Check box for persistence preference
- var chk = document.getElementById("chkmpopen");
- if (mpopen.substr(0,1) == "Y"){
- chk.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chk.checked = true;
- } else {
- chk.removeAttribute("checked");
- chk.checked = false;
- }
- }
- async function updt1click(e){ // Store setting for 1-click preferences
- var chk = e.target;
- if (chk.id == "chk1click" || chk.id == "chk1clickbf"){
- if (chk.checked){
- pref1click = "Y" + pref1click.substr(1,2);
- } else {
- pref1click = "N" + pref1click.substr(1,2);
- }
- } else {
- if (chk.checked){
- pref1click = pref1click.substr(0,2) + "Y";
- } else {
- pref1click = pref1click.substr(0,2) + "N";
- }
- }
- ghhPrefO.oneclick[0] = pref1click;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- fix1clickstyle();
- }
- function fix1clickstyle(){ // Check boxes for one-click preferences
- var chkMP = document.getElementById("chk1click");
- var chkBF = document.getElementById("chk1clickbf");
- if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y"){
- chkMP.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chkMP.checked = true;
- if (chkBF){
- chkBF.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chkBF.checked = true;
- }
- } else {
- chkMP.removeAttribute("checked");
- chkMP.checked = false;
- if (chkBF){
- chkBF.removeAttribute("checked");
- chkBF.checked = false;
- }
- }
- var chk = document.getElementById("chk1pban");
- if (pref1click.substr(2,1) == "Y"){
- chk.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chk.checked = true;
- } else {
- chk.removeAttribute("checked");
- chk.checked = false;
- }
- }
- async function updtBeta(e){ // Store setting for runbeta preference
- var chk = e.target;
- if (chk.checked){
- betatest = "Y";
- } else {
- betatest = "N";
- }
- ghhPrefO.runbeta[0] = betatest;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO));
- }
- fixBeta();
- }
- function fixBeta(){ // Check box for runbeta preference
- var chk = document.getElementById("chkbeta");
- if (betatest == "Y"){
- chk.setAttribute("checked","checked");
- chk.checked = true;
- } else {
- chk.removeAttribute("checked");
- chk.checked = false;
- }
- }
- async function chgcaption(e){ // Store button caption changes (but do not immediately refresh)
- var btn, key, input;
- btn = e.target;
- key = e.target.getAttribute("key");
- e.target.blur();
- input = prompt(txts[key][1], txts[key][0]);
- if (!input) return;
- if (input.length > 0 && input != txts[key][0]){
- txts[key][0] = input.replace(/\"/g,"''");
- btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts[key][0]));
- btn.removeChild(btn.firstChild);
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("textstrings", JSON.stringify(txts));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("textstrings", JSON.stringify(txts));
- }
- }
- }
- async function resetTextStrings(e){ // Reset buttons captions to defaults
- if (confirm("Restore default button captions?")){
- txts = defaultTxts;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("textstrings", JSON.stringify(txts));
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("textstrings", JSON.stringify(txts));
- }
- alert("Please reload to see the changes.");
- e.target.blur();
- }
- }
- async function exportlist(e){ // Display and populate export form, clean up from any prior use
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhexport")) insertExportForm();
- var expDiv = document.getElementById("ghhexport");
- document.getElementById("ghheximhead").innerHTML = "Export Block List";
- document.getElementById("ghheximinfo1").innerHTML = "These boxes display your current block list. " +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"expgotopreimp\" style=\"display:none\">Show old block list (prior to last import)</button><br /><br />" +
- "On the left, you have the list in its native format. By saving this format, you can preserve your regular/Perma-ban " +
- "block decisions. <br /><br />On the right, you have a simple list of domains. " +
- "This would be a good format for sharing your list with others.";
- if (!GM4){
- var currlist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
- } else {
- currlist = await GM.getValue("hideyhosts");
- }
- document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value = currlist;
- var domList = currlist.substr(1).replace(/:[tp]\|/g, "\n");
- document.getElementById("ghhtaright").value = domList.replace(/\n*$/, "");
- if (!GM4){
- var preimpolist = GM_getValue("hideyback", "");
- } else {
- preimpolist = await GM.getValue("hideyback", "");
- }
- if (preimpolist.length > 0){
- document.getElementById("expgotopreimp").addEventListener("click",exportoldlist,true);
- document.getElementById("expgotopreimp").style.display = "";
- }
- document.getElementById("ghhleftcontrols").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = "none";
