Flickr Original Link

Show direct links to download original Flickr image and some other sizes.

目前为 2014-07-08 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Flickr Original Link
// @namespace
// @include     http://**
// @include     https://**
// @version		4.0
// @grant 		none
// @require
// @description 	Show direct links to download original Flickr image and some other sizes. 
// ==/UserScript==
 var action_singlephoto = function() {
	var size = document.documentElement.innerHTML.match(/"sizes":{(.+?})}/i);
	var mWidth, mHeight, mLink, mSize, length;
	var strCss = ".bigButton {display : inline-block; cursor : pointer; border-style : solid; border-width : 2px; border-radius : 50px; padding : 15px 15px; font-size : 10pt; font-weight : bold;} .smallButton { display:	 inline-block; padding: 0.6em; margin: 0.4em; background-color: pink;	 border-radius:1.5em;font-size:10pt}";
	mSize = size[0].match(/"width":"?\d+"?,"height":"?\d+"?,/ig);
	mLink = size[0].match(/"url":"[^"]+"/ig);
	length = mLink.length;
	for (var k = 0; k < length; k++) {
	    mSize[k] = mSize[k].replace(/"width":(\d+),"height":(\d+),/i, "$1 x $2");
	    mLink[k] = "http:" + mLink[k].replace(/"url":"([^"]+)"/i, "$1").replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/\.jpg/i, "_d.jpg");
	$('head').append('<style>' + strCss + '</style>');
	var insertLocation = $('.sub-photo-right-row1');
	if (insertLocation.length > 0) {
	    insertLocation.append('<a class="bigButton" href="' + mLink[length - 1] + '">DOWNLOAD ' + mSize[length - 1] + ' px</a>');
	    for (var k = 0; k < 7; k++) {
		if (length - k - 2 > 0) insertLocation.append('<a class="smallButton" href="' + mLink[length - 2 - k] + '">' + mSize[length - 2 - k] + ' px</a>');
    var source = "";
    var pageType = function() {
	var title = $('head title').text();
	var type = "none";
	if (title.match(/flickr.+photostream/i) != null) type = 'photostream';
	else if (title.match(/flickr - photo sharing/i) != null) type = 'singlephoto';
	console.log("Type = " + type);
	return type;
    var flickr_mouseenter = function() {
	if ($(this).find('#myFuckingLink').length > 0) return;
	var photoId = $(this).find('img').attr('id').split("_").pop();
	for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
	    if (source[i].indexOf(photoId) == 8) {
		var link = source[i].match(/https?[^"]+/)[0].replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/\.jpg/, "_d.jpg").replace(/https/, "http");
		var size = source[i].replace(/.+"width":"?(\d+)"?,"height":"?(\d+)"?.*/, "$1 x $2 px");
		$(this).find('.attribution-block').append('<div id="myFuckingLink"><a href="' + link + '">DOWNLOAD ' + size + '</a>');
    var action_photostream = function() {
	source = document.documentElement.innerHTML.match(/"file":"[^}]+}}/g);
	if (source == null) return;
	var t1 = $('a[data-track="prev"]').attr('href');
	var t2 = $('span.this-page').text();
	t1 = t1.replace(/\/page\d+\//i, "/page" + t2 + "/");
	var $div = $('<div>');
	$div.load(t1, function() {
	    var source2 = $(this).text().match(/"file":"[^}]+}}/g);
	    source = source.concat(source2);
	$('body').bind('DOMNodeInserted', function() {
    var type = pageType();
    if (type == 'photostream') action_photostream();
    else if (type == 'singlephoto') action_singlephoto();