// ==UserScript==
// @name Block Youtube Users / Channels
// @author Schegge
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/12632-schegge
// @description Prevent from seeing videos by certain users (from recommended, search, related channels...)
// @version 2.1.6
// @match *://www.youtube.com/*
// @exclude *://www.youtube.com/embed/*
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @icon 
// ==/UserScript==
→ the program is case-insensitive
→ split the usernames with a comma
→ put a * in front of a word for wildcard (only in the blacklist!), it will find the word no matter its position in the username (example: *vevo)
→ it also hides videos from the playlists, but it doesn't prevent them from playing if the playlist is in autoplay (download another script that disables autoplay!)
→ on line 187 the channels' hovercards are disabled, comment it if you want them (they seem to cause a problem on the MutationObserver, but it does NOT broke this script anyway, so whatever)
→ on line 190 you can change the pages in which the search is excluded
# blacklist editor changed
# whitelist added
# no need to refresh the page after changes in the blacklist/whitelist
# added ☆ button to force a new search (in case of problems?)
# added button for suspend temporarily the block (to reactivate it just click on the star/save or refresh the page)
<!> please report any bugs
(function($) {
// get black/whitelist saved
var sBL, sWL, ytblacklist, ytwhitelist;
function getValues() {
sBL = GM_getValue("savedblocks", "the program is case-insensitive, split the usernames with a comma, put a * in front of a word for wildcard, it will find the word no matter its position in the username, example, *vevo, delete all of this");
sWL = GM_getValue("savedwhites", "put here whitelisted usernames, if for example you blacklist *vevo, but you want to see IndilaVEVO, write here:, indilavevo, delete all of this");
ytblacklist = sBL.split(",");
ytwhitelist = sWL.split(",");
// where the usernames are
var uClasses = [".g-hovercard", ".branded-page-related-channels-list", ".video-uploader-byline"];
// add blacklist button to masthead
$buttonB = $("<span>", {
id: "yt-blacklist",
html: "B",
css: {
"cursor": "pointer",
"margin-right": "2px",
"font-size": "22px",
"vertical-align": "middle"
$buttonR = $("<span>", {
id: "yt-blacklist-research",
html: "☆",
css: {
"cursor": "pointer",
"font-size": "12px",
"vertical-align": "top",
"margin-right": "5px"
// elements for user input
var marginright = ( $(window).width() - $buttonB.offset().left - $buttonB.outerWidth() - $buttonR.outerWidth() - 20 );
var margintop = $("#yt-masthead-container").height() + parseInt($("#yt-masthead-container").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($("#yt-masthead-container").css("padding-bottom"));
$divInput = $("<div>", {
id: "yt-blacklist-options",
css: {
"display": "none",
"position": "fixed",
"right": marginright + "px",
"top": margintop + "px",
"padding": "0 20px 15px 20px",
"text-align": "center",
"background-color": "#fff",
"box-shadow": "0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
"border": "1px solid #e8e8e8",
"border-top": "0",
"z-index": "99999999999"
$textareaBL = $('<div style="display:inline-block; width:350px; vertical-align:top; margin:0 5px; box-sizing:border-box">' +
'<div style="text-align:center; font-weight:500; margin-bottom:5px"> Blacklist </div>' +
'<textarea id="blacklist-words" style="resize:vertical; width:100%; height:80px; padding:4px; border:2px solid rgba(0,0,0,.13); box-sizing:border-box">' +
sBL + '</textarea></div>');
$textareaWL = $('<div style="display:inline-block; width:250px; vertical-align:top; margin:0 5px; box-sizing:border-box">' +
'<div style="text-align:center; font-weight:500; margin-bottom:5px"> Whitelist </div>' +
'<textarea id="whitelist-words" style="resize:vertical; width:100%; height:80px; padding:4px; border:2px solid rgba(0,0,0,.13); box-sizing:border-box">' +
sWL + '</textarea></div>');
$saveDiv = $('<div style="clear:both; padding-bottom: 10px; margin-top:1px; text-align:right">' +
'<span id="saveblacklist" style="cursor:pointer; color:#cc181e; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25); border-radius:2px">' +
' save </span></div>');
$suspend = $("<div id='yt-blacklist-suspend' style='cursor: pointer; font-size: 70%; opacity: .5; text-align: right; padding-top: 5px'> suspend block </div>");
$saved = $('<span style="margin-right: 7px; font-size: 80%"> saved and searched again </span>');
// open and close textareas
$("#yt-blacklist").click(function() {
// check if a username is whitelisted
function ifWhite(u) {
var whitelisted = false;
for(var z = 0; z < ytwhitelist.length; z++) {
var w = ytwhitelist[z].trim().toLowerCase();
if (w.length && u === w) {
whitelisted = true;
return whitelisted;
// check if a username is blacklisted
function ifMatch(u) {
var match = false;
if ( !ifWhite(u) ) { // if the username isn't whitelisted
for (var j = 0; j < ytblacklist.length; j++) {
var b = ytblacklist[j].trim().toLowerCase();
if ( b.charAt(0) == "*" ) { // wildcards
var part = b.split("*"),
item = part[1];
if ( item.length && u.indexOf(item) !== -1 ) {
match = true;
} else { // exact match
if ( b.length && u == b ) {
match = true;
return match;
// delete blacklisted
function suspend(s) {
$(s).each(function() {
if ( $(this).siblings(".span-is-black").length ) {
} else if ( $(this).parents(".li-is-black").length ) {
// do the thing
function findMatch(s) {
$(s).each(function() {
var username = $(this).text().trim().toLowerCase();
if ( ifMatch(username) ) { // if the username is blacklisted
if ( $(this).parents("#watch-header").length ) { // WATCH VIDEO
if ( !$(this).siblings(".span-is-black").length ) { // check if it wasn't already blacklisted
$(".yt-user-info").append("<span class=\"span-is-black\" style=\"color:rgb(204, 24, 30);font-weight:500\">BLACKLISTED!</span>");
} else { // SEARCH, RECOMMENDED, etc...
if ( !$(this).parents(".li-is-black").length ) { // check if it wasn't already blacklisted
} else { // if a previous black/whitelist word is deleted/added
// the final search function
function search() {
if ( yt.config_.UNIVERSAL_HOVERCARDS ) { yt.config_.UNIVERSAL_HOVERCARDS = false; }
var url = window.location.pathname;
if ( url != ( "/feed/history" || "/playlist?list=WL" || "/feed/subscriptions" ) ) {
for (var i = 0; i < uClasses.length; i++) {
// search when youtube is first opened
// save blacklist changes and research
$("#saveblacklist").click(function() {
GM_setValue("savedblocks", $('#blacklist-words').val());
GM_setValue("savedwhites", $('#whitelist-words').val());
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
// research when $buttonR is clicked
$("#yt-blacklist-research").click(function() {
// suspend the block when $suspend is clicked
$("#yt-blacklist-suspend").click(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < uClasses.length; i++) {
// research after every change in #content
var target = document.querySelector('#content');
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true };
observer.observe(target, config);