- if (document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display == "none") document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display = "";
- expDiv.style.display = "block";
- e.target.blur();
- }
- function insertExportForm(){
- var dNew, btn, par, ta;
- dNew = document.createElement("div");
- dNew.id = "ghhexport";
- dNew.className = "ghhpane";
- dNew.setAttribute("style","position:fixed;top:10px;left:5%;width:90%;z-index:3002;background:#ddd;padding:1em;font-size:1.25em;display:none");
- dNew.innerHTML = "<button type=\"button\" onclick=\"this.parentNode.style.display='none'\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 4px 4px;\" class=\"ghhider\">Close</button>" +
- "<p style=\"margin-top:0; font-weight: bold;\" id=\"ghheximhead\"></p>" +
- "<p id=\"ghheximinfo1\"></p>" +
- "<div id=\"ghhleft\" style=\"width:49%;float:left\"><textarea id=\"ghhtaleft\" " +
- "spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"width:100%;height:" + (0.6*window.innerHeight) + "px;overflow-y:scroll\"></textarea>" +
- "<div id=\"ghhleftcontrols\" style=\"clear:left;display:none\"><p><button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhexp1\">Parse List for Import</button></p></div></div>" +
- "<div id=\"ghhright\" style=\"width:49%;float:right\"><textarea id=\"ghhtaright\" " +
- "spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"width:100%;height:" + (0.6*window.innerHeight) + "px;overflow-y:scroll\"></textarea>" +
- "<div id=\"ghhtbldiv\" style=\"height:" + (0.58*window.innerHeight) + "px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:scroll;background:#fff;padding:4px 0 0 4px;border:1px solid #aac;margin-top:1px;display:none\"></div> " +
- "<div id=\"ghhrightcontrols\" style=\"clear:right;display:none\"><p id=\"impradios\">Please review the above list for accuracy. If correct, add domains to: <br>" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"impbtype\" value=\"asis\"> the list specified under Block Type</label> <br />" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"impbtype\" value=\"t\"> the regular block list</label> <br />" +
- "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"impbtype\" value=\"p\"> the Perma-ban list</label> " +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhexp2\">Import</button> <span style=\"float:right; font-style:italic; opacity:0.8;\">Replace entire blocklist: <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chkimporepl\"></span></p></div></div>";
- document.body.appendChild(dNew);
- }
- function importlist(e){ // Display import form, clean up from any prior use
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhexport")) insertExportForm();
- var expDiv = document.getElementById("ghhexport");
- document.getElementById("ghheximhead").innerHTML = 'Import Block List';
- document.getElementById("ghheximinfo1").innerHTML = "<strong>As a precaution in case something goes wrong, please use the <button type=\"button\" id=\"impgotoexp\">Export</button> " +
- "feature to copy and save your current list as a backup.</strong> <br /><br />" +
- "To begin, paste your list into the left box below. Then click the Parse List for Import button. This script can import a list in its own native format, or a plain list of domains with a separate domain on each line, or " +
- "separated by spaces. (It also converts the Noise Reduction for Google and Google Domain Blocker formats.)";
- document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value = "";
- document.getElementById("ghhleftcontrols").style.display = "";
- document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("ghhexp1").addEventListener("click",parseList,true);
- document.getElementById("impgotoexp").addEventListener("click",exportlist,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("chkimporepl").checked = false;
- expDiv.style.display = "block";
- e.target.blur();
- }
- function parseList(e){ // Parse putative domain list and redisplay cleaned up
- var txt, sites = [], bHasTypes = 0, i, tbod, thd, rasis, lbpos, rbpos;
- txt = document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value;
- if (txt.length < 4){
- alert("Block list too short!");
- return;
- }
- document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").innerHTML = "";
- // clean up/convert domain list to pipe-delimited
- txt = txt.replace(/(http|https):/g, "");
- txt = txt.replace(/(,|\/|;)/g, "|");
- txt = txt.replace(/\s+/g, "|");
- txt = txt.replace(/\|+/g, "|");
- txt = txt.replace(/[\<\>"'=#\!\u2018\u2019\(\)\{\}]/g, "");
- // strip regex
- txt = txt.replace(/(\+|\*|\$|\\)/g, "");
- while (txt.indexOf("[") > -1 && txt.indexOf("]") > -1){
- lbpos = txt.indexOf("[");
- rbpos = txt.indexOf("]")
- if (lbpos > 0 && rbpos + 1 < txt.length) txt = txt.substring(0,lbpos) + txt.substring(rbpos+1);
- else {
- if (lbpos == 0 && rbpos + 1 < txt.length) txt = txt.substring(rbpos+1);
- else break; // for some reason, entire list is bracketed??
