View or download the full-size Instagram image/video. Super simple: press alt+f or shift & click to view media - alt & click saves file. Read for more options.
Thanks. I havent updated the script in more then 2 years.
Your suggestion is implemented. Hope it works, could not test it.
#n41 e.altKey
is never true on Alt + F event, so it goes to
Alt + Left Click works.
You sure? When I open https: // in Chrome and press alt+f it opens the photo in a new tab. It doesn't work in popup mode!
What's the desired behavior? I thought Alt + F was supposed to do GM_download
directly, not open the photo in a new tab.
Please note, that you have to enable browser API downloads by following these steps:
The trigger in Chrome is Alt+Click, not Alt+F
enable browser API
Yes I had done that obviously
The trigger in Chrome is Alt+Click, not Alt+F
Then it works as intended, thanks!
you're welcome :)
Preaching the gospel of GM_download, brothers
Recent browser updates kinda hung us userscripters to dry with the removal of the
attribute on cross-origin hrefs.Luckily Tampermonkey (Chrome) has GM_download, check it out!