Wayback Machine Favicon Fixer

Attempts to add a favicon to a site crawled by the Wayback Machine in the event one does not come up normally

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v1.3.0 2022-12-04

    Moved to a sandbox because Wayback Machine's wombat script was interfering with getting the proper URLs

  • v1.2.1 2017-08-17 Added im_ flag to image URL so it shows up as an actual image
  • v1.2.0 2016-10-04 Now only looks at site's root. Replaced use of GM_xmlhttpRequest with JSONP callback
  • v1.1.0 2016-04-05 Now avoids cases where you're looking directly at an image
  • v1.0.0 2016-01-21