- }
- }
- if (txt.indexOf(":") > -1) bHasTypes = 1;
- sites = txt.split("|");
- for (i=0; i<sites.length; i++){
- if (sites[i].length > 1){
- if (sites[i].indexOf(".") == 0) sites[i] = sites[i].substr(1);
- if (sites[i].indexOf("?") > -1) sites[i] = sites[i].substr(0,sites[i].indexOf("?"));
- if (bHasTypes == 1){
- if (sites[i].indexOf(":t") == sites[i].length - 2 || sites[i].indexOf(":p") == sites[i].length - 2){
- sites[i] = "<tr><td>" + sites[i].replace(":t","</td><td>regular").replace(":p","</td><td>Perma-ban") + "</td></tr>";
- } else {
- if (sites[i].indexOf(":") > -1) sites[i] = sites[i].substr(0, sites[i].indexOf(":"));
- sites[i] = "<tr><td>" + sites[i] + "</td><td>(unspecified)</td></tr>";
- }
- } else { // Plain list
- sites[i] = "<tr><td>" + sites[i] + "</td></tr>";
- }
- }
- }
- tbod = "<tbody>\n" + sites.join("\n") + "</tbody>";
- if (sites.length == 0){
- alert("Unable to parse the list, sorry."); return;
- }
- if (bHasTypes == 1) thd = "<thead><tr><th>Domain</th><th>Block Type</th></tr></thead>";
- else thd = "<thead><tr><th>Domain</th></tr></thead>";
- document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").innerHTML = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"ghhtbl\" id=\"ghhparsed\">" + thd + tbod + "</table>";
- document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = "";
- rasis = document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").querySelectorAll("input[value='asis']")[0];
- if (bHasTypes == 1){
- if (rasis.hasAttribute("disabled")) rasis.removeAttribute("disabled");
- rasis.checked = true;
- rasis.parentNode.style.color = "";
- } else {
- rasis.setAttribute("disabled","disabled");
- rasis.parentNode.style.color = "rgb(172, 168, 153)";
- document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").querySelectorAll("input[value='t']")[0].checked = true;
- }
- document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").style.display = "block";
- document.getElementById("ghhexp2").addEventListener("click",doImport,true);
- e.target.blur();
- }
- async function doImport(e){ // Add sites from cleaned up domain list to script block lists
- var tbl, rads, i, typeRule, rows, dom, newDoms = "";
- tbl = document.getElementById("ghhparsed");
- if (!tbl){
- alert("Unable to locate table of parsed domains!");
- return;
- }
- if (tbl.parentNode.style.display == "none"){
- alert("Please start the import process again!");
- return;
- }
- rads = document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']");
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if (rads[i].checked){
- typeRule = rads[i].value;
- break;
- }
- }
- rows = tbl.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr");
- for (i=0; i<rows.length; i++){
- dom = rows[i].children[0].textContent;
- if (dom.lastIndexOf(".") < dom.length-2 && dom.indexOf(".") > 0){
- switch (typeRule){
- case "asis":
- if (rows[i].children[1].textContent == "Perma-ban") newDoms += dom + ":p|";
- else newDoms += dom + ":t|";
- break;
- default:
- newDoms += dom + ":" + typeRule + "|";
- }
- rows[i].style.backgroundColor = "#ff0";
- } else {
- rows[i].style.backgroundColor = "#f00";
- }
- }
- if (newDoms != ""){
- // Back up current block list
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyback", blist);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyback", blist);
- }
- if (document.getElementById("chkimporepl").checked == true){
- if (confirm("Delete current block list and replace it with domains you are importing? (To add to the current block list, click Cancel.)")) {
- blist = "";
- }
- }
- if (blist == "") blist = "|" + newDoms;
- else blist += newDoms;
- // Persist updated block list
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
- }
- if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList();
- hidehits(null,true);
- }
- alert("Import of yellow-highlighted domains completed. Please check the Management Pane to " +
- "view, sort, and/or de-duplicate your imported domains.");
- }
- async function exportoldlist(e){ // Display and populate export form with pre-import list
- if (!document.getElementById("ghhexport")) insertExportForm();
- var expDiv = document.getElementById("ghhexport");
- document.getElementById("ghheximhead").innerHTML = "Export Old (Pre-Import) Block List";
- document.getElementById("ghheximinfo1").innerHTML = "These boxes display your old block list from before the last import. " +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"expgotoblist\">Show current block list</button><br /><br />" +
- "On the left, you have the list in its native format. By saving this format, you can preserve your regular/Perma-ban " +
- "block decisions. <br /><br />On the right, you have a simple list of domains. " +
- "This would be a good format for sharing your list with others.";
- if (!GM4){
- var preimpolist = GM_getValue("hideyback", "");
- } else {
- preimpolist = await GM.getValue("hideyback", "");
- }
- document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value = preimpolist;
- var domList = preimpolist.substr(1).replace(/:[tp]\|/g, "\n");
- document.getElementById("ghhtaright").value = domList.replace(/\n*$/, "");
- document.getElementById("expgotoblist").addEventListener("click",exportlist,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhleftcontrols").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = "none";
- if (document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display == "none") document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display = "";
- expDiv.style.display = "block";
- e.target.blur();
- }
- async function sortlist(e){ // Alpha-sort block list
- if (listchgs > 0) {
- if (confirm("You have unsaved changes to your lists. Save changes and sort, or cancel sorting?")){
- saveedits(null);
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
- var sarray = blist.substr(1,blist.length-2).split("|");
- sarray.sort();
- // Persist sorted list
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", "|" + sarray.join("|") + "|");
- blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts");
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyhosts", "|" + sarray.join("|") + "|");
- blist = await GM.getValue("hideyhosts");
- }
- refreshSiteList();
- if (e) e.target.blur();
- }
- async function dedup(e){ // De-duplicate block lists
- if (!confirm("If you block example.com, you don't also need to block www.example.com. Remove unnecessary domains from the block list?")) return;
- var barray, i, j, iadd, smain, stest, sremd = "", sques = "";
- if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
- barray = blist.substr(1,blist.length-2).split("|");
- for (i=0; i<barray.length; i++){
- if (barray[i].indexOf(":t") > -1){
- barray[i] = barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].indexOf(":")).split(".").reverse().join(".") + "!t";
- } else {
- if (barray[i].indexOf(":p") > -1){
- barray[i] = barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].indexOf(":")).split(".").reverse().join(".") + "!p";
- } else {
- barray[i] = barray[i].split(".").reverse().join(".") + "!t";
- }
- }
- }
- barray.sort();
- for (i=0; i<barray.length-1; i++){
- iadd = 0;
- for (j=1; j<barray.length-i; j++){
- if (barray[i+j].indexOf(barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].length-2)) != 0) break;
- smain = barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].length-2).split(".").reverse().join(".");
- stest = barray[i+j].substr(0,barray[i+j].length-2).split(".").reverse().join(".");
- if (stest.indexOf(smain) < 0) break;
- if (barray[i].substr(barray[i].length-1) == barray[i+j].substr(barray[i+j].length-1)){
- blist = blist.replace(stest + ":" + barray[i+j].substr(barray[i+j].length-1) + "|", "");
- sremd += "|Removed: " + stest + "; Covered by: " + smain;
- iadd += 1;
- } else {
- stest += (barray[i+j].substr(barray[i+j].length-1) == "t") ? " (regular)" : " (permaban)";
- smain += (barray[i].substr(barray[i].length-1) == "t") ? " (regular)" : " (permaban)";
- sques += "|Didn't remove " + stest + " due to block type difference from " + smain;
- }
- }
- i += iadd;
- }
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
- }
- refreshSiteList();
- // ToDo: Alerts are temporary; nicer display "some day"
- if (sremd != "") alert(sremd.substr(1).replace(/\|/g,"\n"));
- if (sques != "") alert(sques.substr(1).replace(/\|/g,"\n"));
- if (sremd == "" && sques == "") alert("No unnecessary domains found.");
- if (e) e.target.blur();
- }
- async function unwww(e){ // Remove www from beginnings of domains
- if (!confirm("You can block other subdomains on example.com by removing www from the beginning (e.g., blog.example.com). Update the block list?")) return;
- if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
- blist = blist.replace(/\|www\./g, "\|");
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
- }
- refreshSiteList();
- if (e) e.target.blur();
- }
- // Misc functions
- function convertFormat(){
- if (GM4) return; //Legacy only
- if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist;
- blist = "|" + blist.slice(1).replace(/\|/g,":t|");
- GM_setValue("hideyhosts", blist);
- }
- function convertTxts(strTxts){
- var oldTxts;
- oldTxts = JSON.parse(strTxts);
- txts = defaultTxts;
- if (GM4) return; //Legacy only
- if (txtsPref.indexOf(":[") == -1){ // 0.8x to 0.9x+
- txts.block[0] = oldTxts.block;
- txts.unblock[0] = oldTxts.unblock;
- txts.pban[0] = oldTxts.pban;
- txts.okbtn[0] = oldTxts.okbtn;
- txts.cancelbtn[0] = oldTxts.cancelbtn;
- txts.savebtn[0] = oldTxts.savebtn;
- txts.closebtn[0] = oldTxts.closebtn;
- } else { // 0.9x to 1.1x+
- txts.block[0] = oldTxts.block[0];
- txts.unblock[0] = oldTxts.unblock[0];
- txts.pban[0] = oldTxts.pban[0];
- txts.okbtn[0] = oldTxts.okbtn[0];
- txts.cancelbtn[0] = oldTxts.cancelbtn[0];
- txts.savebtn[0] = oldTxts.savebtn[0];
- txts.closebtn[0] = oldTxts.closebtn[0];
- if (oldTxts.okPbtn) txts.okPbtn[0] = oldTxts.okPbtn[0];
- if (oldTxts.cancelMbtn) txts.cancelMbtn[0] = oldTxts.cancelMbtn[0];
- if (oldTxts.mngbtn) txts.mngbtn[0] = oldTxts.mngbtn[0];
- if (txts.savebtn[0]=="Save Changes") txts.savebtn[0]="Save Lists"; // v1.1
- // 1.1 to 1.2+
- if (oldTxts.eximbtn) txts.eximbtn[0] = oldTxts.eximbtn[0];
- // 1.2 to 1.3+
- if (oldTxts.utilbtn) txts.utilbtn[0] = oldTxts.utilbtn[0];
- if (oldTxts.sortbtn) txts.sortbtn[0] = oldTxts.sortbtn[0];
- if (oldTxts.unwwwbtn) txts.unwwwbtn[0] = oldTxts.unwwwbtn[0];
- if (oldTxts.dedupbtn) txts.dedupbtn[0] = oldTxts.dedupbtn[0];
- // 2.0.9+ (catch-up)
- if (oldTxts.onetime) txts.onetime[0] = oldTxts.onetime[0];
- if (oldTxts.shownotc) txts.shownotc[0] = oldTxts.shownotc[0];
- if (oldTxts.hidenotc) txts.hidenotc[0] = oldTxts.hidenotc[0];
- if (oldTxts.impobtn) txts.impobtn[0] = oldTxts.impobtn[0];
- if (oldTxts.sharebtn) txts.sharebtn[0] = oldTxts.sharebtn[0];
- }
- GM_setValue("textstrings", JSON.stringify(txts)); // requires Fx 3.5+
- }
- function ghhkillevent(e){
- if (e.currentTarget.nodeName == "BUTTON" || e.currentTarget.nodeName == "INPUT") return;
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- function toggleBlockHiders(str){
- var s = document.getElementById("ghhStyleNoBlock");
- if (str == "S"){
- if (s) s.parentNode.removeChild(s);
- return;
- }
- if (str == "H"){
- if (s) return;
- s = document.createElement("style");
- s.id = "ghhStyleNoBlock";
- s.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(".ghhb{display:none}"));
- document.body.appendChild(s);
- }
- }
- function refreshListeners(e){ // for AutoPager extension
- var bbtns, bnotc, i, j;
- if (!document.getElementById("navcnt")) return;
- bbtns = document.getElementById("navcnt").querySelectorAll(".ghhb");
- for (i=0;i<bbtns.length;i++){
- bbtns[i].removeEventListener("click",showbfd,true);
- bbtns[i].addEventListener("click",showbfd,true);
- }
- bnotc = document.getElementById("navcnt").querySelectorAll(".ghhd");
- for (i=0;i<bnotc.length;i++){
- bnotc[i].removeEventListener("click",reshow,true);
- bnotc[i].addEventListener("click",reshow,true);
- bbtns = bnotc[i].querySelectorAll("button.ghhider");
- for (j=0;j<bbtns.length;j++){
- if (bbtns[j].getAttribute("title")=="Unblock this site"){
- bbtns[j].removeEventListener("click",unblock,true);
- bbtns[j].addEventListener("click",unblock,true);
- }
- if (bbtns[j].getAttribute("title")=="Permanently hide this site"){
- bbtns[j].removeEventListener("click",permban,true);
- bbtns[j].addEventListener("click",permban,true);
- }
- if (bbtns[j].getAttribute("title")=="Re-hide this hit"){
- bbtns[j].removeEventListener("click",rehide,true);
- bbtns[j].addEventListener("click",rehide,true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function convertPrefs(arrPrefs, allnew){
- ghhPrefO = arrPrefs;
- if (GM4) return; // Legacy only
- if (allnew == "true"){ // 1.3.7 to 1.4.x
- var tmp = GM_getValue("shownotc");
- if (tmp){
- if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = tmp;
- GM_deleteValue("shownotc");
- }
- tmp = GM_getValue("mngpaneopen");
- if (tmp){
- if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = tmp;
- GM_deleteValue("mngpaneopen");
- }
- tmp = GM_getValue("mngbtnstyle");
- if (tmp){if (tmp.length > 0){
- if (tmp.indexOf("-")>-1) tmp = "both"; // default ancient pref
- ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = tmp;
- GM_deleteValue("mngbtnstyle");
- }}
- tmp = GM_getValue("addtolistpos");
- if (tmp){
- if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0] = tmp;
- GM_deleteValue("addtolistpos");
- }
- tmp = GM_getValue("aggressiveblock");
- if (tmp){
- if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0] = tmp;
- GM_deleteValue("aggressiveblock");
- }
- tmp = GM_getValue("usemutation");
- if (tmp){
- if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.usemutation[0] = tmp;
- GM_deleteValue("usemutation");
- }
- } else {
- if (ghhPrefs.indexOf("reserved1")>-1){
- var oldPrefs = JSON.parse(ghhPrefs);
- ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = oldPrefs.shownotc[0];
- ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = oldPrefs.mngpaneopen[0];
- ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = oldPrefs.mngbtnstyle[0];
- ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0] = oldPrefs.addtolistpos[0];
- ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0] = oldPrefs.aggressiveblock[0];
- ghhPrefO.usemutation[0] = oldPrefs.usemutation[0];
- ghhPrefO.oneclick[0] = oldPrefs.oneclick[0];
- }
- }
- GM_setValue("ghhprefs", JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); // requires Fx 3.5+
- }
- function togglebbtn(e){
- var bbtn = e.currentTarget.querySelector('.ghhb');
- if (bbtn){
- if (e.type == "mouseover") bbtn.style.visibility = "";
- else bbtn.style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- }
- function reQuery(e){
- var ss, rads, i;
- if (e){
- if (e.target.id == "ghhbf5") ss = "+site:";
- else ss = "+-site:";
- rads = e.target.form.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]');
- } else {
- ss = "+-site:"; // ALT omit
- rads = document.querySelector('#ghhblockform form').querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]');
- }
- if (rads.length > 0){
- for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){
- if(rads[i].checked){
- ss += rads[i].nextElementSibling.textContent;
- reQry(ss);
- break;
- }
- }
- } else console.log("LOG:reQuery fail: no rads");
- }
- function reQry(d){
- if (!d) return;
- var qsp = window.location.href.indexOf("?");
- if (qsp < 0) return;
- var q = window.location.href.substr(qsp+1);
- if (d.substr(0,2) == "+-" && (q.indexOf(d+"%20")>-1 || q.indexOf(d+"&")>-1)) return; // try to block dups, may be overinclusive
- var qa = q.split("&");
- var has_q = false
- for (var j=qa.length-1; j>=0; j--){
- if (qa[j].split("=")[0] == "q"){
- qa[j] += d;
- has_q = true;
- break;
- } else {
- if (qa[j].indexOf("#q=") > -1){
- qa[j] += d;
- has_q = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (has_q) window.location.href = window.location.href.substr(0, window.location.href.indexOf("?")+1) + qa.join("&");
- else console.log("LOG:Unable to add new search term to URL");
- }
- function toggleciteline(posit) {
- var ghhbd_sty = document.getElementById("bbposciteline");
- if (posit == "C"){
- if (!ghhbd_sty){
- ghhbd_sty = document.createElement("style");
- ghhbd_sty.id = "bbposciteline";
- ghhbd_sty.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- document.body.appendChild(ghhbd_sty);
- }
- // "inline" the action menu
- ghhbd_sty.appendChild(document.createTextNode(".action-menu {vertical-align:baseline !important;} .action-menu .clickable-dropdown-arrow, .action-menu .ab_button, .action-menu > a {display:none !important;} .action-menu-panel, .action-menu-panel ul, .action-menu-panel ol, .action-menu-item {display:inline !important; visibility: visible !important; border:none !important; box-shadow:none !important; background-color:transparent !important; margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; top:0 !important; height:auto !important; line-height:auto !important;} .action-menu-item a.fl, .action-menu-button {padding:0 0 0 6px !important; display:inline !important;} .action-menu-panel {position:static;} .action-menu-item a.fl:hover {text-decoration:underline !important;} .action-menu + .crc {margin-right: 9px !important;} .action-menu + .crc ._Bs {margin-left: 1px !important;}"));
- // restyle the block button
- ghhbd_sty.appendChild(document.createTextNode(".ghhb {border:none!important; text-decoration:none!important; font-size:1em!important; color:#333!important; padding:0!important; margin-left:8px!important;} .ghhb:hover {background:transparent!important; text-decoration:underline !important;}"));
- } else { // remove citeline rules
- if (ghhbd_sty){
- while(ghhbd_sty.firstChild) ghhbd_sty.removeChild(ghhbd_sty.firstChild);
- }
- }
- }
- function openCustomStyleBar(e){
- // Create fixed div with text input and buttons: Save, Test, Close
- var csb = document.getElementById("ghhcsb");
- if (csb){
- csb.style.display = "block";
- } else {
- csb = document.createElement("div");
- csb.id = "ghhcsb";
- csb.setAttribute("style","position:fixed;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:750;width:100%;background-color:#afa;");
- csb.innerHTML = "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\"><p style=\"margin:0.75em;\"><input id=\"ghhcsbrule\" type=\"text\" style=\"width:80%\"> " +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhcsb1\" title=\"Save and Apply\">Save</button> " +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhcsb2\" title=\"Test Current Rules\">Test</button> " +
- "<button type=\"button\" id=\"ghhcsb3\" title=\"Close\">Close</button></p></form>";
- document.body.appendChild(csb);
- document.getElementById("ghhcsb1").addEventListener("click",saveCustomStyle,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhcsb2").addEventListener("click",testCustomStyle,true);
- document.getElementById("ghhcsb3").addEventListener("click",closeCustomStyleBar,true);
- }
- document.getElementById("ghhcsbrule").value = custSty;
- }
- async function saveCustomStyle(e){
- // Update preferences and apply change to style#ghhbdcuststy
- custSty = document.getElementById("ghhcsbrule").value;
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue("hiderStyles", custSty);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue("hiderStyles", custSty);
- }
- injectCustom();
- document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy").innerHTML = "";
- document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy").appendChild(document.createTextNode(custSty));
- }
- function testCustomStyle(e){
- // Add/Edit style#ghhbdcuststy
- injectCustom();
- document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy").innerHTML = "";
- document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy").appendChild(document.createTextNode(document.getElementById("ghhcsbrule").value));
- }
- function closeCustomStyleBar(e){
- // Turn off display and reapply saved style to style#ghhbdcuststy
- document.getElementById("ghhcsb").style.display = "none";
- injectCustom();
- document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy").innerHTML = "";
- document.getElementById("ghhbdcuststy").appendChild(document.createTextNode(custSty));
- }
- function removePBs(e){ // GoogleMonkeyR layout only
- // Schedule Permaban removal (prevent simultaneous/conflicting runs)
- var PBsBlanks = document.querySelectorAll("table#GTR li[blockhidden], table#GTR div.g[blockhidden], table#GTR td:empty");
- if (PBsBlanks.length < 1) return;
- if (t_pb) window.clearTimeout(t_pb);
- t_pb = window.setTimeout(GMRshuffle, 100);
- }
- function GMRshuffle(){ // GoogleMonkeyR layout only
- // Delete Permaban hits
- var PBs = document.querySelectorAll("table#GTR li[blockhidden], table#GTR div.g[blockhidden]");
- if (PBs.length > 0){
- for (var i=PBs.length; i>0; i--) PBs[i-1].remove();
- }
- // Check entire table for empty cells and shuffle contents
- var tbl, row, cell, empties;
- tbl = document.getElementById("GTR");
- for (row=0; row<tbl.rows.length; row++){
- empties = tbl.rows[row].querySelectorAll("td:empty").length;
- if (empties > 0 && empties < tbl.rows[row].cells.length){
- for (cell=0; cell<tbl.rows[row].cells.length; cell++){
- if (tbl.rows[row].cells[cell].childNodes.length == 0){
- if (fillFromNext(tbl.rows[row].cells[cell]) == "STOP"){
- if (t_pb) window.clearTimeout(t_pb);
- t_pb = window.setTimeout(GMRshuffle, 1000);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function fillFromNext(tgt){
- var src = getNextCell(tgt, true);
- if (!src) return "STOP";
- while (src.childNodes.length > 0) tgt.appendChild(src.childNodes[0]);
- }
- function getNextCell(aCell, blnNonEmpty){
- var startcell = aCell;
- var retcell;
- var i=0;
- while (i<1000) {
- if (startcell.nextElementSibling){ // not the last cell in the row
- retcell = startcell.nextElementSibling;
- } else {
- if (startcell.parentNode.nextElementSibling){ // last cell in row and there's another row
- retcell = startcell.parentNode.nextElementSibling.cells[0];
- } else {
- return null; // end of table
- }
- }
- if (!retcell){
- return null; // corrupted table structure
- }
- if (blnNonEmpty){
- if (retcell.querySelector("li")){
- return retcell;
- } else {
- startcell = retcell;
- }
- } else {
- return retcell;
- }
- i++
- }
- }
- // "Add All" feature 2.0.9
- async function addAllNow(e){
- var unb = document.querySelectorAll('[ghhresult="unset"][ghhhost]'), dom = '', pdom = '', domlist = '';
- for (var i=0; i<unb.length; i++){
- // Compute domain based on user preference
- dom = unb[i].getAttribute('ghhhost');
- pdom = dom.substr(dom.indexOf('.') + 1);
- if (pdom.indexOf('.') > -1 && patIPv4.test(dom) != true){
- switch (bAggress){
- case 'all':
- dom = pdom; break;
- case 'www':
- if (dom.substr(0,3) == 'www') dom = pdom; break;
- default:
- // default to full domain
- }
- }
- // Add dom to doms arrray (avoiding duplicates)
- if (doms.includes(dom) !== true) doms.push(dom);
- }
- // Add new domains to the currently displayed block list
- if (document.querySelector('button.ghhCurTab').id == 'ghhts3'){ // pban
- domlist = doms.join(':p|') + ':p';
- } else { // regular
- domlist = doms.join(':t|') + ':t';
- }
- if (blist.substr(0,1) != '|') blist = '|' + blist;
- if (addAt == 'end') blist += domlist + '|';
- else blist = '|' + domlist + blist;
- needupdate = true;
- // Store the list
- if (!GM4){
- GM_setValue('hideyhosts', blist);
- } else {
- await GM.setValue('hideyhosts', blist);
- }
- // Apply the change to the results
- hidehits(null,true);
- if (document.getElementById('GTR')) removePBs();
- // Update the dialog
- if (addAt == 'sort') sortlist(null);
- refreshSiteList();
- }